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ONS Big Data Project Stakeholder Event 25 March 2015 Marion Oswald Senior Fellow in Law, Head of the CIR, University of Winchester

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Presentation on theme: "ONS Big Data Project Stakeholder Event 25 March 2015 Marion Oswald Senior Fellow in Law, Head of the CIR, University of Winchester"— Presentation transcript:

1 ONS Big Data Project Stakeholder Event 25 March 2015 Marion Oswald Senior Fellow in Law, Head of the CIR, University of Winchester

2 Can someone be private in public?

3 Private in public?

4 Big Data analysis can derive/infer personal data

5 Collection & Use of derived/inferred personal data Necessary, proportionate & accordance with law? ‘right to privacy is neither a right to secrecy nor a right to control but a right to appropriate flow of personal information.’* * Nissenbaum H., Privacy in Context, Technology, Policy and the Integrity of Social Life, (2010) Stanford University Press, 127

6 Anonymisation & risk assessment ‘We believe anonymisation has a crucial role to play in this data revolution; it offers great opportunities, but it is also important that risks are properly considered and managed. We find that the risks related to anonymisation are sometimes understated and also overstated.’* * S. Wood, ICO Blog, Nov 2012

7 Re-identification ‘monster’

8 de Montjoye et al. ‘Unique in the shopping mall: On the reidentifiability of credit card metadata’ Science 30 January 2015: Vol. 347 no. 6221 pp. 536-539 Becomes….. ‘How a cancer researcher could steal your identity’ (Vocativ, January 29, 2015)

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