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MDGs and Health Grenada Dr. Kam Mung PAHO P an A merican H ealth O rganization O ffice of C aribbean P rogram C oordination B arbados August 20, 2003 cch-mdg.

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Presentation on theme: "MDGs and Health Grenada Dr. Kam Mung PAHO P an A merican H ealth O rganization O ffice of C aribbean P rogram C oordination B arbados August 20, 2003 cch-mdg."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDGs and Health Grenada Dr. Kam Mung PAHO P an A merican H ealth O rganization O ffice of C aribbean P rogram C oordination B arbados August 20, 2003 cch-mdg (28 March)cch-mdg (28 March) cch-mdg (31 March)

2 PAHO CPC PAHO 2 Sequence Background Issues Way Forward

3 PAHO CPC PAHO 3 Background Convergent for most part with global public health mandates including those of PAHO/WHO Development goals – 3 of 8 Targets – 8 of 18 Indicators – 18 of 48

4 PAHO CPC PAHO 4 MDG (Indicators) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (5) Achieve universal primary education (3) Promote gender equality, empower women(3) Reduce child mortality (3) Improve maternal health (2) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases (9) Ensure environmental sustainability (7) Develop a global partnership for development (9)

5 PAHO CPC PAHO 5 ISSUES Lack of Data Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS HIV Prevalence among 15-24 year old pregnant women Denominators Special need to target –NCDs –Reproductive health –Functions of the health system

6 PAHO CPC PAHO 6 ISSUES (cont’d) Coordination at countries Statistics Offices -- MoH, Line ministries Software: DevInfo database – UNDG (Caribinfo) Point of Diminishing Returns (IMR,U5MR,MMR) –extremely costly and inefficient

7 PAHO CPC PAHO 7 Way Forward Relevance and ability of countries to –Produce data for their particular needs –Utilize data for their particular needs Activity: Systems, Indicators –UN – MDG –CARICOM – Priority List –PAHO – Core Data

8 PAHO CPC PAHO 8 Way Forward Even if data same –Number of request for reports & info –Different formats – Additional workload

9 PAHO CPC PAHO 9 Way Forward National ownership Resources mobilization Interagency collaboration No additional burden to countries Regular dissemination of status Line Ministries – CSO - Country

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