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14.9.2015 1 Specialised somatic health care 2013 Juha Rainio and Tarja Räty Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/2015.

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1 14.9.2015 1 Specialised somatic health care 2013 Juha Rainio and Tarja Räty Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/2015

2 Changes in the number of inpatient and day surgical care days as well as inpatient visits in specialised somatic health care indexed by age group, 2006–2013, year 2006 = 100 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20152

3 Patients in inpatient care and day surgery in specialised health care by age group, 2003–2013 (%) 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20153 20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013 0-14 yr11,210,5 10,710,910,810,610,7 10,59,9 15-64 yr57,858,458,057,657,157,257,056,455,855,054,5 65-74 yr14,013,9 13,813,713,814,014,114,715,416,1 75+ yr17,017,217,617,918,3 18,418,818,719,119,5 total100,0 patients662 075660 395672 641664 863656 888656 529648 229649 921655 138646 393640 519

4 Patients in outpatient care in specialised health care by age group, 2006–2013 (%) 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20154 20062007200820092010201120122013 0-14 yr13,513,313,113,012,912,812,912,4 15-64 yr59,759,559,659,258,858,157,157,2 65-74 yr13,1 13,213,413,614,314,915,3 75+ yr13,714,014,214,314,614,815,1 total100,0 patients1 568 4841 583 5801 631 6371 632 7801 645 7721 680 5811 697 9471 713 031

5 Inpatient periods of care and care days as well as outpatient visits in specialised health care by age group in 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2013 (%) 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/2015 5 1 Statistics Finland: mid-year population 2013

6 Changes in the number of care periods with procedures indexed by age group, 2001–2013, year 2001 = 100 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20156

7 Periods of care, care days and outpatient visits, 2001–2013, whole country¹ 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20157 ¹ Data on outpatient visits in specialised somatic health care have been collected since 1998, but the figures are comparable only from 2006 onwards.

8 Care days and outpatient visits in specialised health care, 2013, per 1 000 inhabitants 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20158

9 Periods of care based on an emergency admission, as a percentage of all periods of care by specialty, 2002– 2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/20159

10 Periods of care in inpatient care by hospital district per 1 000 inhabitants in 2013, day surgery and less than 2- day periods differentiated 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201510

11 Emergency room visits in specialised health care per 1 000 inhabitants by hospital district, 2006–2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201511

12 Periods of care, care days, outpatient visits and patients by specialty, 2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201512

13 Outpatient visits in specialised health care by specialty, 2006-2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201513 20062007200820092010201120122013 Internal medicine 1 225 8561 281 6731 424 6661 446 7751 501 5711 532 8961 568 985 1576923 Surgery 1 123 7761 154 3461 215 1811 234 6231 278 4681 331 4781 324 958 1337361 Obsterics and gynaecology 489 758498 390522 418533 105567 655565 920575 790 565233 Oncology 377 890385 214408 885437 095470 481472 664489 929 513287 Paediatrics 393 307403 632433 776433 018447 039449 491452 417 387126 Otorhinolatyngology 347 011353 511368 242369 098374 853398 255402 112 391646 Ophthalmology 306 862324 362333 435338 973355 131370 840388 866 415156 Dermatology and venereol. 286 627278 907294 771291 433291 106298 935308 989 303486 Neurology 249 009261 870272 810272 210278 744289 241294 960 295667 Physiatry 230 006211 805221 416228 644248 571240 480253 153 228789 Pullmonarydiseases 183 925185 226199 005206 191215 716237 340237 294 229652 Odontology and periodont. 86 31487 77894 62496 46198 217100 115104 156 105198 Neurosurgery 22 28322 52624 43725 69727 94729 27531 662 34098 General practice22 18028 01446 60323 13521 29024 46535 306 38186

14 Index for number of care days in the major specialties in specialised somatic health care, 2003–2013 (2003 = 100) 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201514

15 Number of patients in inpatient care due to certain diseases by hospital district per 100 000 inhabitants in 2013 1 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201515 Diabetes (E10– E14) Asthma (J45– J46) Acute myocardial infarction (I21)Heart failure (I50) Cerebrovascular diseases (I60–I69)Renal failure (N17–N19) Whole country844716715125943 Åland1018420328019952 Helsinki University Central Hospital catchment area HUS55341017918128 South Karelia HD905629050637154 Kymenlaakso HD884821120934247 Turku University Central Hospital catchment area Vaasa HD655614519526059 Varsinais-Suomi HD1133116815927052 Satakunta HD1053617417533449 Tampere University Central Hospital catchment area Pirkanmaa HD1094016019422264 South Ostrobothnia HD75352074123036 Päijät-Häme HD945620117331547 Kanta-Häme HD109387621931751 Kuopio University Central Hospital catchment area Pohjois-Savo HD1127224426932056 Central Finland HD555014214627253 North Karelia HD948819923933334 Etelä-Savo HD1006829935534340 Itä-Savo HD1376025335840165 Oulu University Central Hospital catchment area North Ostrobothnia HD854817311925731 Lappi HD8311818933233738 Kainuu HD1016927014738048 Central Ostrobothnia HD104692347323946 Länsi-Pohja HD924821025632943

16 Periods of care with procedures by category, 2002– 2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201516

17 Total and in-per-capita number of elective periods of care and proportion of day surgical procedures by hospital district, 2009–2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201517

18 Periods of care in specialised somatic health care by diagnosis group, 2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201518

19 Most common single character code procedures measured by total number of periods of care, 2000– 2013 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201519

20 Patients who died during a period of care with procedures in 2013, single character codes, number and relative proportion of deaths 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201520

21 Patients who died during a period of care with procedures in 2013, three character codes, number and relative proportion of deaths 1 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201521 PatientsDeaths Deaths, % of patients WX8Intensive care 5 4243456.36 KA_4Dialysis 6096110.02 NFQExcision, reconstruction and fusion of hip joint 663416.18 GBBTracheostomy and related operations 325319.54 PDGOperations for aneurysm of infrarenal abdominal aorta and iliac arteries 2804014.29 AAKOperations on skull and dura 26882.99 FC_3Repair of aortic arch 253207.91 FX_3Other investigations of hearth function 17342.31 FNCAorto-coronary venous bypass 172137.56 GA_Diagnostic radiology chest wall, pleura and diaphragm 15542.58 JK_2Other procedures of biliary tract 20373.45 JDHOperations on pylorus and duodenum 17195.26 PEEThrombectomy or embolectomy of femoral artery and branches 11886.78 GABThoracotomy 10088.00 JDCPartial gastrectomy 12454.03 FKDProsthetic replacement of mitral valve 9388.60 JDEAnastomosis of stomach without concurrent gastrectomy 7633.95 AAADiagnostic intracranial procedures 7856.41 FXAIntraoperative total cardiopulmonary bypass 621625.81

22 Specialised somatic health care 2013 A total of 1.78 million patients used specialised somatic health services in 2013. Inpatient care and day surgery had about 640 000 patients during the year, and there were nearly 1.7 million outpatient visits. Nearly 44 per cent of all periods of care in specialised health care are based on an emergency admission. The proportion of periods of care that started as an emergency admission of all periods of care varies greatly between specialties. There are differences in service selections between private and public hospitals. Most surgical operations performed in private hospitals were day surgeries. 14.9.2015 Specialised somatic health care 2013, Statistical report 1/201522

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