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ON RELIGION, IDENTITY, AND THE WEST Caliphate From Young Canadians’ Perspective.

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1 ON RELIGION, IDENTITY, AND THE WEST Caliphate From Young Canadians’ Perspective

2 The History of Religious Leadership Christianity: East-West Schism due to political reasons, geography, and divergence in creed, resulting in division of Christianity into Catholic & Orthodox Churches Islam: First & Second Fitnas, disagreement between appointed caliphs resulting in the eventual formation of sects (Sunni and Shi’a)  “Off-shoots” of Islam naming own caliph, e.g. Ahmadiyyat.

3 The Muslim Identity Many sects prevent there from being a singular “Muslim” identity Immigration & Westernization causes dilution of Muslim identity, especially in young people Therefore, a singular, nondenominational Muslim leader, or “caliph,” is incompatible with modern Muslim identity, realistically

4 Westernization & Immigration Muslim “diaspora” into non-Islamic countries worldwide prevent the feasibility of a “unified” Muslim state headed by a caliph Western concept of “Separation of Church and State” is considered a “right,” which conflicts with the ideology of caliphate & unified Muslim state Muslims in non-Islamic countries would default to their political leader, leaving a religious one to hold no real power over them

5 Connotations Of A Unified Islamic State Possible negative perceptions by Western leaders and population, contributing to a further officiated Islamophobia in countries like the U.S.A.  Resulting in possible dissonance within the Muslim community worldwide, specifically those living under Western leadership  Already prevalent because of “Islam” being associated with “fundamentalism” due to events such as 9/11 and other “terrorism”: “Radical Muslims” vs. “Modern Muslims”  Another cause for disagreement are sects and the divergence of Muslim beliefs (outlined earlier)

6 SARAH & MAVRA CHOUDHRY Thank you for listening!

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