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Cells Parts of cell.. Cells Theory  All living things are composed of cells.  All cells come from pre-existing cells.  Cells are the smallest units.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells Parts of cell.. Cells Theory  All living things are composed of cells.  All cells come from pre-existing cells.  Cells are the smallest units."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells Parts of cell.

2 Cells Theory  All living things are composed of cells.  All cells come from pre-existing cells.  Cells are the smallest units of life.

3 Facts about Cells!  Cells are too small to be seen with the eye alone.  By using a microscope, many parts of a cell can be seen.

4 Different cells in human body  Our muscles are made of muscle cells, our livers of liver cells, and there are even very specialized types of cells that make the enamel for our teeth or the clear lenses in our eyes!  Everything from reproduction to infections to repairing a broken bone happens down at the cellular level.

5 Parts of Cells  Cell membrane is a thin covering around the cell.  The cell membrane separates the inside parts of the cell from the outside environment,  It gives the cell its shape,  It controls what goes into and out of it.  Located inside a cell is the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is a jellylike liquid.  Inside the cytoplasm is the cell's control center called the nucleus. The nucleus contains all of the instructions for running the cell.

6 Parts of Cells  The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane. The nuclear membrane controls what goes into and comes out of the nucleus.  Mitochondria are shaped like kidney beans. Mitochondria are important parts of a cell because they help change food into energy. The cell uses the energy to do its work.  Vacuole, are tiny oval structures that store food, water, or wastes.

7 Parts of Animal Cell

8 Plant and Animal Cells  Plant cells tend to be spherical or to be rectangular, while animal cells are at times irregular.  All cells, whether plant or animal, have these same parts: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nuclear membrane, vacuoles, and mitochondria.  Plant cells, however, have two additional parts that animal cells do not.

9 Additional parts of Plant Cell  Plant cells have cell walls.  This sturdy layer around the cell membrane supports and protects the cell.  Plant cells also contain chloroplasts.  Chloroplasts contain the green substance called chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll traps energy from sunlight and enables a plant to make its own food.

10 Plant Cell

11 Difference between plant and animal cell

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