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Unit 8 By: Max Youngblood Carlos Monsante Kaitlin Bingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 By: Max Youngblood Carlos Monsante Kaitlin Bingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 By: Max Youngblood Carlos Monsante Kaitlin Bingham

2 WWK  We will know and understand the history of weather forecasting, and modern techniques used, such as Doppler radar.  We will know the effects of tropical climates on Earth’s overall weather.  We will know the impact of weather events and how they affects earth and it’s population

3 History  The history of weather forecasting begins with the civilization of the Babylonians who were the first civilization believed to attempt forecasting weather. They would observe the clouds and other visual atmospheric phenomenon, in 650 B.C.

4 History Cont.  The first known text on weather forecasting was written by Aristotle. The treatise was called “Meteorlogica”. Almost all of it has been disproven today, but for the time it was the only book trying to explain weather in a scientific way.

5 History Cont. cont.  A lot if not most of the tools used today to forecast weather were invented in the renaissance. The following tools all stemmed from inventions made during the renaissance.

6 Modern tools  A Hygrometer is tool created in the renaissance for being able to tell atmospheric humidity. It has been improved upon but is still used today in almost the same form

7 Modern tools  A Barometer is a device also created in the renaissance that pretty much hasn’t aged. The device is used to measure atmospheric pressure

8 Modern tools  An Anemometer is an instrument used to measure wind speed(this one may have also been invented during the renaissance but that is heavily debated)

9 Doppler Radar  Doppler radar is a technology developed that uses the Doppler effect that…well why don’t I just show you?  /watch?v=sHIb8j9B0Ok /watch?v=sHIb8j9B0Ok /watch?v=sHIb8j9B0Ok

10 Tropical Climates  Tropical climates are large areas of high temperatures and year around rainfall.  Tropical climates will have high humidity rates along with a massive amount of vegetation.  Due to the amount of heat and oxygen given of by these climates, they will have a drastic effect on Earth’s weather and climate.

11 Overall Effects  Along the equator is where most of the tropical rainforest are located. Thanks to the solar radiation given off by the sun, these areas accumulate a large amount of excess heat. This heat is transferred through out the globe by winds and ocean currents.  When this heat reaches new climate zones it will begin to effect the atmosphere and biosphere of these different climates.  When the warm air from the tropics mixes with cooler air from the oceans different types of tropical storms are created including, hurricanes, typhoons, and not tsunamis.

12 Vocabulary Thunder: a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge. Thunderstorm: a transient storm of lightning and thunder, usually with rain and gusty winds, sometimes with hail or snow, produced by cumulonimbus clouds. Lightning: an electric spark discharge in the atmosphere, occurring within a thundercloud, between clouds, or between a cloud with the ground. Tornado: an extremely destructive funnel- shaped rotating column of air that passes in a narrow path over land. Hurricane: a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind speeds of or excess of 72 miles per hour

13 Disaster Example: hurricane Katrina 2004  One of the biggest disasters in hurricane history, category 2 Katrina’s destruction left 1836 people dead and an unknown amount of people missing.  Left America with economic, environmental, social, and political effects.  Katrina was the costliest hurricane in U.S. history with the losses amounting to more than 89.6$ Billion of damages

14 Disaster example: Tornadoes  1997: Central Texas outbreak: May 27, 1997 Killed 1929 people; produced the extremely violent Jarrel, Texas F5.  May 1-2, 2008: tornado outbreak: may 1-3, 2008 Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee; 62 confirmed tornadoes; 6 fatalities; Tornadoes strike the Midwest and south. F3 hits Damascus, Arkansas, killing 5.

15 Kick starter!  What did the Babylonians observe when they were trying to forecast the weather?  Name three kinds of tropical storms.  Being specific, what is lightning?

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