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By Dr. P.K. Ghosh PS & Head (WM) ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam, Umroi Road, Meghalaya A Brief Account on Analysis of water & sediment in Umiam.

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1 By Dr. P.K. Ghosh PS & Head (WM) ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam, Umroi Road, Meghalaya A Brief Account on Analysis of water & sediment in Umiam lake

2 Morphometric features of Umiam reservoir Total water spread area 500 ha approx. Altitude Above 900 m above MSL Maximum Reservoir Level EL 3220 ft Minimum Reservoir Level EL 3150 ft Gross Storage EL 3220 ft Dead Storage EL 3150 ft Total length of dam 640.0 ft Maximum height of dam 238 ft

3 (a) Bay (b) Lentic sector

4 Uses of lake Primarily it meant for Umtru-Umiam hydro- electric project. Primarily it meant for Umtru-Umiam hydro- electric project. There is no organized fishery in this reservoir. There is no organized fishery in this reservoir. Subsistence fishing by the local people is common. Subsistence fishing by the local people is common. About 200-250 anglers come to this reservoir daily for fishing. About 200-250 anglers come to this reservoir daily for fishing. The common carp, Cyprinus carpio is the predominant sps. The common carp, Cyprinus carpio is the predominant sps. Boating is the main recreation found in this lake. Boating is the main recreation found in this lake.

5 Procedure The surface water samples were collected which were analyzed for various parameters like (Temperature, PH, dissolved oxygen, free CO2, total alkalinity, total hardness, total dissolved solids, chloride) The surface water samples were collected which were analyzed for various parameters like (Temperature, PH, dissolved oxygen, free CO2, total alkalinity, total hardness, total dissolved solids, chloride) Water transparency was measured using a secchi disc. Water transparency was measured using a secchi disc. Sediment samples were collected using Petersen grab. Sediment samples were collected using Petersen grab. The sediment samples were also analyzed for their chemical characteristics like PH, organic carbon, organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium. The sediment samples were also analyzed for their chemical characteristics like PH, organic carbon, organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium. Plankton was collected using standard plankton net made of bolting silk cloth. Plankton was collected using standard plankton net made of bolting silk cloth. Pesticide residue is analysed using HPLC. Pesticide residue is analysed using HPLC.

6 Table: Physico-chemical parameters of Umiam reservoir water during different season Parameters Season Mean Pre-monsoonMonsoonPost-monsoon Temperature( o C) 21.2726.4318.7922.16 Transparency (cm) 268.16209.53220.94232.88 pH7.629.117.127.95 Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 7.609.086.987.89 Free CO2 (mg/l) 1.740.153.391.76 Ph.Alkalinity (mg/l) 0.333.790.01251.38 Total Alkalinity (mg/l) 30.0220.7420.8623.87 Hardness (mg/l) 25.9917.2317.7320.32 Chloride (mg/l) 5.601.851.282.91 Nitrite (mg/l) 0.0470.100.0620.0697 Phosphate (mg/l) 0.060.0950.050.0682 Conductance (µ/cm) 74.1357.9246.4559.50 T.D.S. (mg/l) 37.0728.8923.4029.79

7 Fig: Monthly variation in water transparency

8 Fig: Sediment texture of Umiam reservoir

9 Chemical characteristics of sediment in Umiam reservoir during different seasons ParametersSeasons Pre-monsoonMonsoonPost-monsoon PHPHPHPH6.035.585.99 Organic Carbon (%) 2.5362.3321.817 Organic Matter (%) 4.3724.023.133 Total Nitrogen (%) 0.1670.18380.2054 Available Nitrogen (kg/ha) 407.68374.08324.74 Available Phosphorus (kg/ha) 65.6184.7955.17 Available Potassium (kg/ha) 362.67243.14258.95

10 Primary production in Umiam reservoir during different seasons of the year Primary production Pre-monsoon (Feb- May) Monsoon (June- Sept) Post-monsoon(Oct-June) Gross primary productivity (mg C/m 3 /hr) 148.56766.89746.943 Net primary productivity (mg C/m 3 /hr) 79.24148.32821.472 Respiration (mg C/m 3 /hr) 101.94222.27933.335

11 Table : Diversity of zooplankton in Umiam reservoir Sl. N o. CopepodaProtozoaRotiferaCladoceraCillata 1Canthocamptus spAcanthocystis sp.Asplanchna sp.Alonella sp.Actinosphaerium sp 2Cyclops sp.Amphitrema sp.Brachionus sp.Bosmina sp.Astrophrya sp. 3Diaptomus sp.Antarcella sp.Cephadella sp.Ceriodaphnia spColeps sp. 4Eubranchipus sp.Centropyxis sp.Chromogaster spChlydorus sp.Paramaecium sp 5Limnocalnus sp.Ceratium sp.Colurella sp.Daphnia sp.Vorticella sp. 6Naupluis sp.Chrysamoeba spCollotheca sp.Macrothrix sp. 7Difflugia sp.Conochilus sp.Moina sp. 8Dinobryon sp.Cupelophagis sp.Simocephalus sp 9Euglena sp.Epiphanes sp. 10Peridium sp.Euchlanis sp. 11Phacus sp.Filina sp. 12Gastropus sp. 13Hexarthra sp. 14Keretella sp. 15Lecane sp. 16Lepadella sp. 17Monostyla sp. 18Nothalca sp. 19Philodina sp. 20Phomphlex sp. 21Polyarthra sp. 22Rotaria sp. 23Testudinella sp. 24Trichocerca sp.

12 Table : Diversity of phytoplankton in Umiam reservoir Sl. N o. ChlorophyceaeBacillariophyceaeDesimidaceaeMyxophyceae 1Ankistrodesmus sp.Achnanthes sp.Anthrodesmus sp.Agmenellum sp. 2Botryococcus sp.Asterionella sp.Cosmarium sp.Anabeana sp. 3Ceratophyllum sp.Ceratonies sp.Desmatractum sp.Anacystis sp. 4Closterium sp.Colonies sp.Desmidium sp.Coelasphaerium sp. 5Coelastrum sp.Cymbella sp.Docidium sp.Merismopedia sp. 6Crucigenia sp.Cytotella sp.Epiphanes sp.Nodularia sp. 7Diaspora sp.Diatoma sp.Euastrum sp.Oedogonium sp. 8Dictyosphaerium sp.Denticula sp.Gonatozygon sp.Oscillatoria sp. 9Enteromorpha sp.Fragillaria sp.Melosira sp.Rivularia sp. 10Hydrodictyon sp.Gomphonema sp.Mesotaenium sp.Spirulina sp. 11Kirchneriella sp.Gyrosigma sp.Micrasterias sp.Tetrapedia sp. 12Kyliniella sp.Navicula sp.Onychonema sp. 13Merismopedia sp.Nitzchia sp.Penium sp. 14Mesotaenium sp.Phormidium sp.Pleurotaenium sp. 15Microcystis sp.Pinnularia sp.Sorastrum sp.

13 Conti… 16 Monostroma sp. Rhizosolenia sp. Spondylosium sp. 17 Pachycladon sp. Selenastrum sp. Staurastrum sp. 18 Pediastrum sp. Stauronies sp. Tetraedon sp. 19 Polycystis sp. Surirella sp. Xanthidium sp. 20 Protococcus sp. Synedra sp. 21 Phytoconis sp. 22 Radiofilum sp. 23 Scebedesmus sp. 24 Sphaerocystis sp. 25 Spirogyra sp. 26 Stichococcus sp. 27 Tetrastrum sp. 28 Tribonema sp. 29 Ulothrix sp. 30 Zygnema sp.

14 Total density of plankton in Umiam reservoir during different seasons Seasons Density of Plankton (u/lit) PhytoplanktonZooplanktontotal Pre-monsoon 6560.20 6560.205,759.6512,319.85 Monsoon44,670.501,218.6045,889.10 Post-monsoon26,025.60695.9526,721.55 Mean25,752.102,558.0728,310.17

15 Contents of Residues of different pesticides (ug/l) in water samples collected from Umiam lake samplePesticides MCPDMP CAR B END O- b CPP END O- a CYF N CPM N resid ue Umiam---0.585----1

16 Important Isolates NamePositive/negative Escherichia.coli+ve Salmonella sps. -ve

17 Fig: Solid wastes accumulate in the lotic sectorFig: Pollution from river Umkrah

18 thank you

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