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 A presentation for all user levels  Created by The Office Educational Technologies on: 07/2010 “This presentation contains copyright material used under.

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Presentation on theme: " A presentation for all user levels  Created by The Office Educational Technologies on: 07/2010 “This presentation contains copyright material used under."— Presentation transcript:

1  A presentation for all user levels  Created by The Office Educational Technologies on: 07/2010 “This presentation contains copyright material used under the educational fair use exemption to U.S. Copyright law. Further use is prohibited.”

2 Objectives  Maryland Technology Standards for School Administrators  Standard 2.0 - Technology & Learning  Maryland Teacher Technology Standards  Standard 5.0 - Integrate Technology into Curriculum & Instruction  Maryland Technology Literacy Standards  Standard 1.0 - Technology Systems  Standard 3.0 - Technology Learning & Collaboration  Standard 4.0 - Technology for Communication & Expression

3 Agenda Getting Started Menus & Features The Worksheet Formulas Manipulating Cells Creating Graphs Further Resources & Support


5 The Interface – The File Menu Excel 2008 for Mac has all of the same features as Excel 2004 and more….. The file menu remains primarily the same with a few added options

6 The File Menu – New & Open Buttons New Button Allows users to see the latest files opened To create a new Workbook* Open Button Allows users to open an existing Workbook from your network or from various locations * A Workbook is the technical term for an Excel document.

7 IMPORTANT – not all versions of excel are compatible without a file converter. The File Menu – Save As Button Save Button Save in the current location under the current name Save As Button Allows user to save in various formats

8 The File Menu – Print Button Print Button Allows users to  select a printer,  print to default printer, or  Preview the Workbook in print layouts Brings up a new dialog box specific to the Print and preview the Workbook options.

9 The File Menu – Print Button From this dialog box: Preview their workbook Change the page setup Convert to PDF or Choose printer

10 THE RIBBONS Menus & Features

11 The Ribbon in Excel 2008 The New Toolbar (Referred to as the Ribbon) contains tabs and Icons for easier functionality While most of the buttons are the same as 2004, spacing is different Additionally, there are four new tabs below the bar to give the user more options at their finger tips

12 The Ribbon – Sheets The “Sheets” tab gives you templates. In Excel 04, you had to go to the “Project Gallery”. Options include: “Accounts”, “Budgets”, “Invoices”, “Portfolios”, “Reports”, and “Blank Sheets”

13 The Ribbon – Charts Charts are now easily accessible. Just highlight your data, click on the “Charts” tab, and find the chart you want. There are 9 pages of charts

14 The Ribbon – SmartArt Graphics Excel has created a ton of graphics made with shapes as templates. Want to find a graphic showing an uneven scale? Just click on “SmartArt Graphics” and see what you can find. Most of the graphics can have text added to them.

15 The Ribbon – WordArt WordArt was only accessible through menus and the drawing toolbar in 04. Now there is a tab to quickly add WordArt to you spreadsheet.


17 Column (named D) Row (named 8) Cell (D8) Formula Bar Worksheet tabs

18 Cells Cells contain pieces of data, one piece per cell Data can be: Numbers Text Dates Formulas Cells are labeled by their column and row; In this case B5

19 Rows and Columns Columns are listed along the top Alphabetically. Rows are listed down the left side Numerically. Clicking on a column or row header will select the contents of the entire column or row. You can select a range of cells within or across columns and rows. This range would be listed from upper left- most cell to lower right-most cell. Example Above: B5:D8 (Notice the cells separated by a :) Example Above: B5:D8 (Notice the cells separated by a :)

20 Worksheets Every Workbook contains one or more Worksheets  Think 3-ring binder [Workbook] and filler paper [Worksheets] Multiple sheets are often used to organize data  Often by date, person, event, location, account, etc. Click on a sheet tab to switch to that sheet. Double-click sheet tab to rename the sheet. Click on the tab with the icon to add another sheet. Click and drag sheet tabs to rearrange the sheet order.


22 What does a Formula look like? Here are some examples… What does a Formula look like? Here are some examples… Formula Basics * A Formula is any operation on a piece of data in a cell. = B3 + B4 = SUM(B1:B15) = AVG(D2:D20) = (B2*5+D3)/A1 All formulas begin with an = sign. Auto Functions Formulas are entered in the formula bar.

23 Formula Basics How to create a formula:  Click the cell where you want to enter the formula  Type the = sign  Enter your formula  Press the Enter or Return key Example: 5 and 3 were added; Excel provides the answer 8. This is a static formula.

24 Formula Basics Basic Formula Functions  =  Begins a formula  +  Addition  -  Subtraction  *  Multiplication  /  Division  ^  Exponent  ()  Parenthesis  %  Percentage

25 Formula Auto Functions Use AutoSum to insert totals To insert a total, click a cell below a column, or to the right of a row, of adjacent cells, all of which contain numbers. Click AutoSum and review the suggested formula. To accept the suggested formula, press ENTER/Return. To change the suggested formula, select the range you want to total and then press ENTER/Return.

26 Formula Auto Functions There is an extensive list of Auto Functions The most common are:  Sum  Average  Count  Max  Min There are hundreds of other other functions ranging from financial to text to stats and more. Your formula can contain multiple Auto Functions.

27 Advanced Formulas In this example, the Number of Books is multiplied by the Price per Book: =A2*B2 was entered in the cell. When return/enter was selected $100 appeared in the cell. Translation: The Total Price is equal to the number in A2 times the number in B2. If you change any of the data, the result will automatically update. This is a Dynamic formula. Data can also be referenced from other Sheets in the Workbook. =Sheet2!B3*(A2*B2)


29 Selecting Cells Selecting a Cell Move cursor (plus sign) over desired cell and click. Or Use arrow buttons to move to desired cell. To select multiple cells: Click and hold mouse button over first desired cell and drag the mouse until all desired cells are highlighted. Cell B5 is selected. Cells A1 through C9 are selected.

30 Modifying Cells Entering & Modifying Data in a Cell  Select the cell where you want to enter data. Type the data and press Enter/Return or Tab.  To modify the contents of the cell, double click on the cell to enter typing mode.  Use the Delete key to remove text.

31 Modifying Cells After entering data....  Pressing Return moves you down to the next cell  Pressing Tab moves you over one cell.

32 Modifying Cells-Formatting Toolbar When you first get into Excel, the “Formatting” Toolbar may not be there To get the Toolbar, go to the “View” menu, “Toolbars”, and “Formatting” If there is a check next to it, you already have it

33 In this example, the top row was formatted to be Centered, Bold, and Red. Modifying the Cell Data Select the cell you want to modify. Choose your formatting option. Bold Font Color Red Centered in Cell

34 Cell Data Alignment For additional formatting, highlight cells you want formatted and go to the “Format” menu Choose the first option, “Cells” Changes include:  Number Formatting  Text Alignment  Font  Border  Patterns  Protection

35 Number Formatting Auto Format numeric cell data using the preset options You can set numbers to be “Currency”, “Percentage”, etc. Make sure you have highlighted all cells you want to have the formatting The most common numeric formats are also available in the “Formatting” Toolbar (Percents, Currency, Comma’s Added to Numbers)

36 Cell Formatting-Text Alignment To change the direction in which your text is angled, highlight the text, and go to “Format: Cells” Click on the Alignment tab Move the rid dot to the desired angle of your choice This is also the area to merge two or more cells together. Highlight the cells, come to this menu and click on “Merge Cells”

37 Auto Fill Options If the cell contains a number, date, or time period that can be extended in a series, the values are incremented instead of copied. For example, if the cell contains “January,” you can quickly fill in other cells in a row or column with “February,” “March,” and so on. To Auto Fill, put your cursor on the bottom right corner of the desired cell (It should be a little blue square). Click, hold, down and drag.

38 Auto Fill If you want it to copy the same thing straight down, then keep it on “Fill Series” If you want it to increase to numerically, alphabetically, or monthly, then change to “Fill Series” by clicking on the “Auto Fill Options” button

39 Borders Select the cells you want to put a border around Use the Borders button on the Formatting Toobar to select the border type You can also get borders by going to “Format: Cells” and selecting the “Borders” tab.

40 Shading/Colors To add colors to your spreadsheet, select the desired cells and go to the Fill Paint Bucket if the “Formatting” Toolbar Click on the down arrow to get your choice of colors


42 Charts and Graphs Click and drag to highlight the cells with data you want to include in your graph If you want the headers included in your graph, include those in the highlighted data Use “Charts” to select your chart

43 Modifying Graphs The easiest way to modify a graph is to click on the “Toolbox” button The “Formatting Palette” will appear It has a special section for “Chart Options” The areas are divided up by “Titles”, “Axes”, “Gridlines”, and “Other Options”


45 Excel Help Button The “Help” button brings up a Help Window. This window will provide you with access to tutorials, demo videos, quick guides, how-to’s, and more! Type a question or keyword in the search box for information on a specific feature or problem. Note: You must be online to access online support features, videos, and tutorials.

46 Document Repository HCPSS Staff can log into the Document Repository to access additional Microsoft Office 2008 Resources and teacher materials. If you have a request for a specific training module, contact your Office of Educational Technology Representative.

47 Questions?

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