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International Sponsoring, Marketing and Support By Lynda Ncube.

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Presentation on theme: "International Sponsoring, Marketing and Support By Lynda Ncube."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Sponsoring, Marketing and Support By Lynda Ncube

2 According to Edward Ludbrook only 1% of distributors sponsor internationally. Q1.What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Q2 How many people would you sponsor internationally? ?

3 Imagine.............. 5 years from now you meet a friend and they ask: “how is that perfume business you were doing?” What if your response is “I have teams in over 20 countries and they are all doing very well. How about you? Did you join?”

4 Challenges V Benefits Lets look at a few challenges and benefits of sponsoring internationally We will also hear some comments from distributors who have joined

5 Challenges of working internationally Dont know anyone abroad Dont see the benefits Dont know where to start No one in the team is doing it. There is no office in that country It is too expensive to do Different time zones

6 challenges language barrier distributors abroad stopped working or never got started People not responding to emails Have tried to sponsor internationally but it does or has not worked

7 Challenges from distributors abroad Challenges in their country “Most people married to their jobs and think they will never make it” “No funds to buy kits” “Introducing FM to new market” “products too expensive for local people” “ buy now pay later.” Tying up distributor funds

8 Benefits of working internationally Meet people from different backgrounds Travel virtually Making a difference to other peoples lives Unlimited income potential Will find people looking for an opportunity

9 Benefits Ability to reach out to people who will never have this opportunity Must give it time – be patient




13 Work local think global It all starts with you. Are you ready and willing to make a commitment to building an international business from the comfort of your own home?

14 The Power of Leverage S Source: The One Minute Millionaire

15 Building internationally requires the same basics Mentor - uplines Team – initially leaders Networks – immediate f/f/r Infinite networks–other peoples f/f/r Tools – skype, internet, website Systems – 300 +1,1200 points Fulcrum- YOU Dream – 21%, Orchid club, Mercedes

16 Why is it easier to build today? Technology Reduced costs of advertising Ability to act local but think global

17 3 stages to international sponsoring Momentum - Airplane Education - Systems, skills Profit - Leaders = £££’s

18 3 stages to international sponsoring Stage 1 Momentum - Plan your international expansion - Create a sponsoring frenzy -Find networkers who want to build and become leaders -Leaders will sponsor locally - Largest investment in time, effort

19 3 stages to international sponsoring Stage 2 Education. Educate your team Coach your team leaders Help team leaders to sponsor and coach others Impress the importance of working systems Keep going despite the challenges Keep sponsoring

20 3 stages to international sponsoring Stage 3 Profit With time, 3,6,9 months - emergence of 1 or 2 leaders Continue positive support Continue momentum, sponsoring and supporting YOU are now an international networker. Join the 1% club 6-12 months or more. It is worth it.

21 We have just covered sponsoring Lets now look at marketing

22 Marketing strategy Dates when new country will open or decide where you want a team Ensure availability of marketing tools Best country to buy products from Shipping agent./freight forwarder Details of upcoming meetings Incentive programs available to prospective distributors Support communication: voicemail, conference calls, webinars

23 Marketing tools Skype Email Webinar Facebook Linkedin Twitter Personal website Act local think global Referrals Go back to existing list and ask Friends,Family Relatives

24 Marketing: Looking for lookers/leaders “Are you walking past a fortune?” “Hi Group members, I am looking for self- motivated, ambitious, business minded people. Are you open-minded or are you married to a job. Inbox me” “Have you found the opportunity that will take care of you and your family for the rest of your life?” “Would it be ok if you never had to go to work again?” “Discover how to create wealth from perfumes”


26 Marketing: Community Fundraising Programme “Do you raise money for charity, church, school, club etc. Ask about our Community Fundraising Programme(CFP). Post email address for details”

27 We have just looked at marketing Now lets look at Support for your international team

28 support Coaching via skype/phone Facebook

29 Systems Get the team working the 300 plus 1 or the 1200 points system. Encourage completion of the 90 day plan Encourage distributors to use and work the existing PROVEN systems Work with those working the systems Incorporate the incentive programmes Teams succeed where people are working together - TEAM

30 support Coach – groups 80:20 rule One to one 20% Be available on fb/skype Respond promptly to emails Make new distributors feel comfortable Build rapport

31 Support Connect team members Give praise and recognition Believe in distributors Stay positive Be solution-orientated Have fun Enjoy what you are doing

32 Summary “International networking is just like normal networking EXCEPT the opportunity is much, much larger and you do not necessarily develop the network face-to-face. The world is a huge place... you must THINK and ACT BIG. With telephones and effective systems, it does not matter whether you live in the most isolated village... You can create a massive income by taking advantage of the new international networking opportunity” E Ludbrook

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