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Published byVernon Mitchell Modified over 9 years ago
1 Education and Certification for Persons Involved in Land Disturbing Activities NPDES General Permits Storm Water from Construction Sites Issued July 2014
2 What is “NPDES”? National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Created by the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) to control water pollution by regulating the discharge of pollutants to surface waters. The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) has been “authorized” by the U.S. EPA to issue NPDES General Permits within the State. Once a state is “authorized,” the U.S. EPA oversees the state’s administration of the program.
3 The Three NPDES General Permits GAR100001 – Stand Alone Construction GAR100002 – Infrastructure Construction GAR100003 – Common Development Construction The Permits were re-issued September 24, 2013, and will be valid for a term of 5 years. Permits are available on the GA EPD website: www. or
4 Read the Permit! to understanding and maintaining compliance Reading and understanding the Permit is essential
5 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Land disturbance equal to or greater than one (1) acre, or Tracts of less than one (1) acre that are part of a larger overall development with a combined disturbance of one (1) acre or greater (i.e., common plan of development)
6 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits These Permits regulate discharges of storm water to waters of the State from construction activities. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY means the disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, excavating, filling of land, or other similar activities which may result in soil erosion. Construction activity does not include agricultural and silvicultural practices, but does include agricultural buildings.
7 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Common Development means a contiguous area where multiple, separate, and distinct construction activities will be taking place at different times on different schedules under one plan of development.
8 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Infrastructure Construction means construction activities that are not part of a common development that include the construction, installation and maintenance of roadway and railway projects and conduits, pipes, pipelines, substations, cables, wires, trenches, vaults, manholes and similar or related structures for the conveyance of natural gas (or other types of gas), liquid petroleum products, electricity, telecommunications (telephone, data, television, et.), water, storm water or sewage.
9 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Stand Alone Construction means construction activities that are not part of a common development where the primary permittee chooses not to use secondary permittees.
10 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Primary Permittee means the Owner or Operator or both of a tract of land for a construction project subject to the permit. Secondary Permittee means an owner, individual builder, utility company, or utility contractor that conducts a construction activity within a common development with an existing primary permittee. Tertiary Permittee means either the Owner or Operator of a remaining lot(s) within a common development conducting a construction activity where the primary permittee and all secondary permittees have submitted a NOI or where a primary permittee no longer exists. (excluding utility companies and contractors working under a Blanket NOI).* *The Primary Permittee must notify the legal title holders of each remaining lot(s) that these lot Owners or Operators will become Tertiary Permittee(s).
11 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits CERTIFIED PERSONNEL means a person who has successfully completed the appropriate certification course approved by the GSWCC. (O.C.G.A. § 12-7-19) Subcontractor Awareness - Subcontractors retained by a Permittee Level IA – E&SC Inspectors retained by a Permittee Level IB – Regulatory Enforcement Inspectors Level II – Design Professionals and Plan Reviewers If a “Certified Person” is not on-site, all land disturbing activities undertaken by that permittee should stop.
12 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Infrastructure Projects: Infrastructure projects that result in contiguous land disturbance equal to or greater than one (1) acre. CONTIGUOUS AREAS OF LAND DISTURBANCES for the purposes of this permit, “include those areas of land disturbances solely separated by drilling and boring activities, water of the State and adjacent State-mandated buffers, roadways and/or railways. In addition, contiguous areas of land disturbances include all areas of land disturbances at a sole roadway intersection and/or junction.”
13 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Infrastructure Projects: Coverage under this permit is not required for infrastructure construction projects that consist solely of “routine maintenance for the original purpose of the facility that is performed to maintain the original line and grade and the hydraulic capacity.”
14 Part I. Coverage Under The Permits Infrastructure Projects: In order to be eligible for this exemption, the infrastructure maintenance project must comply with the following conditions: (1)no mass grading, (2)stabilized by the end of each day with temporary or permanent stabilization, (3)project duration < 120 calendar days, and (4)final stabilization implemented at the end of the maintenance project. Permit Reference: Part I.C.(1)(c)
15 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements New construction sites must submit a NOI at least 14 days prior to commencement of construction activities. (Note: No change from earlier permits) For new construction sites, check the box on the NOI for “Initial Notification.” NOIs must be submitted by return receipt certified mail or similar service and proof of submittal must be readily available at the construction site or a designated location.
16 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements Existing construction sites were required to submit a new NOI no later than 90 days after the effective date of the new permits (September 24, 2013). If the Primary Permittee paid the applicable fees when the initial NOI was submitted, the Primary Permittee does not pay any additional fees for a re-issuance notification.
17 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements Failure to comply with this requirement shall constitute a violation of the Georgia Water Control Act for each day until an “initial” NOI – Version 2013 is submitted. In addition to the violation, the permittee must prepare and submit a new ES&PC Plan in accordance with Part IV of the new permits and pay all applicable fees in accordance with Part II.D of the permits.
18 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements In the event a lender or other secured creditor acquires legal title to a construction site (e.g., FORECLOSURE), such party, as the new owner, must file a new NOI by the earlier to occur: 7 days before beginning work at the facility/ construction site, or 30 days from acquiring legal title to the facility/ construction site. Permit Reference: Part II A.4
19 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements Tertiary Permittees, under the 2013 permit, have three options for submitting an NOI: OPTION (1) - The permittee may submit a Notice of Intent for each individual lot and a new ES&PC Plan for each individual lot. OPTION (2) –If the permittee’s total land disturbance within the construction site is less than five acres and total land disturbance within the individual lot(s) is less than one acre, the permittee may submit a single NOI and an ES&PC Plan(s) for a typical individual lot(s). Then submit a NOT for each individual lot.
20 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements OPTION (3) - The owner may submit a single Notice of Intent – Initial Notification for the entire construction site and submit a new ES&PC Plan for the entire construction site. The owner may submit the NOI – Initial Notification as either a Primary Permittee or Tertiary Permittee and a single NOT.
21 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements OPTION (3) (continued) Primary Permittees must provide copies of the Plan to all Secondary Permittees. Primary Permittees are solely responsible for the payment of NPDES General Permit fees for all planned land disturbing activities – including land disturbing activities planned by any Secondary Permittees.
22 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements NOIs must be submitted to both the appropriate GA EPD District Office and to the Local Issuing Authority (LIA) in jurisdictions authorized to issue local Land Disturbance Activity permits. (Note: No change from earlier permits) Permit Reference: Part II. C
23 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements Utility Companies may submit an Annual Blanket Notice of Intent covering all construction activities within common developments statewide on or before January 15th of the year in which coverage is desired. A copy of the Blanket NOI must be provided to the Primary Permittee not more than 7 days prior to commencement of construction activities by the Utility Company at each site. Permit Reference: Part II. B.2.1
24 Part II. Notice Of Intent Requirements The Primary Permittee is solely responsible for the payment of fees for all planned land disturbing activities, including all land disturbing activities within a Common Development planned by the Secondary Permittees and/or Tertiary Permittees. Fee Form and Fact Sheet are available on the GA EPD and GSWCC websites: or
25 Part III. Special Conditions If the Impaired Stream Segment has been listed for the criteria violated, “Bio F” (Impaired Fish Community) and/or “Bio M” (Impaired Macroinvertebrate Community), within Category 4a, 4b or 5, and the potential cause is either “NP” (nonpoint source) or “UR” (urban runoff), the ES&PC Plan must include at least four (4) of the BMPs listed in Part III.C.2. (a) – (u) of the new permits. Part III C. – Discharges into, or within one mile upstream of and within the same Watershed as, any portion of a Biota Impaired Stream
26 Part III. Special Conditions Part III C. – Discharges into, or within one mile upstream of and within the same Watershed as, any portion of a Biota Impaired Stream BMPs listed in Part III.C.2. (a) – (u)
27 Part III. Special Conditions Part III C. – Discharges into, or within one mile upstream of and within the same Watershed as, any portion of a Biota Impaired Stream Georgia’s “305(b)/303(d) List Documents (Final)” can be viewed on the GA EPD website, GIS Data Sets for biota impaired streams are available on the GA EPD website in ESRI Geodatabase 9.1 format and ESRI Shapefile format. Criteria violated: “Bio F” (Impaired Fish Community) and/or “Bio M” (Impaired Macroinvertebrate Community). Potential causes: “NP” (nonpoint source) or “UR” (urban runoff).
28 Part III. Special Conditions Part III – Discharges into, or within one mile upstream of and within the same Watershed as, any portion of a Biota Impaired Stream Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Implementation Plans ES&PC Plan must address any site-specific conditions or requirements included in the TMDL Implementation Plan, if the TMDL Implementation Plan for sediment was finalized at least six months prior to submittal of the Initial Notice of Intent. Permit Reference: Part III.C.1
29 Part III. Special Conditions Part III C. – Discharges into, or within one mile upstream of and within the same Watershed as, any portion of a Biota Impaired Stream Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Implementation Plans If no site-specific conditions or requirements have been included in the TMDL Implementation Plan for the applicable impaired stream segments: “NPDES construction activities are considered a significant source of pollution and compliance with the Permits should lead to sediment loading for construction sites at or below applicable targets.” Permit Reference: Part III.C.1
30 Part III. Special Conditions Part III C. – Discharges into, or within one mile upstream of and within the same Watershed as, any portion of a Biota Impaired Stream Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Implementation Plans List of TMDL Implementation Plans can be viewed on the GA EPD website, (Under “Technical Guidance,” scroll down to “Watershed Protection Branch,” then click “Total Maximum Daily Loading”)
31 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Plan The ES&PC Plan is critical The Plan must be prepared in accordance with Part IV of the Permit The Plan must be implemented The Plan must provide for compliance with the Permit. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.1
32 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control (ES&PC) Plans must be prepared by a “certified design professional” (Level II) licensed by the State of Georgia in the field of engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, forestry, geology or land surveying or a “certified design professional” (Level II) that is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sedimentation Control (CPESC). Permit Reference: Part I.B.8 (Stand Alone and Infrastructure) Part I.B.10 (Common Development)
33 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Stream Buffer Requirement Exemptions Public Drinking Water System Reservoirs Permit Reference: Part IV.(i), (ii)
34 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Stream Buffer Requirement Exemptions Ephemeral Streams (Excluding Trout Streams) Bulkheads and Seawalls on Lake Oconee and Lake Sinclair Permit Reference: Part IV.(i),(ii)
35 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Stream Buffer Requirement Exemptions Stream Crossing for Utility Lines for any EMC or Public Utility under the Regulatory Jurisdiction of the PSC and/or FERC or any Cable Television System Right-of-Way Posts, Guy Wires, Anchors, Survey Markers and the Replacement of or Maintenance of Existing Utility Structures under the regulatory jurisdiction of the PSC and/or FERC or roadway projects undertaken by DOT or any municipality or county. Permit Reference: Part. IV. A.(i)(3)(7) (Stand Alone)
36 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Stream Buffer Requirement Exemptions Maintenance, repair and/or upgrade of SWCD Watershed Dams when under the technical supervision of the USDA NRCS. Permit Reference: Part. IV. A.(i)(8) (Stand Alone)
37 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Plan Submittal Situation 1:The local government (i.e., city or county) is a certified Local Issuing Authority (LIA). NOI and required attachments must be submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office. Copy of the NOI must be submitted to the LIA. Copy of the ES&PC Plan must be submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office only for sites equal to or greater than 50 acres of disturbed area. Permit Reference: Part IV.A.4
38 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Plan Submittal Situation 2:The local government is a LIA, but the project is exempt from the local ordinance. Or Situation 3:The local government is not a certified Local Issuing Authority. Permit Reference: Part IV.A.4
39 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Plan Submittal (continued) NOI and required attachments must be submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office. Single copy of the ES&PC Plan must be submitted to the GA EPD Watershed Protection Branch in Atlanta and second copy must be submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office. Permit Reference: Part IV.A.4
40 Part IV. ES&PC Plan For Stand Alone and Common Development construction projects, the design professional who prepared the ES&PC Plan must inspect the installation of the initial sediment storage requirements and perimeter control BMPs within seven (7) days after installation. For non-linear Infrastructure construction projects, the design professional who prepared the ES&PC Plan must inspect the installation of the initial sediment storage requirements and perimeter control BMPs within seven (7) days after installation.
41 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Part IV – ES&PC Plan – Design Professional Alternatively, for Linear infrastructure construction projects, the design professional who prepared the ES&PC Plan must inspect the installation of the sediment storage requirements and perimeter control BMPs for the INITIAL PHASED SUB- PART OR SEGMENT of the linear infrastructure project and ALL SEDIMENT BASINS within seven (7) days after installation. Disturbed acreage of the initial phased sub-part or segment of the Linear infrastructure project must be equal to or greater than 10% of total disturbed acreage but not less than one(1) acre.
42 Part IV. ES&PC Plan The design professional must report the results of the inspection to the permittee within seven (7) days and the permittee must correct all deficiencies within two (2) business days of receipt of the inspection report. Permit Reference: Part IV.A.5
43 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Primary Permittees of Common Developments: Must maintain a list of all Secondary Permittees, Ensure that all Secondary Permittees have received a copy of the Primary Permittee’s ES&PC Plan and have signed the Primary Permittee’s copy, and Ensure that all Secondary Permittees are aware of their responsibilities as permittees under the Permit.
44 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Upon request by the permittee, the design professional will amend ES&PC Plans as necessary whenever there is a change affecting BMPs with a hydraulic component. BMP with a HYDRAULIC COMPONENT – BMP where the design is based upon rainfall intensity, duration and return frequency of storms. Permit Reference: Part IV.C
45 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Plan Contents Locate waste collection away from streets, gutters, watercourses and storm drains. Waste collection areas, such as dumpsters, are best located near construction site entrances to minimize traffic on disturbed soils. The Plan should include secondary containment around liquid waste collection areas to minimize contaminated discharges.
46 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Plan Contents The Plan shall include best management practices for concrete washdown of tools, concrete mixer chutes, hoppers and the rear of vehicles. Washout of the drum at the construction site is prohibited. Additional information about the BMPs for concrete washouts is available at Permit Reference: Part IV.D.3.C
47 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Site Inspections – Primary and Tertiary Permittee E&SC Inspectors (certified personnel) – Level IA Daily Inspections: (1) areas where petroleum products are stored, used or handled; (2) vehicle entrances and exits; and (3) measure rainfall for each 24 hour period, except any non- working Saturday, Sunday and Federal holiday until a NOT is submitted. Measurement of rainfall may be suspended if all areas of the site have undergone final stabilization or established a crop of annual vegetation and a seeding of target perennials. Permit Reference: Part IV.D 4(a)(c)
48 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Site Inspections – Primary and Tertiary Permittee Weekly Inspections and within 24 Hours of each ½ Inch Rainfall or Greater: disturbed areas, storage areas, structural BMPs and outfall locations. Monthly Inspections: stabilized areas. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.a – 4.c
49 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Inspection Results – Primary and Tertiary Permittee If BMP deficiencies are indicated during an inspection, the BMP deficiencies should be corrected as soon as practical and corrective actions documented. If corrective action requires a revision to the ES&PC Plan, the Plan must be revised within 7 calendar days of the inspection. ES&PC Plan revisions must be implemented within 7 calendar days of the inspection. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.a (5) – 4.c(5)
50 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Inspection Reports – Primary and Tertiary Permittee Inspection Reports must include the following: name of inspector, date of each inspection, construction phase, observations relating to the implementation of the ES&PC Plan, corrective actions, incidents of non-compliance, and signature of certified E&SC inspector (certified person – IA)(Permit Reference: Part V.G.). Where reports do not identify any incidents of non- compliance, the report must contain a certification statement that the site in is compliance with the ES&PC Plan and the Permit. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.a(6) – 4.c(6)
51 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Inspection Reports – Primary and Tertiary Permittee All inspection reports must be retained at the site or be readily available at designated alternative location. All permit violations (Permit Reference: Part III.D.) must be documented in the site records within 7 days of discovery and a report of these violations must be submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office within 14 days of discovery. Permit Reference: Part V.A.2
52 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Site Inspections – Secondary Permittee E&SC Inspectors (certified personnel) – Level IA Daily Inspections: (1) areas where petroleum products are stored, used or handled and (2) vehicle entrances and exits. Weekly Inspections and within 24 Hours of each ½ inch Rainfall or Greater: disturbed areas, storage areas, structural BMPs and outfall locations. Monthly Inspections: stabilized areas. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.b
53 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Site Inspections – Secondary Permittee Utility Companies and Utility Contractors acting as Secondary Permittees must inspect the following each day any type of construction activity occurs: Areas disturbed by the utility company or contractor which have not undergone final stabilization. Areas used by the utility company or contractor for storage of materials exposed to precipitation that have not undergone final stabilization. Structural control measures identified in the ES&PC Plan. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.b
54 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Inspection Reports – Secondary Permittee The Secondary Permittee must notify the Primary Permittee of any BMP design deficiencies within 24 hours and the Primary Permittee must evaluate any suspected BMP design deficiencies within 48 hours of notice. If corrective action requires a revision to the ES&PC Plan, the Plan must be revised by the Primary Permittee within 7 calendar days of the notice. ES&PC Plan revisions must be implemented by the Secondary Permittee within 48 hours of notice. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.b(5)
55 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Inspection Reports – Secondary Permittee Inspection Reports must include the following: name of inspector, date of each inspection, observations relating to the implementation of the ES&PC Plan, corrective actions, incidents of non-compliance, and signature of certified E&SC inspector Where reports do not identify any incidents of non- compliance, the report must contain a certification statement that the site in is compliance with the ES&PC Plan and the Permit. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.4.b(6)
56 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Inspection Reports – Secondary Permittee All inspection reports must be retained at the site or be readily available at designated alternative location. All permit violations (Permit Reference: Part III.D.) must be documented in the site records within 7 days of discovery and a report of these violations must be submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office within 14 days of discovery. Permit Reference: Part V.A.2
57 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Sampling Requirements WQ Sampling Personnel (certified subcontractor) – Level I Applicable to Primary Permittees with a total planned disturbance equal to or greater than one (1) acre and Tertiary Permittees with a total planned disturbance equal to or greater than five (5) acres. Sampling requirements are not applicable to Secondary Permittees. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.6
58 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Sampling Requirements Permits require the monitoring of Nephelometric Turbidity in receiving waters, storm water discharge outfalls, or combination thereof. The ES&PC Plan must delineate a precise sampling methodology for each sampling location. The analytical method used to collect and analyze samples must include quality control / quality assurance procedures. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.6
59 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Sampling Points Sample all receiving waters, or all outfalls, or a combination of all receiving waters and outfalls as specified in the ES&PC Plan. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.6(c)
60 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Site Upstream Sample Downstream Sample Sampling Points Downstream Sample – Upstream Sample ≤ 10 NTUs (Trout Stream) Downstream Sample – Upstream Sample ≤ 25 NTUs (Warm Water Stream)
Outfall Sampling Location Site Outfall
62 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Sampling Frequency Samples must be collected for at least two rain events: First rain event > 0.5 inches after clearing and grubbing operations have been completed, but prior to completion of mass grading operations. First rain event > 0.5 inches that occurs either 90 days after the first sampling event OR after all mass grading operations have been completed, but prior to submittal of a NOT, which ever comes first. Samples must be collected within 12 hours of storm water discharge from the site. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.6.d
63 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Sampling Frequency Sampling is to take place when construction activity is being conducted by the primary permittee during normal business hours, which has been defined as Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding any nonworking Saturday, non-working Sunday and nonworking Federal holidays. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.6
64 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Sampling Results If the results exceed the applicable NTU values of the Permits and BMP deficiencies exist, corrective action must be defined and implemented within 2 days. Additional sampling must be conducted for every rain event > 0.5 inches until the applicable turbidity standard is attained or BMP deficiencies have been corrected. If the results exceed the applicable NTU values of the Permits, but the certified inspector determines that the BMPs are properly designed, installed and maintained, no additional sampling is required. Permit Reference: Part IV.D.6.d
65 ES&PC Plan Reporting Sampling Results Submit summary of sampling results to the appropriate GA EPD District Office by the 15th day of the month following the sampling event. Reports must include: rainfall amount, date, time and location of sampling; date and time of analyses,names of individuals performing the sampling and analyses; and monitoring results. Results that exceed 1000 NTU, shall be reported as “Exceeds 1000 NTU.” Certification the sampling was per the plan. Permit Reference: Part IV.E Send Reports to EPD
66 ES&PC Plan Reporting Sampling Results All reports must be signed by the certified subcontractors that performed the sampling and analyses and must contain the certification statement delineated in Part V.G.2.c. of the Permits. Permit Reference: Part IV.E
67 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Retention of Records – Primary and Tertiary Permittee The following records must be retained at the site or be readily available at designated alternative location: Copy of Notice of Intent and Proof of Submittal Copy of ES&PC Plan Design Professional Inspection Report Sampling Information, Results and Reports Site Inspection Reports Violation Summary Reports Rainfall Data Permit Reference: Part IV.F.1, Part IV.F.3
68 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Retention of Records – Secondary Permittee The following records must be retained at the site or be readily available at designated alternative location: Copy of Notice of Intent and Proof of Submittal Copy of ES&PC Plan Site Inspection Reports Violation Summary Reports Permit Reference: Part IV.F.2
69 Part IV. ES&PC Plan Retention of Records Records must be maintained by the permittee for a period of at least 3 years after a valid Notice of Termination has been submitted to the appropriate GA EPD District Office. Permit Reference: Part IV.F.4
70 Part VI. Termination of Coverage Termination Eligibility FINAL STABILIZATION means “…100% of the soil surface is uniformly covered in permanent vegetation with a density of 70% or greater, or landscaped according to the Plan (uniformly covered with landscaping materials in planned landscaped areas), or equivalent permanent stabilization measures as defined in the Manual (excluding a crop of annual vegetation and seeding of target perennials appropriate for the regions).” Permit Reference: Part VI.A.1
71 Part VI. Termination of Coverage Termination Eligibility The Permittee (Primary, Secondary or Tertiary) may submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) immediately if: All planned construction activities have been completed and the entire development has undergone final stabilization, All storm water discharges associated with construction activities have ceased, The site is in compliance with the Permit, and All temporary BMPs have been removed. (Permit Reference: Part VI.A.1)
72 Part VI. Termination of Coverage Termination Eligibility The Permittee (Primary, Secondary or Tertiary) of the site changes and construction activities and storm water discharges will continue after the Permittee changes: Prior to submitting a NOT, the Permittee must notify the subsequent Owner and/or Operator of the Permit requirements. The subsequent Owner and/or Operator must submit a new Notice of Intent at least 7 days prior to construction activities at the site. (Permit Reference: Part II.A.4.) (Permit Reference: Part VI.A.3)
73 Part VI. Termination of Coverage Termination Eligibility The Primary Permittee of a Common Development may submit a NOT, even if all planned construction activities have not been completed, if and only if: Construction activities have stopped for at least 90 days, Final stabilization has been implemented by the Primary Permittee and all Secondary Permittees, All Secondary Permittees have submitted a NOT, The site is in compliance with the Permit, and All temporary BMPs have been removed. (Permit Reference: Part VI.A.1)
74 Part VI. Termination of Coverage Termination Eligibility For Infrastructure Construction Projects The permittee may submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) for each phase of the infrastructure project, not to exceed four (4) phases. The disturbed acreage for each phase must be equal or greater than 25% of the total disturbed acreage – except for the final phase, the disturbed acreage for the final phase must be equal to or greater than 10% of the total disturbed acreage.
75 Part VI. Termination of Coverage Termination Eligibility For Infrastructure Construction Projects Permittees may submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) if coverage under the 2013 NPDES General Permit No. GAR100002 is not required for the Primary Permittee of an existing infrastructure construction project. Contiguous Areas of Land Disturbances and Routine Maintenance for infrastructure construction projects have been redefined in the 2013 NPDES General Permit No. GAR100002.
76 Part VI. Termination of Coverage NOTs must be submitted to both the appropriate GA EPD District Office and to the Local Issuing Authority (LIA) in jurisdictions authorized to issue local Land Disturbance Activity permits. (Note: No change from earlier permits) Permit Reference: Part VI.C Notice of Termination Submittal
77 Terms of the Permit Regulatory Enforcement Inspectors (Level IB): Local Issuing Authority or GA EPD staff Inspectors contracted by a LIA to perform regulatory inspections (Reference: O.C.G.A. § 12-7-19)
78 Regulatory Inspections Routine Inspections and Complaint Investigations Recommended Inspection Protocol Review of Notice of Intent – Determine if the NOI was properly filed and if fees were paid. If the site is a Common Development, determine if Secondary Permittees have properly filed NOIs. Review of Monitoring Results and Inspection Reports. Review of Design Professional Inspection Report – The Design Professional must inspect the installation of the initial sediment storage requirements and perimeter control BMPs.
79 Regulatory Inspections Routine Inspections and Complaint Investigations Recommended Inspection Protocol Review of ES&PC Plan – The inspection should determine if the BMPs identified on the ES&PC Plan are properly installed and maintained. If the site is not in compliance with the Permit, appropriate enforcement action should be initiated.
80 Enforcement – Stop Work Order VIOLATIONS: Construction activity without a Permit (i.e., failure to submit a NOI, fees and/or an ES&PC Plan). Failure to maintain a stream buffer (i.e., 25-ft for non-trout waters or 50-ft for trout streams). Significant amounts of sediment discharged into State waters where BMPs have not been properly designed, installed and maintained. (Reference: O.C.G.A. § 12-7-12(d))
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