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Marcos Esterman, Associate Professor Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Rochester Institute of Technology Multidisciplinary.

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Presentation on theme: "Marcos Esterman, Associate Professor Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Rochester Institute of Technology Multidisciplinary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcos Esterman, Associate Professor Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Rochester Institute of Technology Multidisciplinary Senior Design I System Design

2 Agenda Tuesday  End-State Deliverables  Functional Analysis Example Team Project Work  Concept Generation Morphological Analysis Thursday  Concept Generation Develop Alternatives  Engineering Analysis  Concept Selection


4 Functional Decomposition Ventilate Unresponsive Person (UP) Access UP’s Airway Circulate Air Intake AirTransport AirControl Air Control Air Pressure Sense Pressure Change Pressure Control Air Volume Sense Air Volume Change Air Volume Control Breathing Rate Sense Breathing rate Change Breathing rate Purify Air Monitor Physiological Data Sense Physiological Data Transmit Physiological Data

5 Alternatives Considered

6 Selected Concept Updates:  Electronic controls (decrease size/more options)  Smaller pump  Reliable and smaller battery Additions:  Ability to monitor and record vitals  Pulse oximeter feedback  Voice alerts/instructions  Carbon dioxide sensor

7 Architecture

8 Risk Assessment There is no shame in this being a large list, especially at this stage. Demonstrates that you are being realistic.

9 Test Plan (First Cut) Test Pump Test  Verify Mass Flow Rate Test Mass Flow Sensor  Verify Readings Match Pump Test Results Test Pressure Sensor  Compare against Flow Characteristics chart of the Pressure sensor. Test User Interface  Verify ease of use


11 Considerations Physical Decomposition  Subsystem Identification Functional Decomposition Specification Decomposition  Need to flow-down specifications


13 What is a function? Function – active verb, noun  A clear, reproducible relationship between the available input and the desired out of the product, independent of any particular form  Examples: Make Copies, Chop Beans, Clip Nails Otto, K., Wood, Kristin L., Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle, NJ 2001, pp. 152 – 151. 13 Product Represented as a Functional System Energy Material Information Energy Material Information

14 Example

15 What is the function of this? Product Represented as a Functional System Energy Material Information Energy Material Information Open Can Can Sealed Can Can, Lid, Contents Opened Can Energy could be manual, electric, kinetic, potential, etc. depending on solution, so typically only worry about flows that will not change What is the function? What flows will not change?

16 Decompose Function Open Can Access Can Locate Can Secure Can Separate Lid Puncture Can Grip Can Edge Pierce Can Rotate Can Access Contents HOW WHY

17 Subtract and Operate – Bill of Materials Source: Generating a Hardware Tree Can Also be Very Helpful

18 Subtract & Operate Open Can Access Can Locate Can Secure Can Separate Lid Puncture Can Grip Can Edge Pierce Can Rotate Can Access Contents Protect Opener Capture Lid Added Functions Actuate Opener

19 Subtract & Operate Method Bottom-up approach  Assumes product or product concept exists Steps  Remove one component of the assembly Literally or Figuratively  “Operate” system through its full range  Analyze effect  Deduce the sub-function of the missing component  Repeat for all components  Modify function tree Otto, K., Wood, Kristin L., Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle, NJ 2001, Chapter 5. 19

20 Modified Functional Decomposition Open CanAccess CanLocate CanSecure CanActuate OpenerSeparate LidPuncture CanGrip Can EdgePierce CanRotate Can Transmit Electrical Energy Covert Electrical Energy to Rotation Covert Rotation to Torque Capture Lid Access Contents Protect Opener

21 Process Flow Can Also be Helpful Access Can Secure Can Actuate Opener Separate Lid Capture Lid Access Contents Grasp Can Attach Opener Apply Lever Pierce Can Rotate Handle Transmit Torque Capture Lid Access Content High-Level View Low-Level View


23 Exercise - Define your project’s top level function (5 minutes) Remember that the top level function should manipulate material, energy and/or information that is external to your system 23

24 Functional Decomposition Exercise – (20 minutes) Generate the 1 st level (& 2 nd Level, if possible) of Decomposition for your top level- function  Ensure that it is as solution independent as possible 24

25 Subtract & Operate Exercise – (20 minutes) Develop a hardware tree/bill of materials based on an existing solution or a benchmarked solution  Go to level that makes sense Determine if the function the component is performing is  Represented in the function decomposition –or-  Is connected to a function in your decomposition Modify function tree 25


27 5-Step Process (Ulrich & Eppinger, pg. 100) Clarify the Problem  Start from Product Definition  Decomposition  Prioritize Search Externally  Lead users  Experts  Patents  Benchmarking Search Internally  dfX Analysis  Field Feedback  Institutional Knowledge  Supply Chain Explore Systematically  Classification Tree  Combination Tree  Morphological Analysis  TRIZ Reflect on Process & Solutions 1. Clarify the Problem 5. Reflect on Solutions 4. Explore Systematically 3. Search Internally 2. Search Externally Sub-problems Existing Concepts New Concepts Integrated Solutions 27

28 Secrets of Concept Generation Employ many techniques Focus on values / functions Avoid premature closure Generate several alternatives  “Sky High”  “Challenging technology”  “Low Risk” Screen ideas systematically  e.g., Pugh selection process Ishii, 2004 28

29 Morphology  Study of shape and form Morph. Analysis  Systematic study to analyze the possible shape and form Morphological Diagram  Example: Potato Harvesting Machine Pahl and Beitz Morphological Analysis 29

30 Bathroom Scale Example  Expand Functions to manageable sub-functions Measure Weight Support Subject Conv. Mass to Signal Indicate Signal Hold Parts Together Start with Functional Diagram Ishii, 2004 30

31 Bathroom Scale Measure Weight Support Subject Conv. Mass to Signal Indicate Signal Hold Parts Together Spring Strain Gauge Count Molecules Corn Flakes DialVoiceSoundDigital Display PlateBoxBubble ScrewsGlue Use the Function Diagram to Generate Concepts Ishii, 2004 31

32 Feasible (Conventional) Bathroom Scale Measure Weight Support Subject Conv. Mass to Signal Indicate Signal Hold Parts Together Spring Strain Gauge Count Molecules Corn Flakes DialVoiceSoundDigital Display PlateBoxBubble ScrewsGlue Generate Feasible Solutions Ishii, 2004 32

33 “Sharper Image” Bathroom Scale Measure Weight Support Subject Conv. Mass to Signal Indicate Signal Hold Parts Together Screws Spring Strain Gauge Count Molecules Corn Flakes DialVoiceSoundDigital Display PlateBoxBubble Glue Generate “Sky high” Ideas too... Ishii, 2004 33

34 Morph Chart 34 Douglas Axtell, Don Moran, Jason Stanbro, Jim Vermeire, 0303-786 & 0303-788 Class Project, 2010

35 Can Opener Example Open CanAccess CanLocate CanSecure CanActuate OpenerSeparate LidPuncture CanGrip Can EdgePierce CanRotate Can Transmit Electrical Energy Covert Electrical Energy to Rotation Covert Rotation to Torque Capture LidAccess ContentsProtect Opener

36 Can Opener Example Access Can Actuate Opener Puncture Can Rotate Can Capture Lid Access Contents Protect Opener grasp

37 Concept Generation Exercise – Morphological Table (30 minutes) Start generating your morphological table and finish for homework 37

38 Desired Output Function Tree  2-3 Layers of Decomposition Subsystem Identification  Should be based both on existing artifact and functional analysis Specification Flow-down  If you identify functional modules and/or subsystems, need to understand how you will assess them  Conceptually no different than what you did at the system-level This will set you up for developing good solution alternatives

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