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11/6/13 51st Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the life characteristics of Amoeba and Paramecium. Due Today: Euglena part.

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Presentation on theme: "11/6/13 51st Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the life characteristics of Amoeba and Paramecium. Due Today: Euglena part."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/6/13 51st Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the life characteristics of Amoeba and Paramecium. Due Today: Euglena part of chart & flashcards Evening Assignment: Finish Amoeba/Paramecium part of chart

2 Explain why I have written Euglena using the color scheme
Explain why I have written Euglena using the color scheme? How do the colors relate to how it gets energy? Do Now

3 What characteristics do all living things share?
Are organized (cells, structures) Reproduce (pass on genetic material) Use energy Grow & develop Remove waste Regulate Internal Conditions (homeostasis) Respond to the environment Evolve and Adapt Characteristics of Life

4 Life Functions of single-celled Organisms
As you watch note what role each of the following plays in the life of unicellular organisms: Nucleus Flagella Cilia Pseudopod Cytoplasm Vacuole Cell membrane Mitochondria Chloroplasts Life Functions of single-celled Organisms

5 8 Vocabulary Flashcards
On the FRONT On the BACK Cell Definition: A cell is the basic unit of life that is able to perform basic life functions. Examples: Euglena: single-celled organism Red blood cell: cell in human body that carried oxygen Cell chloroplast Autotroph flagella Photosynthesis 7. cilia Heterotroph pseudopod 8 Vocabulary Flashcards

6 Amoeba Organization: Single-celled, shapeless & has pseudopods
Respond to Environment: Cytoplasmic streaming allows it to move toward food or away from predators Energy Use: Heterotrophic- engulfs food with pseudopods Evolve/Adapt: Can become dormant Amoeba

7 Amoeba Feeding & Waste removal
Heterotroph (eats bacteria, algae & other protozoa Surrounds food and engulfs it with pseudopods Moves by cytoplasmic streaming Can change shape Waste is removed by the vacuole Amoeba Feeding & Waste removal

8 Amoeba Reproduction Asexual reproduction only Through binary fission
One organism splits into two genetically identical organisms Amoeba Reproduction

9 Organization: Single-celled, shaped like a shoe sole & has cilia
Respond to Environment: Cilia allows it to move toward food or away from predators Energy Use: Heterotrophic- uses cilia to sweep food into the oral groove Evolve/Adapt: Stiff elastic membrane gives it shape and is covered in cilia that allow it to spiral through water Paramecium

10 Paramecium Feeding & Waste removal
Heterotroph (eats bacteria, algae & yeast) Cilia sweeps food into oral groove Moves by cilia Has 2 nuclei: one large & one small Waste is removed by the vacuole Paramecium Feeding & Waste removal

11 Paramecium Reproduction
Asexual reproduction Through binary fission One organism splits into two genetically identical organisms Sexual reproduction occurs if there is environmental stress or overcrowding. Example of how paramecium response to the environment and evolve/adapt Paramecium Reproduction

12 Finish Amoeba/Paramecium part of Characteristics of Life chart
Evening Assignment

13 Finish Amoeba/Paramecium part of Characteristics of Life chart
Evening Assignment

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