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Wastewater Infrastructure Security Workshop April 15, 2002 Denver, Colorado.

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1 Wastewater Infrastructure Security Workshop April 15, 2002 Denver, Colorado

2 Water Pollution Control Facility Plant Security Measures Presentation Tom Dingeman

3 What has the City done so far? Completed an asset based vulnerability checklist. Identified areas needing immediate attention. Pursued low or no cost security measures. Received information from security firms. Looked at what other plants have done or are planning to do. Considering more costly security measures. May pursue EPA grant for a more comprehensive assessment study.

4 Low or No Cost Security Measures Emphasize to employees the need for greater awareness and vigilance. Have a policy for securing/locking main gates. Consider a sign-in system for plant visitors. Keep all on-site buildings and vehicles locked. Re-evaluate plant tour policy. Consider what areas should not be included on tours. Use signage wherever possible. A good deterrent. Ensure that there is adequate lighting at plant.

5 Examples of various types of signage used at the treatment facility

6 Low or No Cost Security Measures Keep employees informed. Encourage awareness training on security measures. Hold meetings to discuss security plan options. Update emergency preparedness & response plans to include an awareness section on biological & chemical terrorist incidents. Do periodic emergency preparedness tabletop and drill exercises.

7 Low or No Cost Security Measures Have enough communication devices on hand, such as pagers & cell phones. Get a guard dog. Can be a good deterrent. Review content of plant brochures (for example, site maps) that are distributed or used for public education purposes. Also, review what you place on your website.

8 Low or No Cost Security Measures Place “high priority” on preventive maintenance for all emergency backup equipment. Encourage CPR/First Aid training for employees. Have one or two employees become certified trainers. Prepare a written contingency plan for SCADA system. Have employees carry wallet-size “emergency call cards” at all times. Screen mail & packages. See U.S. Postal Service website for recommended procedures to follow.

9 More Costly Security Measures Perimeter fencing. Enhanced alarm paging systems. Install anti-virus programs on all computers. Security guards. Drive through security vehicles.

10 Facility's perimeter fencing on both sides of river

11 More Costly Security Measures Alarm sensors for windows, CCTV cameras in key areas such as administration building and computer control centers. Employee hazardous material ID & control training. Automated main access gates. Security systems, such as access keypads w/alarms for chemical rooms. Hire more employees; minimize single coverage on shifts.

12 Thank You!! Questions?

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