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Evolution By Perri, Marina and Chloe. Who was Charles Darwin?

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution By Perri, Marina and Chloe. Who was Charles Darwin?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution By Perri, Marina and Chloe

2 Who was Charles Darwin?

3 ●Charles Darwin was the father of evolution ● Wrote a book o On the Origins of Species ●Buried next to Isaac Newton

4 Who was Charles Lyell?

5 ●American geologist ●He studied landforms and how the Earth changed over time

6 Thomas Malthus

7 ●Thomas Malthus was a sociologist, scientist, and a politician. ●He studied why some people survived disease and some didn’t. ●(Survival of the Fittest)

8 Who was Alfred Wallace?

9 ●He immediately came up with the same exact conclusions as Darwin ●Darwin contacts Wallace - they work together and publish articles independently and together

10 What were were Darwin’s two main points?

11 ●Descent with modification o New organism forms due to the accumulation of mutations over millions of years  New species evolved ●Natural Selection o Nature selects the stronger and more desirable and those traits are then passed down to their offspring  Beneficial mutation

12 What is a fossil?

13 ●The remains of a formerly existing creature from a long time ago

14 What is a fossil record?

15 ●A timeline of when organisms existed in relationships to other organisms

16 What are the two ways to determine how something is relative to something else?

17 ●Relative dating - this is older/younger than that without a timeframe ●Absolute dating - carbon dating pinpoints a more specific time period ●Half Life - the amount of time it takes for half an element to break down and disappear ●Ex. Carbone has a life of 5,730 years

18 What does Extinct mean?

19 ●When the last living member of a species dies ●There are no more of that certain species

20 What are homologous structures?

21 ●Structures that look the same but are different ●Ex: Cats front foot and human hand ●This suggests a common ancestor

22 Analogous Structures?

23 ●They look different but do the same thing ●Ex: Birds, bees, butterflies all have wings but don’t look alike ●They do not have a common ancestor

24 What is a vestigial structure?

25 ●Structure in the body that was used at one time in the past but no longer is used during current time Ex. appendix, and tail bone in humans

26 What is variation?

27 ●The natural or expected differences within 1 type of organisms ●EX: size and height

28 Natural vs. Artificial Selection?

29 ●The idea that nature chooses what is more desirable vs. selection by organisms to support or not support living ●EX: teacup poodles

30 Antibiotics vs. Pesticides

31 ●Antibiotics can cause medications to work in the future because organisms adapt to them (natural variation) ●Bacteria has natural variation and it changes depending on their environment ●Pesticides work in a similar way ○farmers use them on crops ●Some insects can withstand the pesticides

32 What is speciation?

33 ●The formation of new species due to the accumulation of mutations

34 What is geographic isolation?

35 ●A huge impediment to evolution and reproduction ●Location makes it difficult to breed

36 What is reproductive isolation?

37 ●When two organisms are capable of breeding but due to timing differences in the reproductive cycle, they do not breed with each other ●Ex. Skunks and cranes

38 Genetic Drift

39 ●The movement or change in genes from one generation to the next ●EX: eye color in Sweden (prone to blue eyes)

40 Gene Pool

41 ●All of the available genes in the population

42 What is adaptive radiation?

43 ●Life can be found in the most extreme environments ●Wherever something can live, something will live ●Ex. Hawaii/ albatross

44 Bottleneck/Founder effect

45 When a disease or natural disaster wipes out a significant amount of the population, it creates a smaller gene pool and some genes are lost forever EX: beads in a bottle, stuck in the bottom

46 What is the difference between disruptive, directional, and stabilizing selection?

47 ●Stabilizing - favors the average ●Directional - favors one extreme or the other ●Disruptive - favors both extremes at the same time

48 What is cost-benefit analysis?

49 ●The measuring of pros and cons to determine a course of action

50 What is gradualism?

51 ●Slowly over time, mutations and changes will occur and organisms will evolve gradually

52 What is punctuated equilibrium?

53 ●Philosophy that organisms stay the way they are for long periods of time, then there is a drastic change due to the environment. ●In the end, they change quickly and stay the same for a long time again

54 What is co- evolution?

55 ●This is when multiple species evolve together ●Change over time ●EX. hummingbird and flower = nectar

56 What is parallel evolution?

57 ●Organisms that evolve along a parallel pathway but do not necessarily share a common ancestor ●Ex: Shark and a whale o similar body type to move through water but not related

58 What is divergent evolution?

59 ●Organisms that share common ancestors and evolve up to a certain point - then they branch and develop in different directions ●Ex. human hand and a whale flipper

60 What is convergent evolution?

61 ●Very similar to parallel evolution ●organisms that developed on different paths through mutations and came to a common structure

62 What were the first organisms on Earth?

63 ●Organism were anaerobic – didn’t breathe oxygen ●Not heterotrophs – made their own food – autotrophs ●Give off oxygen over hundreds of millions of years ●Organisms were then able to become more complex and multicellular

64 What was the Endosymbiotic Theory?

65 ●Hypothesis ●Mitochondria and chloroplasts one lived on their own ●They merged w another type of simple cell and all benefited from this relationship ●Mutualistic relationship and over time became dependent on each other ●Need each other to survive

66 What was Miller and Urey?

67 ●Theory of life – Miller’s Flask

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