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Yin Yang phenomena Can be used to illustrate dichotomous relationships of unfolding phenomena as the impact of an event is experienced 23.

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Presentation on theme: "Yin Yang phenomena Can be used to illustrate dichotomous relationships of unfolding phenomena as the impact of an event is experienced 23."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yin Yang phenomena Can be used to illustrate dichotomous relationships of unfolding phenomena as the impact of an event is experienced 23

2 Yin Yang phenomena Initially, the most salient features of an event have the greatest immediate impact and are attention-demanding 23

3 Yin Yang phenomena As time passes, the once salient features tend to become less intensive and less impacting 23

4 Yin Yang phenomena As time passes, the once salient features tend to become less intensive and less impacting Dichotomous (opposite) aspects of the event are barely perceptable at first 23

5 Yin Yang phenomena The dichotomous features begin to emerge or become more obvious and more impacting 23

6 Yin Yang phenomena The dichotomous features begin to emerge or become more obvious and more impacting 23

7 Eventually, the dichotomous features dominate and have the greatest long-range impact what was once the most salient features of the event have minimal impact 23

8 Yin Yang phenomena map Begin by identifying the topic 23

9 Yin Yang phenomena map Begin by identifying the topic 23

10 Yin Yang phenomena map Add an “Is about” statement 23

11 Yin Yang phenomena map Add an “Is about” statement 23

12 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

13 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

14 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

15 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

16 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

17 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

18 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

19 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the most salient features resulting from the event 23

20 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the emerging dichotomous features of the event 23

21 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the emerging dichotomous features of the event 23

22 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the emerging dichotomous features of the event 23

23 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the emerging dichotomous features of the event 23

24 Yin Yang phenomena map Identify the emerging dichotomous features of the event 23

25 Yin Yang phenomena map Be sure to note change in salience and degree of impact relative to each category of feature 23

26 Identify the Big Idea - What’s important to understand about this 23

27 Identify the Big Idea - What’s important to understand about this 23


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