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Andrea Giannone April 13, 2014 AVID 2C.  Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton (December 25, 1821 – April 12, 1912)  Founder of the American Red Cross.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrea Giannone April 13, 2014 AVID 2C.  Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton (December 25, 1821 – April 12, 1912)  Founder of the American Red Cross."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrea Giannone April 13, 2014 AVID 2C

2  Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton (December 25, 1821 – April 12, 1912)  Founder of the American Red Cross

3  Professional: Jane Smith  Include facts about professional (as a bulleted list)  Time: 5hrs. Job Shadow was over the course of 2 days  List duties observed and any hands-on experience  Reflection of the experience ***These facts/details may span over several slides***

4  If your Physical Product relates to your 1 st job shadow, you can insert it here.  It is your decision as to how you want to present your information.  Keep in mind there should be a logical flow to the powerpoint.

5  Professional: Anthony Soares  Include facts about professional (as a bulleted list)  Time: 6hrs 45 min. Job Shadow was over the course of 2 days  List duties observed and any hands-on experience  Reflection of the experience

6  Time Spent: 10 hrs  Pictures for support  Did anyone help you? If so, what did they do? Andrea Giannone

7 Here I am with my classmates practicing. We had to disinfect the mannequins and checking the airway. One must apply 30 chest compressions after they give 5 short breaths.

8 Here is a brochure that I shared with the parents at the Infant/Parent and Me swim class. **Images taken from Google Images “CPR Certification”

9  I had a difficult time finding a lifeguard during the winter  I contacted public swimming areas and asked if they could refer me to someone.

10  What did you learn about yourself from doing the job shadows?  What did you learn about yourself from doing the physical product?  What would you do differently if you could change either the job shadow selections, the product or both?  What do you intend to do with this new knowledge? Hobby? Career?

11  Any final thoughts…

12  Students may ask you questions about your job shadows/project.

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