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Chapter 20 The Conservative Order and the Challenge of Reform.

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2 Chapter 20 The Conservative Order and the Challenge of Reform

3 Congress of Vienna agreed to hold future meetings to make sure treaty was enforced Keep the peace and maintain legitimacy

4 Congress of Aix-la –Chapelle 1818 France proposes that foreign troops be withdrawn-Louis XVIII will never get support of the people if he is aided by foreign troops Other powers agree since they want France to forget the revolutionary past and embrace the Bourbons again

5 Also discuss the Atlantic Slave Trade & Barbary Pirates Need: Ships Right to board and search

6 Problem: British only one with large enough navy, but don’t want to give up any ships for this duty Other countries don’t want to give British the right to search ships

7 Tsar Alexander I Suggests a permanent European Union and an international military force to protect against future revolutions

8 British want to stay independent in their actions and refuse to join Lord Castlereagh Foreign Minister & British representative at the Congress

9 The other driving force of European politics is Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria He is concerned with maintaining the status quo and preventing political change

10 1820 kings of Spain and Naples were forced by revolutionaries to accept liberal constitutions Metternich feels this is the first step toward revolution and calls a conference of the powers at Troppau

11 Metternich gets Prussia and Austria to agree to the Protocol of Troppau to protect all recognized European states Austria moves into Naples and restores king France sends troops into Spain to bring order

12 Metternich would be the Austrian Foreign Minister from 1809 to 1848 He believed that people were prone to error, excess and self- serving behavior

13 Metternich feels that a strong government was necessary to protect society from the lurking evil Liberals

14 Metternich sees liberalism as leading to revolution and nationalism Metternich is against this as a threat to the aristocratic class and to Austria itself

15 Why is it a threat to the aristocratic class? Why is it a threat to Austria?

16 Revolution would threaten the traditional class privileges of the aristocrats as happened in France Privileges

17 Nationalism was the enemy of Austria, which was made up of: Germans Magyars Czechs Italians Poles Ukrainians Slovenes Croats Serbs Romanians Slavs

18 He is able to pass in the German Confederation, with Prussia’s help, the Carlsbad Decrees Required the members to root out subversive ideas in the universities and newspapers. Also set up spy networks to investigate liberal and radical organizations.

19 Why is Metternich unable to stop all the change? Too far off to stop it Forces too powerful to stop

20 Latin American Independence Influenced by the Enlightenment and the American Revolution Hope to take advantage of turmoil of Napoleonic Wars to gain independence Movement led by middle class

21 Initial efforts fail, but leaders wait for another possible moment When Spain was caught up in the new constitution and invasion of Spain by France

22 Simon Bolivar San Martin

23 Why doesn’t the rest of Europe help restore ‘legitimacy’ to the Spanish Empire? Countries can not do much without cooperation of England

24 England prefers the Spanish colonies be independent *weakens Spain as a rival *more countries to trade with

25 The newly independent nations are supported by the US with the Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine

26 Failure of the Congress System *Not all countries want to be involved England and France have other interests *Make no attempt for accommodations with the new movements *No positive ideas, only maintaining the status quo

27 1825 Alexander I dies

28 Some members of Russian officer corps brought back new ideas during the campaigns against France Want to set up new type of government, perhaps a constitutional monarchy

29 These officers favor the younger brother Constantine Had soldiers in St Petersburg shout “Constantine and Constitution” Uneducated soldiers thought constitution was Constantine’s wife Constitution

30 Constantine had already renounced the throne in favor of his brother who became Nicholas I Leaders of the Decembrist Revolt were executed or sent to Siberia

31 Nicholas I will be an autocratic ruler who claps more repression down on Russia

32 France 1820-1830 After Napoleon the Bourbons were restored Louis XVIII would like to be an absolute king but is smart enough to know that is not possible

33 Louis XVIII

34 Biggest problem are the Ultras Ultraroyalists made up of émigrés who had returned and wanted their old way of life

35 Louis dies in 1824 New king is Charles X An Ultra

36 Puts other ultras in key positions in the government Opponents have the majority of the Chamber of Deputies

37 To lessen opposition Charles and his ministers make new voting qualifications which disqualify most of the bourgeois who make up the opposition

38 July 1830 the people of Paris take to the streets & throw up barricades Charles X abdicates


40 Crown-as constitutional monarch- goes to Duc of Orleans Louis Philippe Fought in Revolutionary army Dad chopped in Reign

41 Netherlands Belgium

42 Union of Netherlands and Belgium only worked in economics Trade, colonies and banking of Netherlands worked with manufacturing of Belgium Netherlands supplied raw materials & markets Belgium supplied textiles, glass and other goods

43 In all other areas such as religion, language, customs, and politics everything was different King William made Dutch the official language Seats in Assembly equally divided, but Belgium had 75% more people

44 August 1830 students inspired by Paris uprising begin a revolt Working class makes them stronger Middle class gives leadership By end of September the Dutch mostly driven out

45 Middleclass dominated congress proclaims independence and sets up constitutional monarchy Chooses son of Louis Philippe as king England not amused

46 Select instead Leopold of Saxe- Coburg Widowed son in law of George IV of England Marries daughter of Louis Philippe

47 Dutch forced to accept independence of Belgium England pushes treaty that guarantees independence & neutrality of Belgium Signed by Britain, Austria, Russia, France and Prussia

48 Metternich do not like this, but he can’t fight England and France who both support Belgium England Aust ria France

49 Poland Under the rule of Russia November 1830 starts revolt Leadership taken by nobles who want freedom from Russia, but no social changes Collapses in September 1831



52 1820’S New Tory leadership Sir Robert Peel Son of a cotton lord Sensitive to needs of businessmen

53 Tory party will: Reduce tariffs Give equal rights to Catholics Professional police force started

54 Biggest issue was the underrepresentation in Parliament Less than 1/6 could vote Entire cities had no representation One borough, Old Sarum had 2 seats and no population

55 A gathering in Manchester’s St. Peter’s Field to hear speakers on voting rights was broken up by the army-11 dead and hundreds wounded Peterloo Shows government's concern about social unrest

56 After several attempts Whigs get Reform Bill of 1832 through Commons Lords rejects it Uprisings throughout England Whigs get king to threaten Lords with creating new Lords

57 Increases voting by 60% Eliminates 56 boroughs Cuts 30 boroughs to 1 member Gave seats to new cities

58 British address social pressure through gradual, controlled change 1835 Municipal Corporation 1833 Factory Act-no child labor <9 1847 10 Hour Act-women and children work 10 hours Mines Act of 1842-improves conditions, no women or males under 9

59 1834 Poor Law – ‘public relief’ Creates Poor Houses for the poor to stay in Made these as uncomfortable as possible to encourage people to leave and go to work

60 Poor House

61 During the Napoleonic Wars England was unable to import grain from Eastern Europe Led to higher prices & larger profits for landed aristocracy in England

62 After the war grain could be imported, but country squires who dominated the government pass the Corn Law which limits imports to keep prices high

63 1838 form the Anti-Corn League Corn Law repealed in 1846

64 How does England avoid the revolutions that will plague other countries? Use reform legislation to provide gradual change

65 Stability Victoria become queen in 1837 Reigns until 1901

66 A key part of the Liberal doctrine was the “stake in society” theory People involved in the government process should have something to lose

67 In many countries it was the bourgeois who were the prime movers in economics and government

68 The bourgeois becomes to be seen as the employer The bourgeois is now the opposite and the opposition to the working class

69 As industrialization grows, so does the idea of socialism In France it is renewed interest in Revolutionary writings

70 In England it is a working class group called the Chartists They are named for the document they support: The People’s Charter

71 People’s Charter of 1838 1.Annual elections of Parliament 2.Universal male suffrage 3.Secret ballot 4.Equal electoral districts 5.Abolition of property qualifications for Commons 6.Payment for Commons

72 Charter is rejected by Commons who see it as a threat to property rights and the current economic system

73 While the popular support and demonstrations do not get the charter passed, all parts of it will become part of the government at some point

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