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Essay Direction Words List I – 1-16. 1. Analyze Break down or separate a problem or situation into separate factors and/or relationships. Draw a conclusion,

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Presentation on theme: "Essay Direction Words List I – 1-16. 1. Analyze Break down or separate a problem or situation into separate factors and/or relationships. Draw a conclusion,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essay Direction Words List I – 1-16

2 1. Analyze Break down or separate a problem or situation into separate factors and/or relationships. Draw a conclusion, make a judgment or make clear the relationship you see based on your breakdown.

3 Analyze Analyze the main story in Chapter 2 and how it sets the stage for Chapter 3. Analyze the main story in Chapter 2 and how it sets the stage for Chapter 3. What do you do? What do you do? Break down the major events in Chapter 2, make a decision or judgment about their relationship, decide what that means for Chapter 3. Break down the major events in Chapter 2, make a decision or judgment about their relationship, decide what that means for Chapter 3.

4 2. Categorize Place items under headings already labeled by your teacher. Categorize the items on the left under the proper headings on the right. What do you do? Place items in the section that corresponds with their individual qualities.

5 3. Classify Place items in related groups; then name or title each group. Classify the 20 items below into 4 main groups, and name each group. Identify unique qualities and place items in individually titled groups.

6 4. Compare Tell how things are alike; use concrete examples. Compare Coronado with the middle school you attended. Provide similarities using specific examples.

7 5. Contrast Tell how things are different; use supporting concrete examples. Contrast Coronado with the middle school you attended. Present differences using specific examples.

8 6. Criticize Make a judgment about the work of art or literature and support your judgment. Criticize the use of cigarette ads in magazines. Make a judgment about the ads and support your opinion.

9 7. Deduce Trace the course; derive a conclusion by reasoning. Deduce the following problem, and arrive at one of the conclusions below. Follow the course of the problem; use reason to discover a reasonable conclusion.

10 8. Defend Give enough details to prove the statement. Defend the statement, “innocent until proven guilty.” Provide various details that support the quote.

11 9. Define Give the meaning. Define impervious. Provide the definition; explain the meaning.

12 10. Describe Give an account in words; trace the outline or present a picture. Describe your favorite vacation location. Present the qualities of the location; help the reader/listener create a picture in his or her mind.

13 11. Diagram Use pictures, graphs, charts, mind maps and flow charts to show relationships of details to the main ideas. Diagram the events of the final chapter in the novel. Make a chart showing how the main events in the chapter are related.

14 12. Discuss Consider the various points of view by presenting all sides of the issue. Discuss the use of homework to aid students’ learning. Consider the pros and cons of homework; present all sides.

15 13. Distinguish Tell how this is different from others similar to it. Distinguish Coronado from other high schools in Clark County. Present qualities of CHS that other high schools do not possess.

16 14. Enumerate List all possible items. Enumerate the presidents of the United States since Lincoln. Provide the names of each president who held office after Lincoln.

17 15. Evaluate Make a judgment based on the evidence and support it; give the good and bad points. Evaluate the use of homework in school. Look at the positives and the negatives and make a decision.

18 16. Explain Make clear and plain; give the reason or cause. Explain how natural disasters can help man. Provide clear information, reasons or causes as to how natural disasters can be beneficial for mankind.

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