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Reading Horizons. Who Am I ( What matters most )?

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Horizons. Who Am I ( What matters most )?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Horizons

2 Who Am I ( What matters most )?

3 Currently a Professor at SUU A teacher and Administrator in public schools for about 15 years I have worked in Education in Japan, Taiwan, California, New York, Minnesota, and Utah. Who Am I? (Part II)

4 Why am I here?


6 Can You See the Arrow?


8 Reading Horizons Methodology understand XXX

9 Framework 42 Sounds5 Phonetic Skills2 Decoding Skills

10 BbFfDdGgAa HhJjLlMmEe NnPpRrSsOo TtVvWwXxYyUu ZzQqCcKkIi Consonants & Vowels

11 bada The Slide

12 bag dad gab fad Beginning Words XX XX

13 How do you know when to spell with a C and when to spell with a K?

14 cankit cotkid copkeg cupKen X X X X X X X X

15 L - gl gla glad R - fr fro frog S - sn sni snip X X X Blends

16 blclflglplsl brcrdrfrgrprtr sc skslsmsnspstsw S-Blends R-Blends L-Blends

17 dragtrekgridcrop slidplumbledclip spinscanstopswim X XXX X XXX XXXX Blend Words

18 a e o u i Short / Long Vowels

19 1. met One guardian consonant makes the vowel short. Five Phonetic Skills X *

20 2. jump Two guardian consonants make the vowel short. X ** Five Phonetic Skills

21 3. me When a vowel stands alone, it is long. X Five Phonetic Skills

22 4. smile When a word ends in a silent E, the vowel is long. X X Five Phonetic Skills

23 pin X * Five Phonetic Skills

24 pine X X Five Phonetic Skills

25 5. boat When two vowels are adjacent, the second vowel is silent and the first vowel is long. Five Phonetic Skills XX

26 met jump me smile boat X X * ** XX XX X

27 motel Decoding Skill #1

28 1. mo X 2. mot X * 3. mote X X 4. motel X X Decoding Skill #1

29 motel Decoding Skill #1 One consonant (guardian) goes on XX

30 provide Decoding Skill #1 X X X One consonant (guardian) goes on

31 campus Decoding Skill #2 X X Two consonants (guardians) split

32 extreme Decoding Skill #2 Two consonants (guardians) split XXX

33 Murmur Diphthongs er ir er ur ar or X X X X X X

34 chshwhthth phgnknckwr Digraphs

35 shark wheat X X X Digraphs

36 book Special Vowel Sounds au aw X X ou ow o X X oi oy X X oo X zoo oo X X X

37 houndtoil crawl book zoo X X X X X Special Vowel Sounds

38 accomplishment X X X X e

39 Test Drive
















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