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VBA for Excel. What is a spreadsheet? u An Excel spreadsheet is a set of worksheets  Each worksheets is made up of rows and columns of cells  Rows are.

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Presentation on theme: "VBA for Excel. What is a spreadsheet? u An Excel spreadsheet is a set of worksheets  Each worksheets is made up of rows and columns of cells  Rows are."— Presentation transcript:

1 VBA for Excel

2 What is a spreadsheet? u An Excel spreadsheet is a set of worksheets  Each worksheets is made up of rows and columns of cells  Rows are numeric: 1, 2, 3, …  Columns are alphabetic: A, B, C, …  A cell contains data, or a formula

3 B6:E13 Row numbers column letters G2 : G8 Single Column Range A3 : E3 Single Row Range Read as “B6 to E13” A1 Single cell Cell Ranges

4 Numerical Data u Numerical data is any number (formatted or not) u Numerical data can be used in a formula u You can use Format/Conditional formatting with to alter the appearance of numeric data u Examples: 5344 -34.5209 75%

5 Formatting Numbers

6 Formatting Dates

7 Formulas u A formula represents a mathematical calculation u Always starts with = u A formula contains:  Numbers  25.32, -56, 78  Cell addresses and ranges  A3, G24, A2:A54  Mathematical operators  Excel built-in functions  Today, Month, Sum =100*B5-D3+sum(R2:R15)


9 Today and Month functions u =TODAY() u =MONTH( a date)

10 Macros in Excel u A macro is a sequence of steps designed to accomplish a particular task  Just like a sub procedure in VB u In Excel, a user may create a macro in 2 ways  Record a sequence of steps in Excel using the macro recorder  Write a VB sub procedure using the macro editor

11 Macro Statements u A Macro always begins a Sub statement u A Macro ends with an End Sub statement

12 A Macro u To perform multiple actions on the same object Macros use  With  End With

13 The Selection object u Just as a user can select multiple cells simultaneously, a macro can select a region of a worksheet and apply changes to all the cells in that region

14 Recording a Macro

15 Putting a button onto a spreadsheet— in CS132 we use Control Objects u We can create a button and assign it to a Macro u This button is called a button control u View/Toolbars/Visual Basic u Then choose the button control

16 Adding the button control

17 Command Button Label Text box Option Button Check Box Image View/Toolbars/ Visual Basic List boxes The Visual Basic Toolbar

18 u Click on the tools icon to display the controls toolbox u After you add a control, right click on it to display the properties box Using the Control Toolbox & Property Box

19 Sample Command Button name = cmdStart caption = text that appears on the button (Start) enabled = true or false You must follow good programming practice u Object names must be meaningful * cmdExit * cmdStart An object and its properties

20 This is done by putting the desired letter in the Accelerator property in the properties box (note lower case only matters if more than one letter is present) s ( not S) Accelerator Property

21 Referring to a Worksheet in VBA u An index number is a sequential number assigned to a sheet, based on the position of its sheet tab u The following procedure uses the Worksheets property to activate worksheet one in the active workbook. Sub FirstOne() Worksheets(1).Activate End Sub

22 Properties Range("A1").Value = 99 The Value property is what the cell holds, in this case 99 Range("B2:B7").Interior.Color = vbYellow This changes the color of the cells in "B2:B7" to yellow. Methods We can use Range(“A1”).Select This makes “A1” the active cell Cell Ranges in VBA

23 A1-style references using the Range property ReferenceMeaning Range("A1") Cell A1 Range("A1:B5") Cells A1 through B5 Range("C5:D9,G9:H16") A multiple-area selection Range("A:A") Column A Range("1:1") Row 1 Range("A:C") Columns A through C Range("1:5") Rows 1 through 5 Range("1:1,3:3,8:8") Rows 1, 3, and 8 Range("A:A,C:C,F:F") Columns A, C, and F

24 u Cells(2,2).Value refers to R2C2 below Remember, row first, then column B3 is the same as Cells(3,2) Cells Notation

25 Range("B1").Value = 8 Range("B2").Value = 8 Can also be written: Cells(1,2).Value = 8 Cells(2,2).Value = 8 Cells vs. Range

26 Deleting data u You can clear the contents of a range using the ClearContents method: Private Sub cmdClear_Click() Range("D:D").ClearContents End Sub u Note: ClearContents does not clear the formatting, just the numbers or formulas contained within the cells.

27 Event handling for VBA objects The various objects present in an excel application (application, worksheet, etc.) generate events that can be handled Working with such events is beyond the scope of this class

28 Documentation /documentation/default.aspx

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