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Scott Werts Winthrop University. Design of Activity  Activity designed as a homework assignment  Work assigned after lecture material and reading on.

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Presentation on theme: "Scott Werts Winthrop University. Design of Activity  Activity designed as a homework assignment  Work assigned after lecture material and reading on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott Werts Winthrop University

2 Design of Activity  Activity designed as a homework assignment  Work assigned after lecture material and reading on cation exchange processes in soils.  Students are not to work in groups, and each is responsible for choosing their own locations to investigate  Students in this course already have a background in using the NRCS Online Soil Survey

3 Assignment Basics  Students are to compare the cation exchange capacity of a particular set of soils with the aspects of that soil that influence the CEC. (pH, organic material and clay)  Students may chose any location they wish Most chose their address or an address of their relatives.

4 Assignment Basics  Students look at this data at two separate depths Each set of data is taken from 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. This gives the students an idea of variation within the area laterally with different soil types and vertically within the same soil type.

5 Familiarity with the Online Soil Survey  Online Soil Survey Online Soil Survey  A clearing house of very basic data regarding soils.


7 Assessment  Students are to turn in: The map of the Area of Interest they created (AOI) A Table displaying ○ Soil types ○ CEC ○ Percent Clay ○ Percent Carbon ○ pH Explanation of trends….

8 Assessment  Trends What should be: ○ As CEC goes up pH goes down Organic Content goes up Clay goes up Sometimes there is variation ○ pH will go down as organic content goes up, for example

9 Variation from the norm:  Have the students assess the magnitude of the differences. For example – a 10% increase in organic matter may be a stronger driver for an increase in CEC than a 0.2 drop in pH.

10 Variation from the norm:  Not fool-proof At least once, there was a trend even I, the professor, could not explain. Reinforce that the soil survey isn’t perfect and should represent a generalized trend I had the student write what should influence the CEC and state that the data bucked the traditional trend we discussed in class




14 Questions? Happy students!

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