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Merging the National Library and the National Archives LIBER General Annual Conference, Tartu, June 2012 Els van Eijck van Heslinga, Head Finance and Corporate.

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Presentation on theme: "Merging the National Library and the National Archives LIBER General Annual Conference, Tartu, June 2012 Els van Eijck van Heslinga, Head Finance and Corporate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Merging the National Library and the National Archives LIBER General Annual Conference, Tartu, June 2012 Els van Eijck van Heslinga, Head Finance and Corporate Services, KB

2 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Facts & figures Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) National Library of the Netherlands                     2011: 359 staff as of 31 December 110 km of library materials 100,537 visits to the library annually 4,637,279 visits to the websites 47,893 books added in 2011 77,047 printed periodical issues added in 2011 1,314,318 digital periodical articles added in 2011 170,000 e-books made available (patron-driven acquisition)

3 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Facts & figures National Archives (NA)                                       2011: 144 staff 105 km of public records, 14,5 km of which pre-1795 Plus 300,000 maps, drawings and 10 million photos 19,000 visits to the archives annually 130,000 visits to the website per month (1,560,000 per year) 5,000 visits per day to Flickr (photos)

4 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Collections                                      Unique (digital) collections that complement each other KB  books, newspapers, periodicals (published material), also: manuscripts, special collections NA  public records national government (originals), images (many photos, among others the Spaarnestad archive), other archival collections

5 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Similarities Target groups: researchers, general public, business-to- business clients such as archives and libraries, museums, other cultural heritage institutions Evolving into a national back office service Responsibilities for long-term access (digital preservation) National and international role in respective domains

6 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Differences Ambitions with regard to digitization (NA: digitization on demand; KB: mass digitization) Exhibitions (NA: on-site; KB: on-line) Relationship with government (NA: public records law; KB: strategic influence only) Different legal issues (NA: privacy and freedom of information; KB: copyright and open access)

7 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Cooperation thus far                   “Metamorfoze”, national programme for preservation of paper heritage Joint on-site exhibitions ( “The Legacy of the Netherlands”) NA contributes content to online exhibition “The Memory of the Netherlands” Research in digital preservation

8 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 National infrastructure National Archives Sound and Vision DANS Cultural Coalition National Library Digital preservation: building a national infrastructure for permanent access to digital resources

9 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Intended merger December 2011: Secretary of State announces merger Most important reasons: Comparable digital challenges: collection and storage of and provision of access to digital information Pooling knowledge, skills and resources Advantages: High quality, continuity and efficiency Stronger national and international position

10 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 New strategy                    A joint vision for 2025 based on: 1.Unique content (the National Memory of the Netherlands) and its exploitation 2.Knowledge about that content 3.Technical infrastructure to provide long-term access to digital collections

11 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Outline Strategic Plan 2014-2017 All collections can be searched online. Paper books, periodicals, public records and special collections accessible in reading rooms Digitization-on-demand service Where possible documents and public records directly available in digital form for research and re-use Excellent facilities for study, research, meetings and conferences Facilities for exhibitions and educating the general public

12 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Synergy and efficiency – short-term and long-term Operational management Short term: immediately after merger [1-1-2014] Housing, ICT, Finance, HRM, Communication ‘Physical’ and digital services Medium term: 2 years after merger Depends on housing (reading rooms, shared entrance) Storage and maintenance collections Medium term: 2 years after merger Depends on housing/ investments (stacks, depots) Acquisitions and processing Long term: 5 to 10 years after merger To be decided

13 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Process of merger Three involved parties: KB, NA, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Designing merger process Due Diligence Management meetings (determine strategy, core values etc.) Communications track: shared merger intranet, staff introductions, dedicated merger design

14 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Organizational structure                              Governance yet to be determined In all likelihood a team of directors Structure of organization to be determined following strategic plan

15 Merging the National Library and the National Archives June 2012 Issues requiring attention New institution requires new legislation KB and NA presently are different types of legal entities (Autonomous Administrative Authority vs. Government Agency) Different Collective Labour Agreements Special authority NA with regard to public records Friction costs

16 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Present joint projects Research programme Digital Preservation Restoration and Digitization Departments Digitization on-demand Organization of User Services Department(s) Preliminary investigation Depots/Stacks Shared Entrance Office automation Merging Facility Management Security (people, collections) Branding strategy Implementation Joint Operational Management Applications Workflow description Preliminary investigation passage-way linking buildings Architecture Operational Management Applications

17 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012 Timetable …

18 Merging the National Library and the National ArchivesJune 2012

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