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“Do you believe in the power of prayer to change lives?”

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2 “Do you believe in the power of prayer to change lives?”


4 82% of Americans surveyed believe that “prayer can change what happens in a person’s life.” What do Americans pray about? 95% Thank God for what He has done in their lives. 76% Ask for forgiveness of specific sins. 67% Acknowledge His unique and superior attributes. 61% Ask for specific needs to be met.


6 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What 3 commands are given in (James 5:13-14)? a.If you are suffering – Pray. b.If you are cheerful – Sing. If you are sick – Ask others to pray with you. c.If you are sick – Ask others to pray with you.

7 2.What are the results listed in (vs. 15)? a. A prayer offered in faith will restore the sick. b. Sins will be forgiven.

8 3.Do you believe that God answers every prayer? How?

9 4. What hinders prayer? Search the following passages to discover prayer hindrances. a. (Isa. 59:1-2) Unconfessed sin b. (James 1:6-8) Doubt, double- mindedness c. (Prov. 28:9)Disobedience

10 d. (Prov. 28:13)Lack of Transparency e. (Mark 11:25-26)Unforgiveness f. (James 4:3)Wrong motives g. (Jer. 1:5)Disregard for God’s sovereignty

11 5. What action steps are suggested in (James 5:16)? a. Confess your sin to one another. b. Pray for one another for healing spiritual/physical.

12 6.Why would James encourage believers to confess their sin to one another?

13 7.Do you believe that the “effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much”? Why or why not?

14 8.What do the following passages teach about praying for one another? a. (Col. 1:9) We should pray for one another to be filled with spiritual wisdom. b. (Col. 1:10a) We should pray for one another’s walk in the Lord.

15 c. (Col. 1:10b) We should pray for one another to glorify the Lord. d. (Col. 1:10c) We should pray for one another to bear fruit. e. (Col. 1:11a) We should pray for one another to be strengthened with power. f. (Col. 1:11-12) We should pray for one another to live joyously thanking God.

16 9.How can you establish a quality prayer time for those in your family and in your SGM family? When? Where? How Often?

17 Overcoming Barriers in My Prayer Life Barrier #2 Barrier #1 Barrier #3 Barrier #4 Stop doubting that your prayers make a difference. Stop feeling like you are all alone. Stop questioning the goodness of God. Stop giving God your leftovers.

18 Pray We call upon Your Name. Humble ourselves and pray. Move in our hearts, move in our land. Every nation, tribe and tongue will proclaim Your Kingdom come. We pray, pray, open the windows of Heaven on us. Today, we pray, pour out Your Spirit, Your wonders on earth.

19 We come on bended knees. We bring an offering. Lead us in Your way everlasting. Every heart of every man will pray Your will be done. Our Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever.



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