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Regulatory/Workforce Update South Carolina Organization of Nurse Leaders Membership Meeting SCHA William L. Yates Conference Center October 4-5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory/Workforce Update South Carolina Organization of Nurse Leaders Membership Meeting SCHA William L. Yates Conference Center October 4-5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory/Workforce Update South Carolina Organization of Nurse Leaders Membership Meeting SCHA William L. Yates Conference Center October 4-5, 2012

2 Topics for SCONL Update:  SCDHHS & BC/BS will end payment for non-medically necessary early deliveries.  New CDC/CMS Flu Vaccination Requirements  AHA & SCHA Policy statements  CMS considers changing physician supervision levels for 28 outpatient therapeutic services.  15 vs. 13  Proposed revisions for Reg. 61-16, Hospital Licensure  Changes regarding authentication of Verbal Order  APRNs & Scope of Practice

3  Achievement & Potential  You can do anything you set your mind to as long as you have an endless supply of free labor and unbelievable amounts of cash.  Marketing is critical  Because making it look good now is more important than providing adequate support later.  Always have a positive outlook  The bad news: Robots can do your job now.  The good news: Robot repair technicians are in high demand now.  The Meaning of work  Get to work because you are not getting paid to believe in the power of your dreams.

4 Topics for SCONL Update:  SCDHHS & BC/BS will end payment for non-medically necessary early deliveries.  New CDC/CMS Flu Vaccination Requirements  AHA & SCHA Policy statements  CMS considers changing physician supervision levels for 28 outpatient therapeutic services.  15 vs. 13  Proposed revisions for Reg. 61-16, Hospital Licensure  Changes regarding authentication of Verbal Order  APRNs & Scope of Practice

5 “To achieve the highest possible level of protection for our patients and our employees, the SCHA supports hospitals adopting workforce and patient safety policies that require influenza vaccinations for all employees, students, volunteers, contract staff and temporary staff. These policies should provide exceptions for personnel who provide documentation of specific medical contra-indications. Anyone granted an exception should be required to wear a surgical or isolation mask while on duty. Depending upon the resources of an individual hospital, consideration should be given to the inclusion of all providers who are credentialed and affiliated with the hospital, as well as vendors, in those covered by these policies.”

6 workforce facts in sc  NPs practice under supervision of physicians  1 physician can supervise up to 3 NPs  NPs must be within 45 miles of supervisor  Definite interest in independent practice

7 if NPs seek to practice more independently, should scha: 1.Support independent practice 50% 2.Oppose independent practice 17% 3.Support another option (increase in ratio) 25% 4.Take no position 8%

8 workforce facts in sc  CRNAs practice under supervision of physicians  Anesthesiologist does not need to be onsite  1 physician can supervise up to 4 CRNAs  Definite interest in independent practice

9 if CRNAs seek to practice more independently, should scha: 1.Support independent practice 83% 2.Oppose independent practice 9% 3.Take no position 9%

10 “South Carolina hospitals believe that the limitations on the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses should be changed so that hospitals have more flexibility in meeting the healthcare needs of their communities. Hospitals will continue to use their credentialing process to manage all healthcare professionals under their responsibility. We encourage all hospitals to review their medical staff bylaws and their credentialing process so that if such flexibility is given, the utilization of advanced practice nurses will be both effective and efficient for their communities.”

11 workforce facts in sc  In 2010 for hospitals, 52% ADN, 34% BSN, 6% MSN, 7% diploma  17 ADN programs, 16 BSN programs  Challenges with funding, articulation, shortage of faculty clinical placements  Extensive use of ADN to BSN online programs  IOM report suggested goal of 80% BSN, 20% ADN by 2020

12 should scha support? 1.Goal of 80%-20% by 2020 8% 2.Goal of 50%-50% by 2020 33% 3.Some goal less aggressive by 2020 21% 4.Take position of opposing any specific goal 38%

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