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Fostering a Global Voice for Women and Sport Women and International Sport: NGO System NAGWS-PAGWSPA, Apr. 23,2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Fostering a Global Voice for Women and Sport Women and International Sport: NGO System NAGWS-PAGWSPA, Apr. 23,2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fostering a Global Voice for Women and Sport Women and International Sport: NGO System NAGWS-PAGWSPA, Apr. 23,2013

2 UN system distinctions G O G OGovernments State Actors N G O Non-governmental organizations General Consultative Specialized: WSI, WSF

3 IOC as NGO Difficult to see IOC as NGO due to its great power WITHIN elite sport great power WITHIN elite sport of Olympic Games and ‘qualifiers’ of Olympic Games and ‘qualifiers’ such as Pan American Games and such as Pan American Games and sport governance system including sport governance system including IFs, NOCs and the like IFs, NOCs and the like

4 Focus today NOT elite sport FOCUS FOCUS Actors and influences within international GO and NGO systems GO and NGO systems to enhance and empower girls and women; to make them safer; to enable them to be healthier and better educated.

5 UN Conventions and rights and protections for women The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - General Assembly, 1948 * the right to rest and leisure * the right to rest and leisure * the right to freely participate in the * the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community cultural life of the community

6 UNESCO Charter - 1978 Essential conditions for exercise of human rights… human rights… Freedom to develop and preserve Freedom to develop and preserve physical, intellectual and moral physical, intellectual and moral Access to physical education and sport Access to physical education and sport

7 Convention on Elimination of Discrimination – Women 1979 On equality of men and women-the same opportunities to participate in sport opportunities to participate in sport and physical education and physical education The right to participate in recreational activities, sports and cultural life activities, sports and cultural life Eliminate stereotypical concepts of men and women in all levels/education men and women in all levels/education

8 Beijing Platform for Action - 1995 Education and training of women * Provide accessible recreation and * Provide accessible recreation and sports facilities; sports facilities; * Strengthen gender-sensitive program * Strengthen gender-sensitive program * Support advancement of women in * Support advancement of women in all areas of athletics and physical all areas of athletics and physical activity activity

9 Beijing PFA continued Women and health * Create and support programs in * Create and support programs in education system, workplace and education system, workplace and community to make opportunities community to make opportunities to participate in sport, physical to participate in sport, physical activity and recreation on same activity and recreation on same basis with men and boys basis with men and boys

10 Beijing PFA continued The girl child * Promote the full and equal * Promote the full and equal participation of girls in extra and participation of girls in extra and co-curricular activities such as co-curricular activities such as sport, drama and cultural sport, drama and cultural activities activities

11 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - 2004 Girls and women have equal access to training, resources, venues and to training, resources, venues and services; services; Girl children with disabilities have equal access to recreation and sporting access to recreation and sporting activities including those in school activities including those in school

12 GOAL ONE Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger

13 GOAL TWO Achieve universal primary education

14 GOAL THREE Provide gender equity and empower women

15 GOAL FOUR Reduce child mortality

16 GOAL FIVE Improve maternal health

17 GOAL SIX Combat HIV+/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases

18 GOAL SEVEN Ensure environmental sustainability

19 GOAL EIGHT Create global partnerships for development

20 Women’s International Sport Organizations International Working Group for International Working Group for Women and Sport Women and Sport IWG IWG Network – Coalition – Secretariate housed site of quadrennial conference site of quadrennial conference

21 Women’s International Sport Organizations International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women – IAPESGW – Founded 1949 Member organization with same roots as NAGWS; no Secretariate; Quadrennial NAGWS; no Secretariate; Quadrennial Conference just completed, Havana Conference just completed, Havana

22 Women’s International Sports Organizations WomenSport International – WSI WomenSport International – WSI Member organization founded 1995 Member organization founded 1995 No Secretariate; MOU with ACSM No Secretariate; MOU with ACSM Evidence-based advocacy; active Task Evidence-based advocacy; active Task Forces on Sexual Harassment; Deaf/HH; Forces on Sexual Harassment; Deaf/HH; On-line Leadership Training On-line Leadership Training

23 National level advocacy USA – NAGWS; WSF Canada – CAAWS Colombia – AsoMujeres Zambia – National Organization of Women in Sport, Physical Activ/Rec Women in Sport, Physical Activ/Rec Many Commissions related to NOCs

24 CRUCIAL NEW DIRECTIONS Post 2015 Millennium Development Post 2015 Millennium Development Goals Goals

25 Worldwewant2015 ‘Voices’ 1. What would create lasting and positive change in your community. Ans sport change in your community. Ans sport 2. What are the most important priorities for the empowerment of women. Ans. for the empowerment of women. Ans. 3. What would help reduce gender inequalities in education. Ans. Sport inequalities in education. Ans. Sport 4. What needs to be included in Post 2015 Goals. Ans Sport 2015 Goals. Ans Sport

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