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Published byEdgar Leonard Modified over 9 years ago
1 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Python Scripting and Grid User Environments Craig E. Tull Trillium Analysis Environment for the Grid December 19, 2003 Caltech - Pasadena, CA
2 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Scripting Language Features typeless/not strongly typed —simplify connections —simpler syntax —easier/faster to learn (enough) error checking at the last possible moment —user interactivity interpreted —immediate feedback (eg. data exploration) many instructions per line (higher level) —complex tasks in few lines of code programmers write same # of LOC per year —many details are handled automatically
3 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Why Python? Easy to learn/read high-level scripting language —Very little syntax A large collection of modules to support common operations, e.g., networking, http, smtp, ldap, XML, Web Services, etc. Excellent for “gluing” together existing codes —Many automated tools for interfacing with C/C++/Fortran Support for platform independent GUI components Runs on all popular OS’s, e.g., UNIX, Win32, MacOS, etc. Support for Grid programming with pyGlobus, PyNWS, etc.
4 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) pyGMA LBNL - Data Intensive Distributed Computing Research Group (DIDC) - Dan Gunter an implementation of the Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA) Producer, Consumer, and Directory Service Web-Services SOAP interfaces in Python uses the ZSI SOAP library to aid with serialization and deserialization of messages a framework that handles the SOAP communications between the monitoring components defined by the GGF the target "user" of pyGMA is a developer that wants to connect existing or newly created monitoring components into a GMA-compatible framework
5 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) PEG - Python Extensions for the Grid UCSD GRAIL (Grid Research and Innovation Lab) PyNWS —interface to the Network Weather Service (NWS) API library. routines for accessing the resource monitoring and forecasting services provided by NWS nameserver, memory, sensor, and forecaster processes. —contains an extension module (nws) which provides functions that closely correspond to the defined NWS API for C/C++, as well as a Python module (nws_class) that provides higher-level support for performing some common NWS activities
6 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Athena/Gaudi & Python Python version of Athena/ Gaudi JobOptions.txt has existed for some time. The Athena Startup Kit (ASK) Integrate Athena, Atlas releases, and CMT for an improved end- user experience Built on top of existing tools, not a replacement, it automates tasks otherwise left to the user Both GUI (simple) and CLI (powerful) Contains workarounds for broken releases (ugly!) In addition: make Athena more interactive => GaudiPython / GANGA
7 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) pyRoot Motivation Pere Mato - ROOT 2002 Workshop Be able to use any ROOT class from Python in a generic way. —Without the need of wrapping each class —Using the ROOT object dictionary information Facilitate access of ROOT files and other facilities from non-ROOT applications Proof-of-concept that Python can be viewed as Software Bus —In analogy to a “hardware bus” where you can plug a variety of modules and interface adaptors to other buses.
8 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) pyRoot Design TClassTClassWrap TMethodWrap TObjectWrap TCArrayWrap TObject TMethod RootModule CINT Boost.Python Other ROOT Libraries TROOTWrap Python interpreter
9 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) C:\> python... >>> from rootmodule import * >>> f1 = TF1('func1','sin(x)/x',0,10) >>> f1.Eval(3) 0.047040002686622402 >>> f1.Derivative(3) -0.34567505667199266 >>> f1.Integral(0,3) 1.8486525279994681 >>> f1.Draw() : created default TCanvas with name c1 Example - Trivial Root No much difference between CINT and Python !
10 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Example - ROOT + Excel Filling an Excel spreadsheet from a ROOT ntuple # Get the ntuple from the ROOT file import rootmodule hfile = rootmodule.TFile('hsimple.root') ntuple = rootmodule.gROOT.FindObject('ntuple') entries = ntuple.GetEntries() nvar = ntuple.GetNvar() tuple = ntuple.GetArgs() # Initialize Excel import win32com.client excel = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application') wbook = excel.Workbooks.Add() wsheet = wbook.WorkSheets.Add() wsheet.Name = ntuple.GetTitle() # Fill Excel sheet for i in xrange(500) : ntuple.GetEntry(i) for j in range(nvar) : wsheet.Cells(i+1,j+1).value = tuple[j] # Make Excel sheet visible excel.Visible = 1
11 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) pyGlobus Overview The Python CoG Kit provides a mapping between Python and the Globus Toolkit™. It extends the use of Globus by enabling access to advanced Python features such as events and objects for Grid programming. Hides much of the complexity of Grid programming behind simple object-oriented interfaces. The Python CoG Kit is implemented as a series of Python extension modules that wrap the Globus C code. Provides a complete interface to GT2.0. Uses SWIG ( to help generate the interfaces.
12 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Scripting/Adaptation Layers Native Lang Component Shadow Class Presentation Usability Task-based Application Component written in native program- ming language (C, C++, etc). eg. globus_ftp_client, gram_client, … 1 to 1 mapping (eg. via SWIG) map onto Python concepts/constructs apply the 80/20 rule for defaults to narrow interface aggregate components for a common task combine tasks in an application Python Adaptation laying for pyGlobus shows excellent decomposition.
13 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) OGSI Plans for pyGlobus Develop a full OGSI implementation in Python —Planned alpha release of an OGSI client by the end of August —OGSI hosting environment based on WebWare ( Dynamic web service invocation framework —Similar to WSIF (Web Services Invocation Framework) from IBM for Java —Download and parse WSDL document, create request on the fly —Support for multiple protocol bindings to WSDL portTypes
14 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) PyGlobus Status and Plans Users: —AccessGrid - Being rewritten using pyGlobus. —LIGO - Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory —CAS - Community Authorization Service —NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research Current Work - Keith Jackson —~5-6 developers actively involved —GT3/OGSI port underway —pyGlobus will be part of GT3 distribution —Looking for feedback on "Usability" and "Task" layers and on Framework.
15 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) GANGA Motivation ATLAS and LHCb develop applications within a common framework: Gaudi/Athena Both collaborations aim to exploit potential of Grid for large-scale, data- intensive distributed computing ATLAS and LHCb develop applications within a common framework: Gaudi/Athena Both collaborations aim to exploit potential of Grid for large-scale, data- intensive distributed computing Simplify management of analysis and production jobs for end-user physicists by developing tool for accessing Grid services with built-in knowledge of how Gaudi/Athena works: Gaudi/Athena and Grid Alliance (GANGA) Simplify management of analysis and production jobs for end-user physicists by developing tool for accessing Grid services with built-in knowledge of how Gaudi/Athena works: Gaudi/Athena and Grid Alliance (GANGA)
16 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Athena/GAUDI Architecture Converter Algorithm Event Data Service Persistency Service Data Files Algorithm Transient Event Store Detec. Data Service Persistency Service Data Files Transient Detector Store Message Service JobOptions Service Particle Prop. Service Other Services Histogram Service Persistency Service Data Files Transient Histogram Store Application Manager Converter
17 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Interfacing to the GRID GANGA: Gaudi/Athena and Grid Alliance —First ideas for GANGA were presented by P.Mato and C.Tull in summer 2001 —Joint ATLAS/LHCb GridPP proposal —2 funded FTEs Karl Harrison Alexander Soroko —May 2002 - Cosners' House GridPP Meeting —Technology Survey Grappa, Genius, AliEn, Slice —Atlas/LHCb design team, including US representatives GAUDI / Athena GANGA GUI JobOptions Algorithms GRID Services Histograms Monitoring Results Interfacing GAUDI with GRID - P.Mato API
18 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Rule #1: Protect the User —Real Data vs. Virtual Data —LFN vs. PFN/TFN/SFN —Grid Enabled vs. Standalone —LSF/PBS/Condor We do not want the user of the Framework to know or care about details like this. —Implies: Uniform, abstract access to/specification of data sets (ie. if Real and Virtual Data are to be used). —Non-Grid implementations of Grid-enabled Services? —Grid & Non-grid concepts must merge at UI.
19 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Interfacing to the Grid Job class GANGA Core module Job Handler class XML RPC Data management service Job submission Job monitoring Security service dg-job-list-match dg-job-submit dg-job-cancel dg-job-list-match dg-job-submit dg-job-cancel grid-proxy-init MyProxy ? GSI ? grid-proxy-init MyProxy ? GSI ? dg-job-status dg-job-get-logging-info GRM/PROVE dg-job-status dg-job-get-logging-info GRM/PROVE edg-replica-manager dg-job-get-output globus-url-copy GDMP? edg-replica-manager dg-job-get-output globus-url-copy GDMP? EDG UI
20 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Ganga Prototyping Embedded Python interpreter Tree of user jobs Job options for selected job
21 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Ganga Prototyping (current state) GUI is created using wxPython extension module Access to the Gaudi Job Configuration DB is implemented with the xmlrpclib module User can browse and create Job Options files using this DB Serialization of objects (user jobs) is implemented with the Python pickle module Python interpreter is embedded into the GUI and allows user to configure interface from the command line GRID stuff is under development at the moment and is oriented on EDG testbed 1.2
22 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Conclusion Python Common themes —Naitive Lang for main functionality/peformance —Scripting as Glue (ala Stallman) —Fast Prototyping —Easily layered GUI wxWindows, tkinter —Adaptation Layering —Ease of adapting "Legacy" code Python is proving its promise as a fast, effective, object-oriented scripting language.
23 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Conclusion Other languages (Perl, Ruby, etc) and approaches (Grid Portals) exist can can/do work. But Python 1st choice for many in our field: —Middleware: pyGlobus, pyGMA, pyNWS —Physics: Athena/Gaudi, LCG, GANGA, LIGO Layering is crucial for coherent application Wrapping, gluing, and building from components a natural use of Python and a real boon in code reuse.
24 - Python & Grid (19dec02 - Trillium @ Caltech) Scripting/Adaptation Layers Native Lang Component Shadow Class Presentation Usability Task-based Application Component written in native program- ming language (C, C++, etc). eg. globus_ftp_client, gram_client, … 1 to 1 mapping (eg. via SWIG) map onto Python concepts/constructs apply the 80/20 rule for defaults to narrow interface aggregate components for a common task combine tasks in an application Python Adaptation laying for pyGlobus shows excellent decomposition.
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