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Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Elias Caro. 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Background & Vision Coulter Translational Research Award (CTRA) (previously Early.

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Presentation on theme: "Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Elias Caro. 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Background & Vision Coulter Translational Research Award (CTRA) (previously Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Elias Caro

2 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Background & Vision Coulter Translational Research Award (CTRA) (previously Early Career) –One day/year for 4 yrs. annual meeting –IP, FDA, reimbursement, funding, valuation, competition, market, etc. Take the best of CTRA to train students & PIs interested in translating innovation

3 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Program Elements Two-day primer in translational research (action learning) Instructors: Senior design professors, MDs, VCs & entrepreneurs Teams of 6 students, BME senior design professor & clinical collaborator Pre-course assignment –Observation & problem identification –Disease state fundamentals: Treatment options & stakeholder analysis –Each team brings 3 problems –Read corresponding chapters BIODESIGN© book (Zenos, Makower, Yock)

4 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Program Elements First day – BIODESIGN© inspired –Need statement, strategic focus, market analysis, needs filtering –Ends with brainstorming & prototyping –Time to consult with clinical collaborators Second day – Coulter Process –Starts with speed dating: 6 ideas/6 judges –IP, claims writing, killer experiment, FDA & reimbursement –Ends with a VC pitch competition

5 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Novel Feature Two-days primer on patient centered biomedical innovation It is an experiment Can we pack this two-day course? – Primer for senior design class – For BME+ professors interested in translating innovation

6 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Best Practices Last year experiment didn’t include the pre-course material, the design day and teams. –We expect this year course design should improve learning outcomes

7 2013 BME-IDEA – Seattle, WA Outcomes Before & after survey Quality of the funding Coulter College’s projects vs. others from their senior design class –Designs that win student competitions

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