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What do you need to know? How to get there? AP Biology The Challenging and Exciting World of….

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Presentation on theme: "What do you need to know? How to get there? AP Biology The Challenging and Exciting World of…."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you need to know? How to get there? AP Biology The Challenging and Exciting World of….

2 AP Biology Designed to give high school students the opportunity to earn college credit for work completed in high school. Course content is equivalent to that of a 2- semester, college introductory- level Biology course. Most credible 4 year colleges accept level 4 and 5 passes as sufficient to permit students to waive taking their Freshman Biology course.

3 Scope & Sequence of AP Biology 8 Unifying Themes 1.Science as a Process 2.Evolution 3.Energy Transfer 4.Continuity & Change 5.Structural Functional Relationships 6.Regulation 7.Interdependence in Nature 8.Science, Technology, and Society

4 3 Major Topics 15 Subtopics

5 Molecules & Cells A - Chemistry of Life B – Cells C – Cellular Energetics

6 Theme I: Science as a Process Science is a way of knowing: Discovery Inductive reasoning Hypothesizing Experimenting Researching Studying Writing

7 Theme II: Evolution Biological change of organisms over time as driven by natural selection Nucleic Acids : DNA, RNA Heredity

8 Heredity and Evolution A – Heredity B – Molecular Genetics C – Evolutionary Biology

9 Organisms and Populations A – Diversity of Organisms B – Structure and Function of Plants and Animals C - Ecology

10 Theme III: Energy Transfer All living organisms require energy and are alive because of their abilities to link energy reactions to biochemical reactions at the cellular level. Photosynthesis Respiration Feeding relationships

11 Theme IV: Continuity & Change Species maintenance from generation to generation using the same genetic code. Mutations lead to changes (Evolution)in species over time.

12 Theme V: Structural-Functional Relationships Structural Levels from molecules to organisms ensure successful functioning in all living system Aerodynamics of an eagle’s wins allows it to soar!

13 Theme VI: Regulation Everything from cells to organisms to ecosystems is in a state of dynamic balance and is controlled by positive or negative feed back mechanisms. Blood sugar level is regulated by the brain and pancreas via feedback mechanisms.

14 Theme VII: Interdependence in Nature No organisms is an island! Living systems interdepend on each other. Predator-prey Relationships Symbiosis: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism

15 Theme VII: Science, Technology, & Society Scientific research leads to technological advances that impact society positively and/or negatively. The scientific process: Observation Discovery Hypothesizing Experimenting Data gathering Data analysis Repetition Theorizing

16 Prerequisites High school Introductory Biology (MCAS Biology) High school Introductory Chemistry (MCAS Chemistry) A STRONG desire and commitment to learning. NB. Smart is NOT what you are but what you can BECOME by investing in learning!

17 Course Requirements Less that one 180 school days to learn and know the essence of at least 56 chapter topics under the 8 themes This is ~.50 chapters per day Requires LOTS of SELF DISCIPLINE demonstrated in: excellent listening and note taking skills, active class participation, doing homework everyday, pre-class reading and note taking, post-class reviews, consistent study-group participation, asking informed questions, and making wise use of academic support structures. Are you ready?

18 Examination Day comes Early in May! 120 Multiple choice questions in 1.5 hr.(.75 min per question) Percent of total grade = 60% 4 Free Response Questions (FRQs) in 1.5hr. ( ` 22.5 min per question) Percent of total grade= 40% Total Time Requirement: 3 hours

19 Are YOU Ready? Don’t join an AP class just because you want to make your resume look good Don’t join an AP Class because you feel forced to do so JOIN an AP class because You are success oriented and because You are up to the challenge! JOIN an AP class because YOU want to be college ready and because you want to save TIME and MONEY in college! JOIN an AP class because YOU committed to learning!

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