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Project Overview Van Duzen Project Sal Steinberg Field Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Overview Van Duzen Project Sal Steinberg Field Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Overview Van Duzen Project Sal Steinberg Field Manager

2 Welcome Stakeholders, Public, Exchange students, Pat Higgins, future Supervisors

3 Eel River Eel River 3 rd largest river system in the state of California. What are the other two?

4 Eel River : 2 nd most sedimented river in the world next to the Yantze River in China

5 Van Duzen River The Coastal Range in the Van Duzen River Basin is the most erosive of its size anywhere in the United States.

6 What causes this sedimentation. Natural : very erosive Franciscan Melange: Read from Dave Heaton Humans: Timber Harvesting, Roads, etc. 2 particles to 1 particle Natural to Manmade Causes

7 Is this acceptable? Tremendous impact on the the fisheries, and the amphibians. Latest EcoNews

8 Watershed Shedding In 2004, CDF approved 5000 acres of timber harvest on 21% of Palco’s holdings in the Van Duzen These lands were harvested over a 3 year period and completed in 2007.

9 Changes in the HCP 2004 PALCO received permission to harvest timber only 50 feet from the Channel Migration Zone effecting bigger trees, canopy, salmon habitat, and increasing the levels of sediment delivery to all tributaries of the Van Duzen River.

10 It could always be worse! In February of 2008, the Yantze River began bubbling red endangering the water supply for over 200,000 people. TRUE or FALSE

11 Description In Sept.2006, Van Duzen Project was approved by the California Water Quality Control Board to conduct a two year study of water quality in the Van Duzen River Basin We are now completing our 2 nd year of the project with an extension to write a Watershed Plan Make recommendations for the reduction of sediment into the Van Duzen River Basin – TMDL FOR MORE INFO..

12 Citizens Monitoring Group Tremendous volunteer group We are presently monitoring Rainbow Bridge, Grizzly Creek, Hely Creek, Flanigan Creek, Fox Creek, Upper and lower Cummings Creek, Wilson Creek, Yager Creek, Wolverton Creek, and the Main Stem of the Van Duzen River.

13 Few Adventures Isaac Mikels Rainbow Bridge Turbidity sampling

14 Isaac at Rainbow Suspended Sediment

15 Jesse at Cummings Creek

16 Jesse measuring flow at 1’ intervals on Cummings Creek station for a Discharge Rating curve.

17 Humboldt State University Lab Dr. Kristine Brenneman, Technical Advisory Team Koa Lavery : Grad Assistant working with suspended sediment samples Karen Bromley, Masters Thesis on water quality in the Van Duzen Ed Brenneman, Turbidity and suspended sediment

18 Big Fish Award for the Night Supported the Van Duzen Efforts for the past decade. Provided the project with excellent people. Karen and Koa. Spent her winter vacation in the HSU lab doing suspended sediment samples with Ed

19 Schedule Milestones : 650 samples in Phase 1 470 samples in Phase 2 as of 2/1/08 FOR MORE INFO... Road Densities, Upslope conditions, Macroinvertebrate Study, Habitat Typing, Rainfall, PH, Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature, Salmon sightings JanFebMarAprMayJunJulySepOctNovDec Hydrologic Year 2006-2007Phase 1 Hydrologic Year 2007-2008 Phase 2 Watershed PlanPhase 3

20 Hely Creek Jan.3 rd 3,628 NTU’s

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