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Published byEvangeline Clarke Modified over 9 years ago
Directions for finding a restaurant Maria Denisova Daria Kuzmina MR-24 Teacher Volodina L.A
1. A place where you can buy stamp, send a letter or receive a parcel is a …… office. 2. You stop at the …… station to buy fuel for your car. 3. A place where one can consult a doctor. 4. A very tall building. 5. Children from 7 to 17 attend it. 6. If you’d like to see a play, you go there. 7. A place where one can buy some food and clothes (not a shop). 8. You can buy footwear there. 9. A person who is suspected to have committed a crime is taken there. 10. A place where two streets or roads meet. 11. A big shop where one can buy clothes, different things for household, etc., but usually not food is a …… store. 12. A place from where you start on a trip by train is a ……. Station. 13. A place where people come to play tennis is a tennis …….. 14. A place near water where you can have a rest.
1. A place where people go to watch films. 2. People go there to borrow books. 3. a place with lots of trees where people have a rest. 4. A place for children under 7 years old. 5. You can wait for a bus at a bus ………….. 6. You can watch wild animals there. 7. A construction over a river that connect its banks. 8. A separate cottage is an ……. Building. 9. A place where one street or road separates into two or more. 10. A house with lots of flats is a ….. Of flats. 11. A big shop where food is sold. 12. An object that regulates traffic in the street is called ‘traffic …….. 13. A place where people go to have a swim is a swimming ……... 14. A place that has collections of pictures or other interesting things.
Use the expression below to explain the positions of some venues you know. Not far from; far from; (very) near; next to; behind; opposite; between; in Church Street; on Melton Road; on the corner of; on your left/right; a kilometer /200 meters from hospital; before the hotel; after the bar; on the same side of the street/road as the café; on the opposite/ other side of the street/road to the park. example: the Fregat bar is between the metro station and the college
There’s a cinema …….. Elliot street. The waterloo hotel is ….. The corner ……Elliot street and cliff road. There’s a flower shop not ……. …… the waterloo hotel. The police station is ……. To the cinema. There’s a hospital …….. …. …… …… of the street …… the police station. There’s a big market …… …… ….. …… of the street …… the cinema. The park is ……. The zoo. There’s a post office ……. The cinema and the market. There’s a block of flats …….. The flower shop. The bridge is about two kilometers ……. The police station.
Read the dialogue and insert the gaps with appropriate words from the box below into on up straight of turning on past as far as turn at near direction straight on at
Camilla: excuse me, I’m looking for the ‘Cheesehole club’. Can you tell me where it is? Woman: Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. You’d better ask someone else. Camilla: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the ‘Cheesehole club’? Man: sure. Go ….. On this street – this is Hunter Street – and …… right into Empire Street. Walk …… the hospital and go in the ….. Of the supermarket. Go ……. Empire street and take the second ……. ……. The right ……. The traffic lights – that’s Church Road. …... The end of Church Road turn left …… cardinal street and go …….. The bridge. Cross the bridge and walk …… on. You’ll see the ‘Cheesehole club’ …… your right. You can’t miss it. Camilla: oh, that sounds quite far. Man: it really is. It’ll take you about thirty minutes to walk there. You’d better go by bus 37 or 51. Camilla: is there a bus stop ….. here? Man: Yes. It’s over there, ….. The corner ….. Hunter Street and St Peter Road. Camilla: thank you very much. Man: you’re welcome.
Translate into English 1. Гостиница находится недалеко от железнодорожной станции. 2. На углу этой улицы есть кинотеатр. 3. Идите по направлению к заправочной станции, затем поверните направо к мосту. 4. Езжайте вдоль по этой улице. На светофоре сверните налево. Банк – напротив школы, справа. 5. - Извините, здесь поблизости есть почта ? – Не знаю, я не местный. Спросите у кого - нибудь еще. 6. - Простите, я ищу фитнес - центр не знаете как туда пройти ? – идите вверх по этой улице и на втором повороте сверните налево. Идите до перекрестка. Вы увидите фитнес - центр прямо перед собой. 7. Книжный магазин находится сразу за станцией метро. 8. Наш колледж расположен очень близко от парка. 9. Парк – на противоположной стороне от нашего колледжа. 10. Рынок – на той же стороне что и ресторан.
New words and useful expressions: At the bottom – внизу At the end – в конце At the top – наверху Basement – цокольный этаж Facing you – перед вами On the other side – на другой стороне I’m looking for… - я ищу Excuse me, can you tell me where … is? – скажите, где...? Could you tell me the way to… ? – не могли бы вы сказать, как мне найти...? I’m trying to find – я пытаюсь найти... It is on this floor - это на этом этаже Walk along/ go down the corridor – идите по коридору When you come out of the lift… - когда вы выйдите из лифта... Take the lift to … - поезжайте на лифте до... Turn left/right… - поверните налево / направо Go past there … - пройдите мимо Go across … - пересеките
trough pastalong prepositions At the top of At the bottom acrossAt the end of behind In front of round over under outside into Out ofonto
Match the sentence in A with the reply in B 1. I’m trying to find a place where I can eat now. 2. I’m looking for your manager. 3. Could you tell me how I can find the dancing hall? 4. Where is the telephone? 5. Can you tell me the way to the swimming pool? a. You can make a long- distance call from your room. b. I’m afraid, the coffee shop is closed, but the restaurant on the top floor works till the last guest. c. It is in the fitness centre, at the bottom. d. His office is on the first floor, but unfortunately he is out at the moment. e. We have disco in the basement, in starts at 10 p.m.
Read the words and underline prepositions. After, on, thought, the, at, into, along, pass, why, in, out, alone, past, through, an, inn.
Choose the correct word. 1. Take the lift to/for the basement. 2. Go past/pass the flower shop and then turn/take left. 3. The beauty saloon is at/in the end of corridor, you will see it front/facing you. 4. Come out of/in the lift and turn right/to right. 5. You will find the conference room on your left/with the left. 6. The sauna is on/in the basement, it is in/at the bottom.
Read and practise saying the dialogues. Make sure that you understood the direction. 1) -How can I find Mr. Free? - He is in room 123. - Where is 123? - Go upstairs to the first floor, turn right, walk along the corridor and you will see it on the left. 2) –Excuse me, where is the coffee shop? -it’s on this floor. Just go across the hall and then down the corridor. You will see it at the end of corridor, facing you. 3) –Can I buy a present for my daughter in your hotel? -Yes, Madam, in the gift shop on the ground floor? It’s at the bottom of the main staircase opposite the reception.
Translate the dialogues. 1) – Я ищу ресторан. – Это на верхнем этаже. когда вы выйдите из лифта, поверните направо, пройдите мимо лестницы, ресторан будет справа от вас. 2) - Вы не подскажете, как найти сауну ? – Это в цокольном этаже. идите через ту дверь на другой стороне холла, а затем вниз по лестнице. Поверните налево вдоль по коридору, сауна будет прямо перед вами. 3) - Я пытаюсь найти офис управляющего. – Это на втором этаже. Поднимитесь по главной лестнице, пересеките холл, вы увидите конференц - зал, его офис напротив.
Translate into English 1. Откуда я могу срочно послать факс ? – Вам нужен бизнес - центр. Это на втором этаже. 2. Скажите, пожалуйста, где спортзал ? – Спуститесь вниз по лестнице. Вход сразу налево. 3. У вас есть бассейн ? – Это в самом низу, рядом со спортзалом. 4. Я пытаюсь найти конференц - зал. – Поезжайте на лифте до последнего этажа, прямо перед вами вы увидите конференц - зал. 5. Я могу где - нибудь поесть сейчас ?- да, китайский ресторан сейчас открыт. Это на этом этаже. Пересеките холл и пройдите вдоль по коридору направо. 6. Как мне найти парикмахерскую ? – когда вы выйдите из лифта на четвертом этаже, слева магазин подарки, пройдите мимо. В конце коридора справа найдете салон красоты. 7. Если вы хотите потанцевать, пройдите в цокольный этаж, пресеките холл и поверните налево.
New words and useful expressions: Art gallery- галерея искусств Bridge- мост Cathedral- собор Castle- замок Chemists- аптека Church- церковь Cinema- кинотеатр Circus- цирк Crossroads- перекресток Department store- универмаг Embankment- набережная Library- библиотека Main road/street- главная дорога / улица Museum- музей Pavement- тротуар Shopping centre- торговый центр Theatre- театр Traffic lights- светофор Underground/metro/subway- метро Zoo- зоопарк By bus- на автобусе By car- на машине By plane- на самолете By train- на трамвае On foot- пешком Change the line.- Перейдите на другую линию в метро. Cross the street.- Пересеките улицу. Go straight ahead.- Идите прямо вперед. It’s about a five-minute walk/it’s about 5minutes on foot.- Это приблизительно в пяти минутах ходьбы. It’s not far/father far.- Это недалеко / довольно далеко. It’s two stops by bus.- Это две остановки на автобусе. Take a taxi.- Возьмите такси. Take the first/second/left turn.- Ваш первый / второй поворот налево. Turn left after the bus station.- Поверните налево после автобусной остановки.
Match the word in A with the word in B. AB Art galleryMoney BankIcon TheatrePicture CinemaFilm ZooBook CircusWalk Chemist’sCar EmbankmentClown Traffic lightsBalley CathedralGreen LibraryAnimals PavementAspirin roadRiver
Fill in the missing words. 1. It’s not far, only a 10 … walk. 2. People cross the river … the bridge. 3. Do you like travelling … plane? 4. We can buy everything in our … centre. 5. At the crossroads don’t turn left or right, go straight … 6. When the … lights are red, we stop. 7. Take the first … after the cinema. 8. I prefer to go home … foot. 9. Go … the corner of the hotel. 10. … right and go along the street. 11. The boats are passing … the bridge.
Read and practise saying the dialogues. Make sure that you understood directions. 1) Guest: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the main post office, please? Receptionist: Well, it’s in the city centre in Pushkinskaya street. G: is it far to walk? R: Yes, you’d better take a bus. It’s about 5 stops. G: Where’s the bus stop? R: Turn left outside the hotel and go straight ahead until you get to the main road. There you will see traffic lights. Don’t cross the street. The bus stop is on you left. G: Thank you very much.
Translate into English 1. Пройдите мимо центральной городской библиотеки, затем поверните налево. 2. Идите вдоль по улице, затем второй поворот налево, и вы увидите банк сразу за углом. 3. Поверните направо после автобусной остановки, и вы увидите цветочный магазин прямо перед вами. 4. Это очень далеко. Лучше возьмите такси или поезжайте на метро. Но это займет около 40 минут. 5. Вам нужен автобус № 22. выходите на пятой остановке. 6. Где я могу погулять с детьми ?- у нас очень хороший зоопарк, или пойдите в цирк – это в центре города. 7. Я не люблю ездить на трамвае. Я предпочитаю ходить пешком, особенно если это недалеко. 8. Аптека за углом слева. 9. У нас много соборов и церквей. Казанский, например, прямо на Невском проспекте напротив большого книжного магазина.
Project writing an internet page/an advertisement. Write an internet page advertising a restaurant/café/bar/hotel, etc. STAGE 1 Work out the useful vocabulary for your notes. Sort of places: a bar, a coffee shop, a luxury restaurant, a specialty restaurant, a pizzeria, a night club, a fast-food operation, etc. Type of cuisine: authentic national/delicious home- made/traditional Russian dishes, Italian/superb/haute cuisine, an excellent wine cellar, a wide choice of wines, a la carte/table d'hôte menu/dishes, snacks, etc.
Atmosphere of the place: cosy/ friendly/ relaxed/sophisticated atmosphere, elegant surroundings, live music, an international cabaret, dinner and dancing, quick service, romantic dinners, business lunches, etc. Location: a) Prepositions: not far from, very near, in George Street, opposite, behind, between, next to, on the corner of, etc. b) Landmarks: a post office, a cinema, a petrol station, a market, a hospital, a theatre, a railway station, a zoo, a bridge, a police station, a block of flats, a sky scraper, a school, a bank, a park, a supermarket, etc.
STAGE 2 Use your notes to write key sentences about the place. STAGE 3 Write your description. Underline the ‘hot words’ in your internet page which someone could click on to get more information about the topic. Use the layout (see next page), useful vocabulary and linking examples (see below), photos or pictures if you have some.
STAGE 4 Check your writing for grammatical mistakes. Use a dictionary to check the in groups, look at the other descriptions. Ask for and give information about the place you have advertised: - I’d like more information about your business lunches, please. Can you tell me what sort of cuisine you have?, etc.
LAYOUT Writing an Internet page/an advertisement. LOS ANGELES PRIME Our restaurant combines the best quality of a classic New-York style steakhouse with the glamour of Los Angeles. We are located on the top one of downtown Los Angeles’ premier hotels- The Westin Bonaventure Hotel. You are welcome to experience spectacular city panoramas from 35 th floor as you are enjoying exquisitely prepared traditional entrees, appetizers, salads and fresh seafood.
Choose from a world-class list of more than 250 wines and champagnes, personally selected to compliment the menu. Pick from a selection of Chilean sea bass, 16-ounce Australian lobster tail, grilled breast of Sonoma chicken and a wide choice of steaks. Also choose from out wide assortment of sauces. Our dessert menu is filled with delicious items such as Grand Marnier truffle cake, Inoui fudge brown sundae, strawberries Romanoff and assorted creams and sorbets. Our professional service staff will meet your higher expectations and you will feel truly on top of the world. At Los Angeles Prime, quality ingredients, superb preparation and abundant portions are blended with an elegant and artistic atmosphere, gracious service and sincere hospitality to create a steakhouse like none other in Los Angeles.
Reask the following 1. You can get there by the ten bus. (How …) 2. This bus goes to the Exhibition. (Does …) 3. You should get off at the third stop. (Where…) 4. This is the way to the University. (Is …) 5. Go straight ahead and then turn right on Marx Avenue. (Shall …) 6. You’ll have to transfer at Pushkin Square. (Were …) 7. The bus stop’s across the road. (Is…) 8. Certainly, I can show you the way to the cinema. (Could … ) 9. It’ll take you some fifteen minutes to get there. (How long …) 10. You can get there on foot. (Can …) 11. Don’t take this road. It won’t lead you to the Park. (Do …? Will…?) 12. You’d better take the metro. (Shall…) 13. Take the metro and go as far as Revolution Square Station. (What station …) 14. You can cross the street by the underground passageway. (Where …) 15. This bus doesn’t go down Peace avenue. (Does …) 16. You’ll have to transfer at Garden Street. (Where …)
Используемая литература : “Restaurant English”- Михедова А. А. Английский для гостиничного бизнеса Гончарова Т. А
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