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University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Water Engineering and Geotechnics “Development of the complex condition framework for nursing talented.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Water Engineering and Geotechnics “Development of the complex condition framework for nursing talented."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Water Engineering and Geotechnics “Development of the complex condition framework for nursing talented students at the Univesity of West Hungary” project ID: TÁMOP - 4.2.2.B-10/1-2010-0018 Tomasz Koniarz

2 Content of heavy metals and phytotoxkit of bottom sediments collected from the Chancza reservoir  Introduction  Location  Characteristic of the reservoir  Collecting bottom sediment samples  Methodology  Results  Conclusions  References

3 Introduction Water reservoirs stop and accumulate of contamination The research aimed at assessing the degree of bottom sediment contamination with heavy metals in the Chancza reservoir using geochemical and biological indices

4 Location

5 Characteristic of water reservoir  Reservoir length 5.4 km  Reservoir width 300 ÷ 900 m  Maximum depth 11 m  Basin area 475 km 2  Reservoir area 4.10 km 2  Reservoir capacity 19.31 mln m 3

6 Collecting bottom sediment samples

7 Chemical analyses The content of elements (Zn. Cu. Ni. Cr. Pb and Cd) in the sediments were determined with an ICP-OES spectrometer (Pekin Elmer Optima 7300 DV) after hot mineralization in a mixture of HNO3 and HClO3 (3:2) acids. Geochemical indices Biological properties  Phytotoxkit test  Müller’s geoaccumulation index (I geo ),  contamination factor (C f ),  contamination degree (C deg ). Methodology

8 Results - geochemical indices (content of heavy metals and geochemical background) Geochemical background ZnCuNiCrPbCd content of heavy metals [ppm]75÷15627÷507÷1911÷2516÷310.3÷0.5 for upper continental crust (MCLENNAN 1992) 71252035200.1 for battom sediments (LIS. PASIECZNA 1995b) 502010 253.0 for soils (KABATYA-PENDIAS. PENDIAS 1999) 85222538390.3

9 Results - geochemical indices Müller’s geoaccumulation index (I geo ) Cross section Geochemical background Geoaccumulation index [-] ZnCuNiCrPbCd Section 1 for *u.c.c.-0.030.28-1.30-1.50-0.341.65 for **b. s.0.480.60-0.300.31-0.67-3.26 for soils-0.290.46-1.62 -1.310.06 Section 5 for u.c.c.-0.49-0.47-2.06-2.23-0.881.26 for b. s.0.01-0.14-1.06-0.43-1.20-3.64 for soils-0.75-0.28-2.38-2.35-1.84-0.32 Section 8 for u.c.c.0.550.40-0.67- for b. s.1.060.720.330.76-0.26-3.11 for soils0.290.58-0.99-1.16-0.900.21 *u.c.c. - upper continental crust **b. s. - battom sediments

10 Results - geochemical indices contamination factor (C f ) contamination degree (C deg ) Cross section Geochemical background Contamination factor Contamination degree ZnCuNiCrPbCd Section 1 for *u.c.c. 1.471.820.610.531.184.70 10.31 for **b. s. 8.54 for soils 0.611.57 6.44 Section 5 for u.c.c. 7.25 for b. s. 1.511.360.721.120.650.12 5.48 for soils 0.891.230.29 0.421.20 4.32 Section 8 for u.c.c. 2.201.980.940.731.575.20 12.62 for b. s. 3.122.471.892.551.250.17 11.46 for soils 1.842.250.760.670.801.73 8.05 *u.c.c. - upper continental crust **b. s. - battom sediments

11 Results - toxicity of the bottom sediments

12 Where: (d) – distilled water (w) – interstitial water

13 Conclusion Interpretation of results depends mostly on assumed geochemical background. The calculated indices which take the background of earth crust into account deviate the most from the indices which take the background for soil and bottom sediments into account. The calculated indices (I geo. C i f and C deg ) were varied depending on which metal was being analyzed. sediment collection zone. as well as on assumed geochemical background. The conducted Phytotoxkit test showed a stimulating influence of bottom sediments on the growth of young roots of the test plants. which may prove their increased fertility. A higher growth stimulation of roots was observed in the naturally wet sediment (samples 8). which may be a proof for presence of nutrition compounds in water (phosphorus and nitrogen).

14 Reference HAKANSON. L. (1980): An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control. A sedimentological approach. Water Research. 14: 975-1001. KABATA-PENDIAS. A. – PENDIAS. H. (1999): Biogeochemia pierwiastkow sladowych. PWN. Warszawa. LAJCZAK. A. (1995). Studium nad zamulaniem wybranych zbiornikow zaporowych w dorzeczu Wisly. Mon. Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej PAN. 8. 108 p. LIS. J. – PASIECZNA. A. (1995b): Atlas geochemiczny Polski. Skala 1:250 000. PIG. Warszawa. MADEYSKI. M. – TARNAWSKI. M. (2006): Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenow Wiejskich. Ocena stanu ekologicznego osadow dennych wybranych małych zbiornikow wodnych.. PAN. Krakow. 4/3/2006: 107-116. MCLENNAN. S.M. (1992). Continental Crust. In Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences. Vol. (1) (W.A. Nierenberg. Ed.). Kluwer. Dortrecht. The Netherlands. 581-592. MULLER G. (1969): Index of geoaccumulation in sediments of the Rine River. Geojournal. 2: 108-118. STEPHENS S.R. – ALLOWAY B.J. – PARKER A. – CARTER J.E. – HUDSON M.E. (2001) Changes in the leachability of metals from dredged canal sediments during drying and oxidation. Environ Pollut. 114. 407-413.

15 Thank you for your attention

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