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Christy Miller Debbie Schumm December 7, 2009. Grandparents (Silent Generation) – Veterans Dedication, sacrifice, hard work, conformity, law and order,

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Presentation on theme: "Christy Miller Debbie Schumm December 7, 2009. Grandparents (Silent Generation) – Veterans Dedication, sacrifice, hard work, conformity, law and order,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christy Miller Debbie Schumm December 7, 2009

2 Grandparents (Silent Generation) – Veterans Dedication, sacrifice, hard work, conformity, law and order, respect for authority, patience, delayed reward, duty before pleasure, adherence to the rules, honor Parents (“Helicopter Parent” generation) – Baby-Boomer Optimism, team orientation, personal gratification, health and wellness, personal growth, youth, work, involvement

3  Students (“Over stimulated” generation)  Generation X Diversity, thinking globally, balance, techno-literacy, fun, informality, self-reliance, pragmatism  Generation Y Optimism, civic duty, confidence, achievement, sociability, morality, “street smarts”, diversity

4 Veterans – 1922-1944 – Radio, Cinema, Music (Records), Face to face, Handwritten letters Baby-Boomers – 1945-1964 – TV, Music (reel to reel tape), Rotary Phone, Typewritten letters Generation X – 1964-1980 – Internet, Video Games, Music (8 track, cassette), Push Button Phones, Word Processors Generation Y – 1981-2000 – Blogs, Web, Music (CD, MP3, Satellite Radio), Cell Phones, Email, Chat, Text Message

5 Why is Generational Information Important to Consider in Creating Communication Strategies?

6 Personal (“Grassroots”) Communication Face to face…not Facebook Paper versus electronic Website +1 Service Expectations – Personal Step-by-step Instruction Information forwarded from Student

7 Text Messaging (Blackberry/iPhone) Blogs Live Web chats Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter) Podcast /Video Podcast Email Website

8 Can we meet everyone’s needs with one media source? Can we offer multiple forms of the same communication? Should we push information when we think it is needed or provide it on demand? Can we let students and parents choose their preferred method of communication? What modest changes can be made now?

9  Quick way of sending short text communication to one or a mass group of people  Cell phone to cell phone  Internet to cell phone  Forwarding capability  Blackberry/iPhone Capability  Emergency alert system

10  Web log maintained by one individual or group that is free-form in nature and typically can include details about any subject/topic.  Personal, Corporate, or Organizational

11  Real time electronic conversation that can be controlled by an administrator.  Questions can be monitored from a central location and then disbursed to appropriate responders

12 Create a Facebook “Page” – “Create a presence that looks and behaves like user profiles to connect and engage with your customers and amplify your voice to their friends.” Add a Facebook “Button” to your website – They can “Become a Fan” of your website

13 Create a Twitter account – “Twitter is a communication platform that helps businesses stay connected to their customers.” Add a Twitter “Button” to your website – Visitors can follow your “Tweets” via mobile texting, instant message, or the web

14  Podcasts  Prerecorded audio  Video Podcasts  Prerecorded video

15  Award letters  Bills  Correspondence  EFT Notifications

16  Interactive FAQs  Simple layout - uncluttered  Downloadable Forms  Online Publications


18  Facebook  ISFAA Group – currently 41 members Quick way to connect with colleagues Group discussions Share upcoming events Share photos from ISFAA events

19  Join 117 others as a CGS “fan” Suggest CGS to your Facebook Friends or students – get them involved! Get current updates on College Goal Sunday

20  Twitter  College Goal Sunday All the latest updates on College Goal Sunday One way stream of posts about CGS You can follow CGS “Tweets” via mobile texting, instant message, or the web

21 Benefits of new ISFAA website – Features Member Services Employment Listings Listserv Bits and Bytes Meeting Minutes Get Involved Resources

22  Communicate with your Indiana colleagues quickly and easily  Share input in discussions related to important Financial Aid topics


24  Christy Miller   Debbie Schumm 

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