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Chapter 25 War Coverage By Billy Zeoli. Some Wars Just To Name A Few French and Indian War (1754-1763) War of Independence (1775-1783) War of 1812 Mexican.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 25 War Coverage By Billy Zeoli. Some Wars Just To Name A Few French and Indian War (1754-1763) War of Independence (1775-1783) War of 1812 Mexican."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 25 War Coverage By Billy Zeoli

2 Some Wars Just To Name A Few French and Indian War (1754-1763) War of Independence (1775-1783) War of 1812 Mexican War (1846- 1848) Civil War (1861-1865) Indian War (1860s- 1880s) Spanish-American War (1898) WW 1 (1914-1918) WW 2 (1941-1945) Korean (1950-1953) and Vietnam Wars (1964-1975) War On Terrorism (2001-Present)

3 1754-1812 Before the French and Indian War news of combat had been published in American Newspapers since before the 1700s. Interest in news of war towards the public increased and became very popular once the French and Indian War started in 1754. Communication between the colonies were slow, Weeks/Months Most of the news coverage became inaccurate but got some accurate detail by soldiers’ letters of battles. Reporters were often alone, had to gather, write, edit and publish. Articles included specific detail: ex. Weather, Geography as well as what happened during combat. Once Revolutionary War started, public wanted more news. Newspapers published opinions on British Rule and some published articles pro British rule.

4 1754-1812 (cont) Newspapers relied on soldier and officials’ letters. Stories still were getting received and published days/weeks after the events took place. This was good for newspapers as the publics interest was very high. Pro American newspapers were forced to shut down or move if the British came along. British newspapers in the colonies received threats and got their offices destroyed often. When the Revolutionary War kicked off in Lexington, MA this was the first time we would see a “war correspondent” actually follow the militia. War of 1812 was virtually covered the same way by letters from soldiers or officials but more accurate.

5 1846-1880 Penny Press introduced and more press correspondents in the battlefields. Communication was better than ever before with railroads/postal service and most importantly the telegraph. Civil War made the coverage of war in the news sky rocket. Close battles equaled a lot of war correspondents with accurate stories.

6 1846-1880 (Cont) Newspapers had their own teams of correspondents to report on the war. Over 500 participated. Those correspondents were facing being killed in battle and most were underpaid even though they had to travel a lot and were often overworked. Being first to publish was the ultimate goal. Reporters starting telegraphing their stories back to their publishers only hours after the event had took place. Faster communication. False accounts made up by reporters were often popular just so their story could be published first. Both The Union and Confederate armies had censoring policies when it came to the Civil War in the press to keep military info out of the opposing army’s hands. When it came to the Indian Wars, the public had little interest so the press was limited in sending correspondents to the battlefields.

7 1898 Spanish American War William Randolph Hurst of the New York Journal and Joseph Pulitzer of the World were the two biggest names in the newspaper business. Both wrote stories about the sinking of the Maine battleship. Hurst spent over $500,000 on the war for his press. Sold the stories and pictures to newspapers across the country that could not send their own correspondents.

8 World War I + II American reporters started covering the WW 1 before the U.S. was even involved and most of those correspondents were female. Richard Harding Davis covered the war in great detail and gave the readers back in the U.S. a good idea on how the war looks and feels in Europe. Over 1,600 correspondents and the wars were the main story of the country For the very first time, Americans back home could hear reporters over the radio.

9 Edward R Murrow m/watch?v=wYVn0hz cSs0

10 World War I + II (Cont) Reports over the radio were great for news coverage because they actually brought the listeners like they were actually at the scene. World War II also introduced Americans to the first Television war news broadcast. Television covered the war from beginning to end so that the people who has televisions back home could watch. Other than writing about the war some reporters wrote about the cities that they visited or wrote about the soldiers point of view on and off the battlefield.

11 Ernie Pyle 51Co

12 1950-Present Korean war was tough for the correspondents as they were always on the run from the North Korean Army. Reporters were more up at the front line and heavily armed as the United States was on the run. The military favored the press during the war making sure they knew what was published and what wasn’t. The Vietnam War is what split the press with the military –More correspondents after seeing the action first hand questioned wither or not the U.S. should have been involved in the war. Writers were able to write about the war a lot because war wasn’t declared by the U.S. so they couldn’t control the press by censorship.

13 1950-Present (Cont) War correspondents today are considered very important to the press because it is highly dangerous and it keeps the old tradition going back to the earliest reporters who used to cover war. Throughout the years the press became faster and faster to communicate with one another because of war. War was going fast no matter what, different events were occurring everyday, and the press needed every second of it.

14 Just once in a while let us exalt the importance of ideas and information. -Edward R Murrow

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