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SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 School of Science Management for Scientists and Engineers GAZZO Serena KACZEREWSKA Olga LAANANI Moussa SALA Leo SALADO Daniela Promising.

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Presentation on theme: "SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 School of Science Management for Scientists and Engineers GAZZO Serena KACZEREWSKA Olga LAANANI Moussa SALA Leo SALADO Daniela Promising."— Presentation transcript:

1 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 School of Science Management for Scientists and Engineers GAZZO Serena KACZEREWSKA Olga LAANANI Moussa SALA Leo SALADO Daniela Promising and innovative start-up project 18/07/2014

2 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 Content 2 Planning the project 3 Marketing strategy 4 Intellectual Property 5 Profitability 1 General definition

3 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why?

4 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? Innovative alternative for smokers For people who want to stop or reduce their tobacco consumption.

5 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? Commercialized drugs (Tabex, Zyban, Tabacoff) Patches E-cigarette Drop it State of Art

6 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? Maybe lipstick?

7 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition New nicotine delivery systems. How? Thermoresponsive polymer Time-controlled drug release devise. Frederic Eeckman et al, Int. J. Pharm, 2002 Stimulable nanoparticles Nanoencapsulation of drugs. Posible collaboration: Dr. Ruxandra GREF, Institut Galien, U-Psud. Our innovation:

8 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why?

9 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? Tobacco kills up to half of its users and has lethal consequences for non-smokers. Source: Eurostat ♂ ♀

10 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? Many other degenerative diseases are related with tobacco consumption. The function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will increasingly deteriorate over time… …and beauty too!

11 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why?

12 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? Proposed place for distribution: Italy

13 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 1. General definition What? Where?Why? 13 million smokers ~22% of the total population 46% are woman 20% use e-cigarette Why Italy? www.repubblica,it/salute/prevenzione/2012/06/news/sigaretta_elettronica-48167614/

14 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 2. Planning the project From Lab to Market Market Research Invention Patent Proof of Principle Prototype Scale to industry

15 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 2. Planning the project From Lab to Market Our proposal: a start-up project Research Invention Patent

16 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 2. Planning the project ResearchInvention Patent Iterative and recursive phase 4 years of research (multi-disciplinary approach) The main goals: Collection and analysis of data Generation and validation of findings Clinical trials Protection of findings

17 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 2. Planning the project ADVANTAGES - Multi disciplinary team - Scientific skills - International collaborations - Social concern DISADVANTAGES - Infrastructure - Financial support -Lack of experience in business marketing OPPORTUNITIES - Innovative product for cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies - Well defined market - Scalability - Increase of tobacco products taxes THREATS - Customers refuse - Psychological factors - Social custom SWOT

18 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 2. Planning the project First YearSecond YearThird YearFourth Year JASONDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND Finance Preparation and Submission of Proposal Proposal Evaluation by Experts Grant Agreement Set-up Phase Staff Hiring Resources Pricing Survey Resources Procurement R&D Phase Research - Product Formulation - Characterization - Clinical Trials Testing and Certification Application Examination Patenting and Trademark Patent and Trademark Application Patent Examination Product Release Potential Customer Search and Negotiation Initial Release

19 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 3. Marketing strategy Product Image: Fashionable alternative to cigarette smoking. Target Market: Fashionable women smokers. Convincing cosmetic or pharmaceutical companies to manufacture a new lipstick line using our innovation. How?

20 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 4. Intellectual Property Patents Inventive step: Controlled Delivery Device Formulation/Composition Packaging Design Europe Why? What? Where? Trademark The product

21 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 4. Intellectual Property Industrial design patent How do we want to sell this invention?

22 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 5. Profitability A single ordinary lipstick cost 8€ … possible market price 65€ In average woman consume about 2-3 kg of lipsticks during life (550 units of lipsticks) Can it be a successful business? Is lipstick a good idea?

23 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 5. Profitability Can become true? Where is the money? We encourage researchers to collaborate in the project and industry to promote and produce… Start-up, European support (Horizon 2020, Innovation Union)

24 SoSMSE, Genoa 2014 Acknowledgement “There is not a perfect presentation guys, be ready for the roller coaster” Special thanks to Dr. Salvatore Majorana Dr. Mario Agostino Rocca Dr. Sandrine Lacombe Dr. Nicolas Rabasso Dr. Ivan Coste Manière Our SoSMSE collegues

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