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 Process of developing the SP  Challenges for Change  Mission and Vision  Strategic Plan  Conclusion.

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2  Process of developing the SP  Challenges for Change  Mission and Vision  Strategic Plan  Conclusion

3 Brainstorming of the topics Each member contributed ideas and points Share the responsibilites

4 Face an immediate budget reduction of 30% Reduced purchasing power and some staff redundancies Heavily used on printed resources which require more manpower to process the resources Lack of communication with stakeholders (faculties, students & library staff) and don’t understand their needs Student ratings for their university learning experience were always below world averages Insufficient electronic resources to facilitate 24x7 access Insufficient use of information technology on library applications

5 The mission of the Library: Provide comprehensive resources and services in support of the research, teaching and learning needs of YouAndMe University communities, and specially improve students performance through library efforts.

6 Call for a meeting to develop a strategic plan No.GoalsActionOutcome 1.To increase the support of research, teaching and learning Progressive shift from print to electronic resources by increasing the percentage of electronic resources subscription. (15% annually for the next 3 years) To facilitate the access to library resources on 24x7 to improve the support of research, teaching and learning. Organize information literacy classes for students Student grades are improved eventually. Faculty Liaisons work with faculties and students to understand their needs. Student performance is improved. Provide online or face-to-face research consultation. Reduce their time to research and more time to create knowledge.

7 No.GoalsActionOutcome 2.To revitalize the organization Creation of new posts: Marketing, Research Services, Faculty Liaison and Collection Development by transformation of posts e.g. a.retirement/contract-end b.merging departments and redeploy staff to capitalize on their strength c.shared positions d.outsourcing and commercialization e.Hiring student helpers for IT support Right people to the right position and in turn more cost effective and efficient. More staff development.More skills in taking up new roles.

8 No.GoalsActionOutcome 3.To forge communications Set up different committees with undergraduates, graduates and faculties to understand their needs. Better understand the needs of stakeholders for the selection of library resources and provision of library services. 4.Repurpose library spaces in support of student learning Weeding of printed materials with electronic versions or less used and remove shelves to allocate more study spaces for students. Offer an environment that supports teaching and learning and promote the Library as both a real and virtual extended classroom.

9 No.GoalsActionOutcome 5.To forge collaborations Establish IT infrastructure in the library in consultation with university's computer center. Increase IT support. Introduce blended learning with the involvement of faculty members, deans, students associations. Better use of library resource and integrate to lessons and learning. Collaborate with 4 other major universities on borrowing like HKALL. To broaden the library collection. Resource and cost sharing. Collaborate with other libraries to digitize library’s rare books, e.g. CADAL. To broaden the library collection and provide 24x7 access by sharing the resources and costs.

10 We hope this ambitious strategic plan to raise standard of support for research, teaching and learning; to vitalize the organization; to forge collaborations and communications to increasing library spaces for student learning. All these CAN improve student satisfaction of the University experience and there will no longer be a second rate citizen approach to teaching and learning.


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