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EC339: Lecture 4 Chapter 3: Pivot Tables or… Conditional Expectations? (a.k.a. Crosstabs)

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Presentation on theme: "EC339: Lecture 4 Chapter 3: Pivot Tables or… Conditional Expectations? (a.k.a. Crosstabs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EC339: Lecture 4 Chapter 3: Pivot Tables or… Conditional Expectations? (a.k.a. Crosstabs)

2 First, get Excel up to speed  Install Necessary Add-ins:  Execute Tools: Add-ins (to get the Add-Ins Manager dialog box, as shown to the right) and check the Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak VBA options.  Now is also a good time to install the Histogram add-in. Once again, execute Tools: Add-ins and click Browse. Navigate to the Histogram.xla file and click OK.

3 Open IndianaFTWorkers.xlsIndianaFTWorkers.xls  Look in Basic Tools\Internet\CPS folder  Try to find out if wage discrimination is prevalent in the state of Indiana  Start by summarizing data Descriptive Statistics: see DescStat Use “Decriptive Statistics” for numeric variables Use “PivotTable” for categorical variables

4 Univariate Statistics  Histogram Try using built-in Excel Histogram function Also use BH Histogram function  See my website or BH for Excel Macros  You must reinstall these each time you use them on campus computers that are not your own  “Frequency Tables” are done using PivotTable and Descriptive Statistics

5 Multivariate Statistics  Crosstabs Display relationships and patterns between multiple variables. Display the value of one or more variables conditional on the value of one or more other variables Excel allows for ‘grouping’

6 Crosstabs  Education and Income  Race and Income  Sex and Income  Race and Education  Sex and Education

7 Examples of Conditional Averages From Indiana Note here there is an example of a weighted average. The overall average of $37,174 is the average of the individuals (or weighted by observations here), rather than the average of the averages, which would be $65,901. See WeightAvg sheet

8 Crosstab of Income by Race and Education Given you are black and have a high school diploma, the expected value or average income would be $27,700. If you are black, and have some college, the expected value of income rises to $33,268, a difference of $5,568. Note, the difference for a white HS grad and some college is $5,840

9 Conditional Mean Function  Using EastNorthCentralFTWorkers.xlsEastNorthCentralFTWorkers.xls  Conditional Mean: the average (mean) of y given x. Often written in expectations form E(y|x). The vertical line signifies given or conditional.  Group Annual Earnings by Education What is average annual income of individuals with 12 years of education? What about if you know their income is between $20,000 and $39,999?




13 SPSS Example First step, get data into SPSS To make similar tables in SPSS, use Analyze  Compare Means Put the variable you want to summarize (annual income here) as dependent, and put the different variables you want in the x-tab as two separate layers.

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