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Access to Leeds Access Academy Access and Community Engagement Rebecca Clark Access to Leeds Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Access to Leeds Access Academy Access and Community Engagement Rebecca Clark Access to Leeds Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access to Leeds Access Academy Access and Community Engagement Rebecca Clark Access to Leeds Officer

2 What is Access to Leeds (A2L)? A2L is an alternative entry scheme Aim to recruit the brightest students with the most potential regardless of background Understand the context of an applicant’s academic achievements Includes all University of Leeds undergraduate courses Access Academy Access and Community Engagement

3 Eligibility Criteria – applicants meet at least 2 of the following: From a household with an annual income of up to £25,000 OR Received free school meals during your GCSE studies In first generation of your immediate family to apply to HE From a school achieving less than the national average of students achieving 5 A*- C GCSEs (including English & Maths or equivalent) Living in or have been brought up in public care Live in a geographical location with low progression to HE Only HE option is to study at a local university Studies have been disrupted by circumstances in their personal, social or domestic lives Access Academy Access and Community Engagement

4 Gain special consideration from admissions tutors Opportunity to receive an A2L course offer Take part in the A2L module Gain university tuition before the start of your course Special consideration for scholarships Opportunity to participate in pre registration activities Access Academy Access and Community Engagement Why apply to A2L?

5 A2L Alternative Offer If applicants are successful and receive an offer, they will receive a standard offer and alternative offer Example for BA Geography Standard Offer: AAA A2L offer: ABB with a pass in A2L module To keep the A2L offer applicants must: –Complete A2L module –Make the University of Leeds your firm choice via UCAS A2L does not guaranteed an offer; Students do not have to take up the A2L offer Access Academy Access and Community Engagement

6 Distance learning module via University VLE Prepare for university study, get a head start Access Academy Access and Community Engagement Access to Leeds Module Study skills assignment - How we Learn Subject specific assignment Tuition from University academics Social events – make new friends Study skills activities

7 Access Academy Access and Community Engagement Financial Support We expect one in three new students to receive financial help from the University of Leeds. Recipients will choose whether they want their funding as a: Partial tuition fee waiver or Discount on University owned accommodation or Bursary – a cash award. Access to Leeds applicants receive special consideration for pre-entry scholarships where they submit a scholarships application and meet the relevant criteria. Contact the Scholarships team at or visit w

8 Access Academy Access and Community Engagement How it works Sep to Jan Apply to UCAS – Submit A2L application A2L team inform admissions tutor  Applicant receives special consideration  If receive an offer, also receive an A2L offer Feb to Jul Gain access to A2L module resources  Choose whether to take up A2L offer April – A2L social Assignment deadlines May and July – A2L social event Aug to Sep Receive results of A2L module A Level results day Pre Registration Event for successful applicants

9 Student & teacher complete Access to Leeds application Application submitted to A2L team The closing dates are: 22 Dec – Medicine and Dentistry 28 Feb – All other courses Access Academy Access and Community Engagement How to apply

10 Access Academy Access and Community Engagement “‘The subject specific assignment was a very good starter to my course. I actually enjoyed writing it and it was good preparation for my first year modules.’ Samantha, Television Production “A2L enabled me to take the first steps into university life...I found it very useful to have contact with members of university staff especially those from the School of English.” Erica, English “A2L was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I met with University staff who I can contact if I ever have a problem and the A2L team informed me about scholarships so that I have the money to study.” Adil, Medicine What previous Access to Leeds students have to say:

11 For Further Information…. Visit for further information and to download an application pack Contact the Access to Leeds scheme Telephone (0113 343 3378) Email ( Access Academy Access and Community Engagement

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