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Governing a New Nation Shays’ Rebellion. Government by the States During the American Revolution, many states created a constitution – a document stating.

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Presentation on theme: "Governing a New Nation Shays’ Rebellion. Government by the States During the American Revolution, many states created a constitution – a document stating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governing a New Nation Shays’ Rebellion

2 Government by the States During the American Revolution, many states created a constitution – a document stating the rules under which a government will operate Many states wrote constitutions to protect rights and prevent kings and dictators

3 The Articles of Confederation While the states created their constitutions, the Continental Congress created one for the whole nation called the Articles of Confederation, our first government

4 Powers of the Articles of Confederation Powers GrantedPowers Denied One house legislature All states have one vote Make laws Declare war Postal Service Coin or borrow money No executive No national courts Could not regulate trade Could not collect taxes Could not enforce laws

5 Growing Problems The United States faced many problems under the Articles of Confederation: – Economic Problems: Each state had its own trade policy and currency Central government had no money (no taxes!) – Foreign Affairs: Because the U.S was so weak, Britain remained in NA Spain did not allow the U.S to use the Mississippi River – Shays’ Rebellion: An economic depression hit farmers hard leading to a rebellion led by Revolution war captain Daniel Shays

6 Why Couldn’t the Articles of Confederation Fix These Problems???


8 What to Do? Congress is going to meet in Philadelphia in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation Independence Hall, Philadelphia

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