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TOM KANN. President NANCY MCFARLAND. Marketing Director.

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Presentation on theme: "TOM KANN. President NANCY MCFARLAND. Marketing Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOM KANN. President NANCY MCFARLAND. Marketing Director


3 IEM HISTORY Established in 1999. Constantly evolving. Bringing new technologies to any meeting environment. Long term client relationships

4 IEM TODAY Digital content design & implementation. Creative and technical meeting management services. $3MM total revenue. 60+ events annually, globally. Offices in Atlanta, Orlando, Phoenix

5 IEM BUSINESS MODEL Service is our #1 priority. Provide customized solutions for specific client needs. Maintain qualified, professional vendor pool. Responsive. Encourage client feedback

6 A+ RATING 2010 Dun & Bradstreet Supplier Performance Review survey. Scored 97/100 demonstrating exceptional customer service

7 EVENT MANAGEMENT Site evaluations. Meeting room design & layout. Technical direction. Scenic/lighting/audio design. Labor management. Equipment sourcing & management. Presentation management (SpeakerReadyRoom). Online workrooms

8 ONLINE WORKROOM 24/7 online communications tool. Includes production schedules, scenic renderings, seating layouts/floor plans, rigging plots, camera- ready artwork, scripts/speeches, videos, PowerPoint templates, links to venue website, venue weather forecast, interactive maps, etc.

9 CREATIVE SERVICES Creative theme design & development. Presentation content production. Speech writing & coaching. Video production. Live entertainment. Special effects

10 e-COMMUNICATIONS Webcasting. Video conferencing. Instant Archive. e-Learning. Audience response systems. On-site Internet connectivity (presentations & social media)


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