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Published byHugh Snow Modified over 9 years ago
Water Pollution: Types, Causes, Consequences, Regulation and Economics
Freshwater pollution and its control
Water for human consumption and other organisms needs to be… Disease-free Nontoxic Half of the world’s major rivers are seriously depleted and polluted They poison surrounding ecosystems Threaten the health and livelihood of people The invisible pollution of groundwater has been called a “covert crisis”
Water Quality Definitions
Contaminant - any constituent in the water deleterious to a particular end use regardless of its origin and whether it occurs in the watershed, source or in a water supply system Pollutant - any constituent in the water source deleterious to a particular end use that is of anthropogenic origin Pollutant = subset of contaminant Contaminants Contaminants Pollutants mlee/geog4350/4350c4f01.ppt
Water Pollution Any chemical, biological and physical change in water quality that has a harmful effect on living organisms or makes it unusable for agriculture The massive quantity of pollutants produced by > 6 billion humans, their machines, plants, animals The limited supply of fresh liquid water into which most water-destined pollutants are discharged The growing number of ‘technological pollutants’ released into the environment, i.e. manufactured synthetic materials In general, water pollution is concerned with 3 issues, huge as they are: Remember 0.6% of the worlds total water supply? Freshwater%20and%20ocean%20Pollution.ppt
Types of Pollution Disease-causing Agents – pathogens
Oxygen Demanding Agents – organic waste: manure Inorganic Plant Nutrients – nitrogen and phosphorus Sediment or Suspended Material – erosion, soil Toxic Chemicals – acids, heavy metals, organics Heat – electric and nuclear power plants
Point and nonpoint source water pollution
Point source water pollution = discrete locations of pollution Factory or sewer pipes Nonpoint source water pollution = pollution from multiple cumulative inputs over a large area Farms, cities, streets, neighborhoods The U.S. Clean Water Act Addressed point sources Targeted industrial discharge In the U.S., nonpoint sources have a greater impact on quality Limit development on watershed land surrounding reservoirs
Freshwater pollution sources
Pathogens and waterborne diseases
Enters water supply via inadequately treated human waste and animal waste via feedlots Causes more human health problems than any other type of water pollution Fecal coliform bacteria indicate fecal contamination of water The water can hold other pathogens, such as giardiais, typhoid, hepatitis A
Waterborne Pathogens Disease symptoms usually are explosive emissions from either end of the digestive tract Giardia sp.* Escherichia coli Vibrio sp. Barbara E. Moore, Ph.D., Department of Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio
Indicator Tests Total coliform [Endo agar] Fecal coliform [m-FC agar]
Fecal streptococci [M-enterococcus] Prescott et al., Microbiology Barbara E. Moore, Ph.D., Department of Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio
Pathogens cause massive human health problems
Currently, 1.1 billion people are without safe drinking water 2.4 billion have no sewer or sanitary facilities Mostly rural Asians and Africans An estimated 5 million people die per year Solutions: Treat sewage Disinfect drinking water Public education to encourage personal hygiene Government enforcement of regulations
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
BOD: Oxygen is removed from water when organic matter is consumed by bacteria. Low oxygen conditions may kill fish and other organisms. Sources of organic matter Natural inputs-- bogs, swamps, leaf fall, and vegetation aligning waterways. Human inputs-- pulp and paper mills, meat-packing plants, food processing industries, and wastewater treatment plants. Nonpoint inputs-- runoff from urban areas, agricultural areas, and feedlots.
flowing water can recover rapidly by dilution and decay
Pollution of Streams and Lakes flowing water can recover rapidly by dilution and decay © Brooks/Cole Publishing Company / ITP Water Resources and Water Pollution by Paul Rich
Nutrient pollution Pollution = the release of matter or energy into the environment that causes undesirable impacts on the health and well-being of humans or other organisms Nutrient pollution from fertilizers, farms, sewage, lawns, golf courses Leads to eutrophication Solutions Phosphate-free detergents Planting vegetation to increase nutrient uptake Treat wastewater Reduce fertilizer application
Nitrogen Cycle Quiz Nitrogen Cycle
A major component of the atmosphere, nitrogen is essential for all living things. However, most organisms are unable to use the gaseous forms of nitrogen present in the atmosphere. In order for nitrogen to be usable by most organisms, it must be “fixed,” in other words, combined with oxygen, hydrogen or carbon to form other molecules. Nitrogen fixation can happen during rainstorms, which yields nitrate and ammonium ions. Nitrogen also can be fixed biologically by free- living and symbiotic bacteria. Leguminous plants, for example, host nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules allowing them to capture nitrogen and incorporate it into proteins and other molecules. Unlike other organisms, nitrogen fixing bacteria are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, which then can serve as raw material for the incorporation of nitrogen into other molecules. The other four important steps in the nitrogen cycle are: (1) assimilation (reduction of nitrate ions [NO2-] inside plants to ammonium ions [NH4+], which are used to manufacture proteins and other molecules; this conversion requires energy); (2) ammonification (release of excess nitrogen in the form of ammonia [NH3] and ammonium ions [NH4+] by soil-dwelling bacteria and some fungi during the decomposition of complex organic compounds such as proteins, and nucleic acids); (3) nitrification (the oxidation of ammonium ions or ammonia by free- living, soil dwelling bacteria to nitrates [NO2-]; and (4) denitrification (the conversion of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen [N2 ] by free-living bacteria in soil; this conversion yields energy and occurs in conditions with low levels of oxygen). References: Campbell, N.E., & Reece, J.B. (2002). Biology,(6th ed.). San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. Image Reference: Baylor College of Medicine, Center For Educational Outreach. (2004). Martha Young, Senior Graphic Designer.
Accelerated results with human input of nutrients to a lake
Eutrophication Accelerated results with human input of nutrients to a lake © Brooks/Cole Publishing Company / ITP Water Resources and Water Pollution by Paul Rich
Eutrophication is a natural process, but…
Human activities dramatically increase the rate at which it occurs
Sediment pollution Sediment can impair aquatic ecosystems
Clear-cutting, mining, poor cultivation practices Dramatically changes aquatic habitats, and fish may not survive Solutions: better management of farms and forests; avoid large-scale disturbance of vegetation
Toxic chemicals From natural and synthetic sources
Pesticides, petroleum products, synthetic chemicals Arsenic, lead, mercury, acid rain, acid drainage from mines Effects include: poisoning animals and plants, altering aquatic ecosystems, and affecting human health Solutions: Legislating and enforcing more stringent regulations of industry Modify industrial processes Modify our purchasing decisions
Thermal pollution Warmer water holds less oxygen
Dissolved oxygen decreases as temperature increases Industrial cooling heats water Removing streamside cover also raises water temperature Water that is too cold causes problems Water at the bottom of reservoirs is colder When water is released, downstream water temperatures drop suddenly and may kill aquatic organisms
Indicators of water quality
Scientists measure properties of water to characterize its quality Biological indicators: presence of disease-causing organisms; benthic macroinvertebrate diversity Chemical indicators: pH, nutrient concentration, taste, odor, hardness, dissolved oxygen Physical indicators: turbidity, color, temperature
What’s Happening in the Bear Creek Watershed?
Situation The scarcity of clean surface water was once a concern primarily of state and federal agencies. Recently it has attracted the attention of local communities. Community members are turning to environmental consulting companies such as yours for advice. Your company - Earth, Wind, and Water, Inc. - has helped many public agencies and private businesses in the small town of Oak View. Earth, Wind, and Water, Inc. monitors environmental quality. It develops practices that environmentally and economically benefit Oak View. Your newest client, Mr. Charles Taylor, owns Taylor's Trout-A-Rama. Taylor's Trout-A-Rama is a local streamside catch-and-release campsite. Mr. Taylor is upset over the fact that the fish in that stretch of Bear Creek have been dying. His business, like the trout, is going belly-up. He has called on your firm to figure out what is killing the fish in that section of Bear Creek, and how to stop it. Preliminary fieldwork has been done on Bear Creek and is available for your analysis. Click the Pic!
Water Quality Standards
In most countries, water quality standards have gradually emerged and are still evolving for different water uses Standards are a function of our ability to detect and remove contaminants our understanding and/or fear of their actual or possible impacts mlee/geog4350/4350c4f01.ppt
U.S. Water Quality Standards
The EPA have recorded at least 700 contaminants that have been found in municipal drinking water supplies around the country, many of which are harmful to humans The EPA currently requires the monitoring and reporting of some 83 variables and have set maximum contaminant levels for each (MCLS). This will likely increase soon mlee/geog4350/4350c4f01.ppt
Legislative efforts reduce pollution
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1972) Renamed the Clean Water Act in 1977 Illegal to discharge pollution without a permit Standards for industrial wastewater Funded sewage treatment plants Because of legislation, the situation is much better than it was Other nations have also reduced pollution
Legal Attempts to Control Water Pollution
Clean Water Act 1977, now a state-federal partnership The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act 1987 Federal Water Pollution Control Act 1972 amended to create: Safe Drinking Water Act, 1974, amended 1996 London Dumping Convention (1975) is the international treaty regulating disposal of wastes generated by normal operation of vessels The Water Quality Act (State of California) :Under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Porter-Cologne), the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) has the ultimate authority over State water rights and water quality policy. Porter-Cologne also establishes nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Boards) to oversee water quality on a day-to-day basis at the local/regional level. Regional Boards engage in a number of water quality functions in their respective regions. One of the most important is preparing and periodically updating Basin Plans,(water quality control plans). Each Basin Plan establishes: 1) beneficial uses of water designated for each water body to be protected; 2) water quality standards, known as water quality objectives, for both surface water and groundwater; and 3) actions necessary to maintain these standards in order to control non-point and point sources of pollution to the State's waters. The Federal Act established the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States. It gave EPA the authority to implement pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. The Clean Water Act also continued requirements to set water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters. The Act made it unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained under its provisions. It also funded the construction of sewage treatment plants under the construction grants program and recognized the need for planning to address the critical problems posed by nonpoint source pollution. Safe drinking water act aims to ensure that drinking water is safe from the source to the tap: sets national standards for drinking water, sets enforceable maximum contaminant levels. This convention was established to control pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes which could create hazards to human health or to harm living resources and ocean life, to damage amenities, and to interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea. It also encourages regional agreements supplementary to the Convention.It contains three Annexes: dumping of matter listed in Annex I is prohibited; dumping of matter listed in Annex II is allowable only by special permit; dumping of matter listed in annex III is allowable only by general permit. It calls on Parties "to promote measures to prevent pollution by hydrocarbons, other matter transported other than for dumping, wastes generated during operation of ships etc., radioactive pollutants and matter originating from exploration of the sea bed."The Convention was adopted on 29 December 1972 in London, Mexico City, Moscow and Washington, D.C., and entered into force on 30 August 1975 161 countries are parties as of December regulates carrying of oil, noxious liquids in the hold of ships, hazardous substances, sewage, and garbage from ships, air emissions from ships. Freshwater%20and%20ocean%20Pollution.ppt
Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act is a 1977 amendment to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 Set the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants in the US The law gave EPA the authority to set water quality standards for industry and for all contaminants in surface waters Attain water quality levels that make these waterways safe to fish and/or swim in Restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's water The CWA makes it unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters unless a permit (NPDES) is obtained The amounts and types of pollutants than can be discharged or allowed to run in to waters from watersheds are regulated Environmental Science ENSC Pollution in the Bay-Delta
Safe Drinking Water Act
The Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) was established to protect the quality of drinking water in the U.S This law focuses on all waters actually or potentially designed for drinking use, whether from above ground or underground sources Environmental Science ENSC Pollution in the Bay-Delta
It is better to prevent pollution
It is far better to prevent groundwater contamination than correct it Other options are not as good: Removing just one herbicide from water costs $400 million Pumping, treating, and re-injecting it takes too long Restricting pollutants above aquifers would shift pollution elsewhere Consumers can purchase environmentally friendly products Become involved in local “river watch” projects
Economics Definition:
The study of how people use their limited resources to try to satisfy their unlimited wants. In a free market, the price of a good is determined by its supply and by the demand for it.
Source and Sink Economies depend on the natural environment as sources for raw materials and sinks for waste products.
Source and Sink Source: is that part of the environment from which materials move. Sink: is that part of the natural environment that receives an input of materials. Both of these include natural capital Earth’s resources and processes that sustain living organisms. (minerals, Forests, soils, clean air, etc.)
Nationals Income Accounts
Represents the total income of a nation for a given year. How do we measure it? Gross Domestic Product Net Domestic Product Warning! Warning! Warning These are misleading by not incorporating environmental factors (Externalities). Natural resource depletion Cost and benefits of pollution control. ???
What is wrong with the calculations?
In the business world If a company manufactures a product, the output is calculated by GNP. But, the wear on the capital is calculated into NDP. In contrast If an oil company drains oil from the ground it is calculated into GNP. But, as the amount of oil is drain no calculation is made into NDP. The lack of resource should have economic drain.
Costs of Pollution Control
A situation: A company will produce 100 million $ in output but pollute a river. That same company can use workers to clean the pollution but only make 90 million $ and have a clean river. What will the company do????? Problem is there is no value on the clean river…. Only GNP is calculated…
Economist’s View of Pollution
If a product is made that harms the environment, that harm is not factored into the cost of the product. Hmmmmm, sounds a little irresponsible. Some sort of marginal cost needs to be associated with the product. Ex. Effect of the pollutant on human health. Ex. Effect of the pollutant on organisms within the environment.
Marginal Cost of Pollution
This is the added cost for all present and future members of society of an additional unit or pollution. Ex. Sulfur Dioxide Used in manufacturing and comes out of the atmosphere in acid rain.
What about stopping pollution?
Marginal cost of pollution abatement: The amount of money needed to dispose of a pollutant in a non harmful way.
What is the optimal amount of pollution? (If there is such a thing?)
If pollution exceeds the optimum amount of pollution the harm done exceeds the cost to reduce it. If pollution is small it may cost too much to control the small amount.
Flaws in Optimum Pollution
1. The true cost of environmental damage by pollution is too difficult to assess. 2. The risks of unanticipated environmental catastrophe are not taken into account in assessing the potential environmental damage of pollution.
So…………… How much is a scenic river worth????
Maybe more so to some people than others.
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