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Published byBathsheba Nicholson Modified over 9 years ago
1Area not available for cultivation17,98,641 ha. 2Other uncultivated land excluding current fallows1,40,701 ha. 3Area under forest11,73,669 ha. 4Current fallows3,22,728 ha. 5Net cropped / sown area52,55,807 ha. 6Gross cropped area95,30,276 ha. 7Reporting area (excluding Kolkata)86,84,113 ha. 8Total geographical area88,75,200 ha. Land use pattern in the State of West Bengal
Sl. No. Agroclimatic Zone Soil TypeArea (ha)Districts 1Northern Hill Zone Soils are shallow, coarse and medium texture, highly susceptible to soil erosion, reasonably high in organic matter, poor in base & phosphate and acidic in soil reaction 2,42,779Part of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri 2Terai-Teesta Alluvial Zone Soils are deep, medium in texture, moderate level of organic matter, pH ranges from highly acidic to acidic, low in bases, phosphate, potash and some micro nutrients 12,14,880Coochbehar and part of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and Uttar Dinajpur 3Gangetic Alluvial Zone Soils are very deep, medium fine to medium in texture, neutral to mildly alkaline in pH, N, P status medium to medium low and potash is medium to high 15,30,415Dakhin Dinajpur, Malda, Nadia and part of Uttar Dinajpur, Burdwan, Murshidabad, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Hooghly, and Birbhum Agro-Climatic Zones of West Bengal Contd…..
Sl. No. Agroclimatic Zone Soil TypeArea (ha)Districts 4Vindhyan Alluvial Zone Soils in general are deep, textually medium fine, mostly acidic in soil reaction, pH increases with depth, low in bases, organic matter and phosphate, medium in potash 17,53,757Part of Murshidabad, Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan and Birbhum, Paschim Midnapur and Purba Midnapur 5Coastal Saline Zone Soils are mostly very deep, fine textured, varying grades of soil salinity exists and soil salinity increases with depth, excessive presence of K & Mg under poor drainage has given rise to typical physical condition problematic to attain soil tilth 14,56,879Part of North 24 Parganas, Part of South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Purba Midnapur 6Undulating Red and Laterite Zone Soils are normally well-drained, susceptible to soil erosion, pH ranges from acidic in ridge and near neutral in valleys, base saturation, organic carbon content, phosphate & potash are significantly low 24,84,244Purulia and part of Burdwan, Birbhum, Bankura and Paschim Midnapur Agro-Climatic Zones of West Bengal
Agenda – I Review of the Progress of BGREI During the year 2011-12, 64 no. of Block D/C was allotted to the state The state has taken up 46 no. of D/C in Kharif 2011 The crop condition is very good except 200 ha. area of low land paddy was inundated due to heavy down pour in Basirhat Block of North 24-Parganas district The crops are in the harvesting stage
Land preparation under BGREI in Burdwan district
A field under BGREI at Hooghly district
Flowering in Nadia district under Block D/C
Asset Building Activities Sl. No. Activities Physical No. Total amount (Rs. in lakh) Remarks 1 Supply of Pump sets on subsidy @ Rs. 10000/- per set 3002300.20All works are in progress & expected to complete by Dec’2011 2 Re-excavation of ponds552232.00 3 Construction of Dug- well at Siliguri Sub- division of Darjeeling district 309.00 Total541.20
Site specific Activities Sl. No. Activities Physical No. Total amount (Rs. in lakh) Remarks 1 Training to the farmers as well as to the progressive farmers 4646.00completed 2 Construction of Pucca irrigation channel 27400 RMT 273.88Work is in progress 3 Construction of LDTW40240.00-Do- 4 Establishment of implement Hub 46499.60- Do- Total1059.48
3 no. of Wheat Block D/C has been taking up in Rabi 2011-12 season The districts covered are Malda, Murshidabad & Birbhum The Block & Village selection has been completed Movement of inputs are in progress
18 no. of Block D/C on Boro Rice will be taken up in Boro Season All the Non-NFSM districts has been covered Selection of site is in progress & the work will be completed by 25 th November, 2011
STRATEGY TO ENHANCE PRODUCTION OF KHARIF CROPS Replacement of poor yielding typical 20% upland Kharif area(58600 ha) by high value and high productive crops viz. Maize, Pulse, Oil Seeds through distribution of Seed Kit. Yield enhancement of Aman rice from 2408 kg/ha to 2540 kg/ha through varietal replacement, Soil health management, Water management, INM & IPM. Out of 58600 ha rice area curtailed in rainfed upland, 10000 ha will be brought under maize, 17500 ha under Kalai, 3300 ha under Moong, 6600 ha under Pigeon Pea, 2000 ha under Kulthi Kalai, 3000 ha under Niger, 5600 ha under Sesame through distribution of Seed kit. Balance 10600 ha area will be covered through subsidy programme. 13 Contd…
STRATEGY TO COMBAT WEATHER ABERRATION 14 Distribution of 1 lakh Portable Pump Set. Promoting low water requiring crop during Kharif Season, 2011. Contingent Seed Plan for alternate crops.
A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000 MT, Y= Yield in Kg/ha RABI ASSESSMENT 2010-2011 Crops RABI 2009-2010(Final)Rabi Target 2010-11 RABI ASSESSMENT 2011 (3 rd Adv. Estimate) APYAPYAPY Summer Rice 1429.7036413.80844861500.00486032401100.003300.003000 Wheat 315.888846.6572680370.0094425503801010.002658 Maize 23.585132.5265619110.00424385060.00305.005083 Pulses 135.341117.310867210.00168800141.00124.350882 Food Grains 1944.5875548.94028542190.00639629201683.004742.6502817 Oilseeds 677.594723.3741068755.007551000706.670761.7921078 Potato 384.45113807.99735916380.00880023158380.009900.0026053 Sugarcane 13.7501000.8087278618.0017009444415.0171100.0073250 15
ESTIMATED KHARIF PRODUCTION – 2011-12 Crops Past Average, Present Estimate & Target 2011-2012 AAAPPPYYY (5 yrs.05-06 to 09-10 Av.) (3 rd Ad. Est.- 2010-11) (Kh Target 2011-12 (5 yrs.05-06 to 09-10 Av.) (3 rd Ad. Est.- 2010-11) (Kh Target 2011-12) (5 yrs.05-06 to 09-10 Av.) (3 rd Ad. Est.- 2010-11) (Kh Target 2011-12) Kharif Rice 42953574427610245852310807238523842527 Kharif Maize 3732578384135223525882364 Other Cereals 15 16 106610621084 Total Kharif Pulses 514577353375684733971 Total Kharif Food Grains 43983671442310379865711033236023592494 Total Kharif Oilseeds 55144411774813798 Jute 592568610 8363 bales 8137 bales 8850 bales 14 bales 14 bales 14.50 bales A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha 16 Agenda – II
KHARIF ASSESSMENT – 2011-12 Crops Past Average & Present Estimate AAAPPPYYY (2009-10.)(2010-11) (2011-12)(2009-10.)(2010-11) (2011-12)(2009-10.)(2010-11) (2011- 12) Kharif Rice 4200.3923579.2544000.0010064.7348882.7249799.20239624822450 Kharif Maize 36.33032.29545.0079.29983.580108.00218325882400 Other Cereals 14.50014.7817.3015.55215.70019.60107210621133 Total Kharif Pulses 47.05449.18060.6033.12431.70738.220704645631 Total Kharif Food Grains 4298.2763675.5094122.9010192.7099013.7119965.020237124522417 Total Kharif Oilseeds 4.3914.5505.003.3453.7004.000762813800 Jute 614.365568.463600.00 9324.967 bales 8137.465 bales 8700.00 bales 15.18 bales 14.31 bales 14.50 bales A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha
Rabi Target: 2011-12 Season Crop 2011-12 (Target) Rabi AYP Rice 1475.0033004868.00 Wheat 342.002700923.00 Maize 80.005080406.40 Other Cereals 3.0013904.170 Total Cereals 1900.003264 6201.57 Total Pulses 160.00980156.80 Total Food Grains 2060.003086 6358.37 Rape Seed & Mustard 415.00870361.00 Other Oil Seeds 325.001088353.84 Total Oil Seeds 740.00966714.84 Potato 390.00230779000 A: Area in '000 ha, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha, P: Production in '000 tonnes
Strategy for Wheat Production CropYearAreaYieldProduction Wheat 2009-10315.8882680846.657 2010-11316.8082658842.000 2011-12 (Target) 342.0002700923.000 A: Area in '000 ha, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha, P: Production in '000 tonnes Wheat Rust is not a problem in West Bengal. Agenda – III
Area to be brought under Rabi & Rabi- summer Pulses for 2011-12 A: Area in '000 ha, Y: Yield rate in Kg/ha, P: Production in '000 tonnes CropYearAreaYieldProduction Rabi & rabi- summer Pulses 2009-10135.341867117.310 2010-11143.546904129.800 2011-12 (Target) 160.000980156.80 ** Emphasis has been given on expansion of area on Lentil, Gram, Moong & Urd Agenda – IV
Agenda – V Status of fund mobilization Total fund for 2011-12 under the sub-scheme BGREI Rs. 72.20 crore Fund allotted as 1st installment is Rs. 36.20 crore Expenditure incurred till 15th November, 2011 Rs. 46.50 crore
Pre-positioning of Inputs in West Bengal SEEDS : All the Seeds under different Schemes have already been Prepositioned in the state. Distribution has already started and there is no dearth of Seeds in State. YearProduct Name Requirement ‘000 MT Consumption ‘000 MT Kharif ’2011 Urea500483.421 DAP250200.381 MOP15025.818 NPK400291.015 SSP200185.380 NB : Kharif’2011 was MOP holiday for the State as a whole FERTILIZERS : Agenda – VI
FERTILIZERS Availability : As on 15.11.2011 YearProduct Name Requirement ‘000 MT Availability ‘000 MT Rabi ’2011 Urea825.000125.595 DAP260.00067.100 MOP250.00020.552 NPK500.000128.195 SSP275.00063.250
Other Initiatives taken by the State for enhancing Rabi Crop Production 1. Varietal Replacement of Wheat through introduction of promising varieties like PBW502, Satabdi, NW-1014, PBW-443, PBW-510 2. Varietal Replacement of Pulses through introduction of promising varieties like;Lentil – WBL58, Pant L- 5 & 6 Gram – Anuradha, Radhe, BG256 Moong – Samrat, Mahe, Bireswar Kalai - Goutam, Sarada, Pant urd30, Pant urd31 3. Varietal Replacement of Paddy through introduction of promising Hybrid paddy varieties like PAC835, 837, KRH2, Arize6444 4. Adoption of SRI Technique in Summer Rice 5. Application of macro & micro nutrient based on Nutrient Mapping 6. 100% Seed treatment Campaign Agenda – VII
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