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Irish Aid by Jade Roche Condon. Irish aid ► Irish Aid is the Government’s programme for overseas aid. ► Irish Aid helps many of the poorest countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Irish Aid by Jade Roche Condon. Irish aid ► Irish Aid is the Government’s programme for overseas aid. ► Irish Aid helps many of the poorest countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irish Aid by Jade Roche Condon

2 Irish aid ► Irish Aid is the Government’s programme for overseas aid. ► Irish Aid helps many of the poorest countries in the world to fight poverty. ► The Government gives Aid on behalf of all the people of Ireland though Irish Aid.

3 Partner Countries Irish Aid works in over 80 countries and especially with 9 partner countries. 7 are in Africa 2 are in Asia Ethiopia Vietnam Lesotho East Timor MalawiMozambiqueUgandaZambia

4 Ireland’s help ► Ireland needs to help because it is an unfair world. ► Ireland is part of the developed world this means we are wealthy and we have an obligation to help those in the developing world.

5 Health and Life Expectancy ► One of the many differences between rich and poor countries is the quality of health care and the life expectancy of its people ► Developing countries have a lower life expectancy meaning that they die at a younger age ► For example in Sierra Leone the life expectancy is 41 years old

6 Health and Life Expectancy ► Developed countries have a higher life expectancy which means that we live longer ► For example in Japan the average life expectancy is 83 years old ► In Ireland we usually live until we are about 80 years old

7 Inequality ► Inequality means women are not treated the same as men. ► There is not a single country in the world where women are giving equal opportunities to men in the area’s of education work or government participation.

8 The history of Aid ► In the 1940’s giving Aid became government policy in many countries ► The 1960’s was know as the “Development Decade” because support for Aid was strong and the amount of Aid was growing ► At the start of the 1970’s commitment to official Aid was beginning to decline ► At the start of the 1980’s Aid continued to decrease there was conditions attached to the Aid that was given

9 The Millennium Development Goals The year 2000 saw the formation of the Millennium Goals 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education 3 Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women 4 Reduce Child Mortality 5 Improve Maternal Health 6 Combat Hiv/Aids, Malaria and Other Diseases 7 Ensure Environmental Sustainability 8 Develop A Global Partnership For Development

10 Questions 1 What does Irish Aid do? 2 Name 2 countries that Irish Aid works with? 3 What does life expectancy mean? 4 What is the life expectancy of people in Ireland? 5 What decade was know as the development decade? 6 How many millennium goals are there? 7 Did you like this project?

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