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FeRAM Roadmap S. Kawamura (Japan FEP) Here’s a newcomer… April 2001

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1 FeRAM Roadmap S. Kawamura (Japan FEP) Here’s a newcomer… April 2001
FEP & PIDS WG (Japan) FeRAM Roadmap Here’s a newcomer… S. Kawamura (Japan FEP)

2 FeRAM Roadmap (version 5.0)

3 Assumptions 1 Feature Size:
0.35mm expected to be available in early 2002, 0.25mm in x0.7 every 2-3 year. Memory Capacity: Intend to be aggressive to establish FeRAM market. x4 every 2-3 year.

4 Assumptions 2 Cell Size: planar  stack (40% reduction),
2T2C  1T1C (40% reduction). Switching Charge Qsw: Constant DVbitline=140mV for sensing. Qsw=Cbitline x DVbitline. (Planar) Storage Node Ferro. Film Plate (Stack) Plate Ferro. Film Storage Node

5 FeRAM vs. DRAM Giga scale integration will be available with a 3D capacitor. Capacity (Mb) Plate Ferro. Film Storage Node 3D 1T1C Year

6 DVbitline Estimation Based on DRAM roadmap, DVbitline estimated to be 140mV.

7 Qsw and Capacitor Structure
Qsw/2Pr=Required Capacitor Area> Projected Capacitor Size3D.

8 Issues 1 In order to enjoy “The Silence of the (other) RAM’s,”
Reliability comes first to be focused on. *Ferroelectric materials: Should be stable under thermal budgets. *Fatigue: Some 1E+15 is required to compete with SRAM and DRAM.

9 Issues 2 Application: Cost:
Limited to small capacity embedded memory. Some “killer applications” should appear to establish FeRAM market. Cost: Not competitive due to large cell size. 1T1C and 3D capacitor are mandatory to reduce cost.

10 Acknowledgements  FEP & PIDS WG (Japan) would like to thank many researchers in this field in Japan: for the basic information and comments to draw up the roadmap, and the United States and Europe: for their useful comments to it .

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