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Year 10 Film Study Goal: To analyse the features and techniques used in film To use appropriate terminology to describe these features To describe how.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 Film Study Goal: To analyse the features and techniques used in film To use appropriate terminology to describe these features To describe how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 Film Study Goal: To analyse the features and techniques used in film To use appropriate terminology to describe these features To describe how these features are used and combined for effect

2 What is a film? A film is ……. Write three elements of a film. Why do people watch films? Why do people create films? Make up a definition of your own that is accurate and easy to understand. Test your definition, using three films you know.

3 What is a film? A film is a series of photographs which are put together so they: –Create an image of a world that already exists –Create a new world –Tell a story

4 Year 10 Film: Film Terminology STRUCTURE OF A FILM Shot A single 'run' of the camera. This is the basic unit from which a film is constructed. The length (or duration) of a shot depends upon: –its purpose ie. establishing a place; to show action; to show reaction –the pace (or tempo) of the sequence in which it occurs. Sequence A group of shots depicting one action, or, which seems to belong with or depend upon each other. (Say 3 to 18 shots). Scene A group of sequences, or, (for short scenes) a group of shots, which: –depict an event in the story. and –occur in one place. A scene is generally a larger unit than a sequence (though) sometimes a group of shots can be classified as either).

5 CAMERA MOVEMENTS and ANGLES Camera Movements Pan Movement from side to side from a stationary position. Tilt Movement up or down from a stationary position. Tracking The camera is not stationary but moves to follow a moving object or person. The camera is mounted on a moving device such as a rail platform, a dolly or a vehicle. Zoom Out Movement outwards away from a subject. Note: The speed of a camera movement (from very fast to very slow) can dramatically alter its effect. CAMERA ANGLES In filming a shot a decision is made about the angle at which the camera is to be directed at a subject. High and Low angles may be used to influence our impression of a particular character. A character filmed from a low angle will seem strong, powerful, tall, proud, etc... whereas if a high angle is used the subject will appear weak, insignificant, vulnerable, small etc... Our impression of a structure or object can be manipulated in a similar way. A distorted angle may be used to make a scene more frightening, or to make the viewer feel anxious, or queasy (especially if fast or jerky camera movement is also used).

6 What are these? characterssettingcostumeeditinglighting camera angles soundscape special effects opening titles imagesnarratordialogue

7 XCU, BCU, CU, MCU. MS, FLS, MLS, LS, ES. These initials are used to describe the size of shot and usually they mean the following: XCU – Extreme Close up: A very tight close up shot. BCU - Big Close Up: Just above the eyebrows, to below the chin. CU - Close Up: The full head MCU - Medium Close Up: Just below the shoulders to just above the head MS - Mid Shot: From the waist to just above the head FLS - Full Length Shot: From just above the head to just below the toes MLS - Medium Long Shot: Head to toes with about one third of frame below the toes LS - Long Shot: Head to toes plus a lot of other room above and or below. ES – Establishing Shot: Contains a lot of the landscape and helps to establish the location and atmosphere.



10 Medium close up

11 Wide establishing shot


13 Wide high angle

14 Medium close up

15 Two shot

16 Wide, slightly high angle

17 Over the shoulder

18 High angle long shot

19 Shallow focus

20 Close up

21 Big close up

22 Over the shoulder

23 Wide high angle

24 Close up

25 Setting

26 Two shot

27 Medium close up

28 Two shot


30 Medium close up, framed by two other characters

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