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Characteristics of Physical Development
Week 3 4 cell zygote 2 cell zygote The zygote begins to develop, and is swept along the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will begin to grow.
Week 4 16 cell morula The hormone hCG is produced preventing the fertilised egg being lost by menstruation. Maternal and embryonic tissues combine and begin to form the placenta.
Week 5 The cells divide into 3 layers. The neural tube develops in the top layer The heart and lungs begin to develop in the middle layer. Starts to house the lungs, intestines and beginning of the urinary system. The early version of the placenta, the chorionic villi and the umbilical cord are already working.
The Blastocyst embeds into the uterine lining, and begins to develop the placenta
Week 6 The embryo’s heart is beating and pumping blood. It has divide into chambers and will find a regular rhythm soon. Major organs begin to grow The neural tube closes Embryo’s limbs begin to sprout
At the end of four weeks: Embryo is 1/4 inch in length
Heart, digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form Placenta (sometimes called "afterbirth") begins developing The single fertilized egg is now 10,000 times larger than size at conception
Week 7 Facial features are forming The heart is now divided into the right and left chambers and beats 150 times a minute. Embryo makes its first move.
Week 8 The liver churns out large numbers of red blood cells until the bone marrow forms and takes over this role. The teeth and palate are forming. A transparent layer of skin covers the body.
Week 9 The embryo may begin to suck its thumb, yawn and may swallow amniotic fluid. The embryo can also grasp, move the head forwards and backwards, open and close the jaw, move the tongue and stretch. Ankles and wrists have developed and allow movement.
Embryo is 1 1/8 inches in length
At the end of 8 weeks: Embryo is 1 1/8 inches in length Eyes, nose, lips, tongue, ears and teeth are forming Penis begins to appear in boys Embryo is moving, although the mother can not yet feel movement Heart is functioning
Week 10 The embryo is now called a foetus. The eyelids are fused closed and won’t open until week 27. It weighs less than 2 grams and is 2.3cm long. The abdomen holds all of the vital organs.
Week 11 Nail beds, fingerprints and hair are starting to appear. Nose and lips are fully developed.
Week 12 Foetus is 4 cm. Fingers and toes are separated. 12 weeks marks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.
Fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long Weight is about 1/2 to 1 ounce
At the end of 12 weeks: Fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long Weight is about 1/2 to 1 ounce Nails start to develop and earlobes are formed Fetus develops recognizable form Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes are fully formed Eyes are almost fully developed By this stage, a fetus has developed most of his/her organs and tissues Fetal heart rate can be heard at 10 weeks with a special Doppler instrument
At the end of 4 months (13-16 weeks):
Fetus is 11 cm long from crown to rump. Weight is about 70 grams The digestive system is becoming more complex, the intestines can absorb some glucose and water and the kidneys will excrete what remains via urine. Sweat glands are forming on palms and soles Fingers and toes are well defined Sex is identifiable, if the foetus is a girl she will have approx 2 million eggs in her ovary. Skin is bright pink, transparent and covered with soft, downy hair (languo).
At the end of 5 months (17-20w):
Fetus is 11.6 cm long and weighs 100 grams at the start of week 17, during this month it will double in size and weight. Hair begins to grow on his/her Head Sexual organs are developed Mother begins to feel fetal movement The nerve cells are now developing into their specialised areas of the brain. Eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes appear
At the end of 6 months (21-24 weeks):
Fetus is about 29cm long in week 24 and weighs 500 grams Skin is covered with protective coating called vernix caseosa. Eyelids begin to part and eyes open occasionally for short periods of time Fetus is able to hiccup The foetus can hear sounds from outside the womb.
At the end of 7 month (25-28 w):
Foetus is 36.6 cm long and Weighs 875 grams at the end of 28th week. Taste buds have developed Fat layers are forming Organs are maturing, it begins to practice to breath. Skin is still wrinkled and red If born at this time, he/she will be considered a premature baby and require special care . It will now be able to open and close its eyes, and will now sleep and wake at regular intervals.
At the end of 8 months (29-32 w):
Fetus is 41cm long and weighs 1.5 kgs at 32 weeks. Overall growth is rapid this month Tremendous brain growth occurs at this time Most body organs are now developed with the exception of the lungs, In males the testicles descend from near the kidneys into the scrotum. Movements or "kicks" are strong enough to be visible from the outside Kidneys are mature Skin is less wrinkled Fingernails now extend beyond fingertips
Fetus is 45cm long and weighs About 2.4 kgs at the end of Week 36.
At the end of 9 months (33-36w): Fetus is 45cm long and weighs About 2.4 kgs at the end of Week 36. The lungs are mature Baby is now fully developed at 35 weeks and 99% can survive outside the mother's body Skin is pink and smooth He/she settles down lower in the abdomen in preparation for birth and may seem less active
9 months until birth From 37 weeks the foetus gains about 28 grams every day. During the 38th week the head will be craddled in the pelvic cavity. Foetus has a full head of hair (some have none) The foetus swallows the fatty deposits around them and the protective fatty skin covering them and stores them in its bowel. In the 39th week it builds fat stores to help it regulate its temperature after birth. 40th week it is 51cm long and weighs between kg. 5% of babies arrive on time.
Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health
Fetal Development Objectives: Understand the growth of a human fetus. Follow the development from conception to birth Introduction to the birth process Photo and Text Courtesy of Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health
Conception means a woman's egg has been fertilized by a man's sperm.
Within a day, the egg begins to divide and develop rapidly. A few days later a cluster of cells arrives in the uterus By the eighth day after conception, this cluster has increased to hundreds of cells and attaches to the wall of the uterus where it continues its rapid growth.
Four Weeks After the cluster of cells attaches to the womb it is called an embryo. The embryo is between 1/100 and 4/100 inch long at this time. The embryo continues rapid growth.
The embryo is about ¼ inch long and has developed a head and a trunk.
6 Weeks The embryo is about ¼ inch long and has developed a head and a trunk. Structures that will become arms and legs, called limb buds, first appear. A blood vessel forms and begins to pump blood. This will develop into the heart and circulatory system. At this time, a ridge of tissue forms down the back of the embryo. That tissue will develop into the brain and spinal cord
The embryo is about ½ inch long. The heart now has four chambers.
* 8 Weeks The embryo is about ½ inch long. The heart now has four chambers. Fingers and toes begin to form. Reflex activities begin as the brain and nervous system develop. Cells begin to form the eyes, ears, jaws, lungs, stomach, intestines and liver.
Structures that will form eyes, ears, arms and legs can be seen.
10 Weeks The embryo, is about 1 to 1¼ inches long (the head is about half the length) and weighs less than ½ ounce. The beginnings of all key body parts are present, but they are not completed. Structures that will form eyes, ears, arms and legs can be seen. Muscles and skeleton are developing and the nervous system becomes more responsive.
The fetus is about 2½ inches long and weighs about ½ ounce.
12 Weeks The fetus is about 2½ inches long and weighs about ½ ounce. Fingers and toes are distinct and have nails. Hair begins to develop, but won't be seen until later in the pregnancy. The fetus begins small, random movements, too slight to be felt. The fetal heartbeat can be detected with a heart monitor. All major external body features have appeared. Muscles continue to develop.
The fetus is about 3½ inches long and weighs about 1½ ounces.
14 Weeks The fetus is about 3½ inches long and weighs about 1½ ounces. The fetus begins to swallow, the kidneys make urine, and blood begins to form in the bone marrow. Joints and muscles allow full body movement. There are eyelids and the nose is developing a bridge. External genitals are developing.
16 Weeks The fetus is about 4½ inches long and weighs about 4 ounces. The head is erect and the arms and legs are developed. The skin appears transparent. A fine layer of hair has begun to grow on the head. Limb movements become more coordinated.
The fetus is about 5½ inches long and weighs about 7 ounces.
18 Weeks The fetus is about 5½ inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. The skin is pink and transparent and the ears are clearly visible. All the body and facial features are now recognizable. The fetus can grasp and move its mouth. Nails begin to grow. The fetus has begun to kick. Some women feel this movement.
20 Weeks The fetus is about 6¼ inches long and weighs about 11½ ounces. All organs and structures are formed Skin is wrinkled and pink to reddish in color - thin and close to the blood vessels. Protective skin coating, (vernix) begins to develop. Respiratory movements occur - lungs have not developed enough to permit survival outside the uterus. By this time, mothers usually feel the fetus moving. At this time an ultrasound can often identify the sex of the fetus.
The fetus is about 7½ inches long weighs about one pound.
22 Weeks The fetus is about 7½ inches long weighs about one pound. It has fingerprints and some head and body hair. It may suck its thumb and is more active. The brain is growing very rapidly. The fetal heartbeat can be easily heard. The kidneys start to work. At 23 weeks, approximately 31% of babies born survive. Babies born at this age require intensive care and usually have lifelong disabilities and chronic health conditions.
24 Weeks The fetus is about 8¼ inches long and weighs about 1¼ pounds. Bones of the ears harden making sound conduction possible. The fetus hears mother’s sounds such as breathing, heartbeat and voice. The first layers of fat are beginning to form. This is the beginning of substantial weight gain for the fetus. Lungs continue developing At 25 weeks, approximately 68% of babies born survive. Babies born at this age require intensive care and usually have life-long disabilities and chronic health conditions.
The fetus is about 9 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.
26 Weeks The fetus is about 9 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. The fetus can respond to sound from both inside and outside the womb. Reflex movements continue to develop and body movements are stronger. Lungs continue to develop. The fetus now wakes and sleeps. The skin is slightly wrinkled. At 27 weeks, approximately 87% of babies born survive. Babies born at this age require intensive care and have an increased risk of developmental delays and chronic health conditions.
28 Weeks The fetus is about 10 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds, 3 ounces. Mouth and lips show more sensitivity. The eyes are partially open and can perceive light. More than 90% of babies born at this age will survive. Some survivors have developmental delays and chronic health conditions.
30 Weeks The fetus is about 10½ inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. The lungs that are capable of breathing air, although medical help may be needed. The fetus can open and close its eyes, suck its thumb, cry and respond to sound. The skin is smooth. Rhythmic breathing and body temperature are now controlled by the brain. Most babies born at this age will survive.
32 Weeks The fetus is about 11 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds, 12 ounces. The connections between the nerve cells in the brain increase. Fetal development now centers on growth. Almost all babies born at this age will survive.
The fetus is about 12 inches long and weighs about 4½ pounds.
34 Weeks The fetus is about 12 inches long and weighs about 4½ pounds. Ears begin to hold shape. Eyes open during alert times and close during sleep. Almost all babies born at this age will survive.
36 Weeks The fetus is about 12 to 13 inches long and weighs about 5½ to 6 pounds. Scalp hair is silky and lies against the head. Muscle tone has developed and the fetus can turn and lift its head. Almost all babies born at this age will survive.
The fetus is about 13½ to 14 inches long and weighs about 6½ pounds.
38 Weeks The fetus is about 13½ to 14 inches long and weighs about 6½ pounds. Lungs are usually mature. The fetus can grasp firmly. The fetus turns toward light sources. Almost all babies born at this age will survive.
Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health
40 Weeks The fetus is about 18 to 20 inches long and may weigh about 7½ pounds. At the time of birth, a baby has more than 70 reflex behaviors, which are automatic behaviors necessary for survival. The baby is full-term and ready to be born. Photo and Text Courtesy of Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health
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