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Role of Pakistan in INIS Activities

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1 Role of Pakistan in INIS Activities
Waqar Ahmad Butt Head, Scientific Information Division Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology Islamabad

2 Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology
A Premier R&D centre of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission

3 Major Objectives of PINSTECH
Keep pace with the frontiers of knowledge in the field of Nuclear Science & Technology Produce radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals Applications of radiations and isotope technology Provide trained manpower to meet future challenges Work on non-nuclear fields which are crucial for the development of science and technology High-tech support to public/private organizations in industry, health, environment etc. Dissemination of scientific information to R & D organizations and universities


5 Non-Technical Manpower 741
TOTAL MANPOWER (1655) Technical Manpower Scientists / Engineers Supporting S&T Staff Non-Technical Manpower Officers Staff

6 Director General (PINSTECH) Administration Accounts Business
Development Unit Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Control (QC) Central Diagnostic Laboratory (CDL) Directorate of Science Directorate of Technology Directorate of Systems & Services Directorate of Coordination Chemistry Materials Nuclear Engineering Scientific Information Physics Isotope Production Health Physics Human Resource Development Plasma Physics Isotope Application Central Analytical Facility Management Information System Equipment Maintenance General Services

7 Scientific Information Division MILESTONES:
Scientific Information Division MILESTONES: * Main Library established in * Scientific Information Division created in * Declared as National Library of Physical Sciences by the Govt. of Pakistan in IN-HOUSE COLLECTION: * About 37,000 books on science & technology * More than one million records of 1700 journal titles * Over 1.47 million NCL documents on microfiche, CD-ROMs, paper copy, etc. WORKFORCE = 75

8 Dissemination of scientific information to all establishments of PAEC and other R & D organizations/ universities

9 Head SID CIMS: Computerized Information Management Section
INIS LMS LRMS RCS SMS STRS CIMS: Computerized Information Management Section INIS: International Nuclear Information System LMS: Library Management Section LRMS: Library Record Management Section RCS: Reference & Circulation Section SMS: Services Management Section STRS: Scientific & Technical Reports Section

10 General Information No. of universities in Pakistan (HEC) = 133 Public = 73, Private = 60 No. of S & T universities = 81 Public = 58, Private = 23 No. of Nuclear Centers (PAEC) = 53 Medical = 15, Agriculture/ Bio-Tech = 06 Energy = 14, Academic / research = 11 Productive Scientists (PCST 2008) = 664 Journals published from Pakistan (HEC) = 138 Input received for INIS from journals = 69 Medicine = 11, Agriculture = 07 Engineering = 13, others = 38

11 Promotion of INIS activities
Pakistan has established links with INIS/IAEA since its inception in 1969. SID/PINSTECH is responsible for all activities of INIS and its promotion in the country. INIS input is being submitted regularly. Literature searches are provided not only to PINSTECH/PAEC but also to other research organizations including universities. INIS output products (full text) are made available to the end user free of cost.

12 INIS Linkage Link of INIS at the Homepage of SID website
Distribution of flayers and posters to all S & T organizations / universities having websites about free INIS access INIS Newsletter sent to all at PINSTECH LAN and placed at website SDI services from INIS database Workshop on dissemination of scientific information from INIS and other databases

13 Suggestions / Expectations
Close collaboration among ILOs Sharing of information (scientific events, announcements, achievements, awards, etc) s Group of ILOs Web addresses of National INIS Centres Supply of literature to other Member States at no cost basis (if possible) Provision of access to all literature resources through website registration ( INIS Satellite Units in main R & D institutions Meeting of ILOs in other Members states (special session for relevant researchers) Digitalization of NCL on MF before 1970

14 Thank You







21 Main Activities Acquisition of books, journals, reports, etc to develop in-house collection Comprehensive S &T information database On-line access to available literature Resource sharing with other R & D organizations and universities Dissemination of information from INIS and other databases via digital media

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