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Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty Confucianism Daoism

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Presentation on theme: "Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty Confucianism Daoism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty Confucianism Daoism Key Vocabulary Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

2 The Shang used oracle bones to do this
Predict the future 100

3 Zhou artisans learned to make this metal which is much stronger than bronze
Iron 100

4 The first Emperor of China
Shi Huangdi 100

5 This famous trade route carried both goods and ideas
The Silk Road 100

6 The “First Teacher” Confucius 100

7 The founder of Daoism Laozi 100

8 China’s most valuable export
silk 100

9 The Shang valued this metal the most
Bronze 200

10 The Zhou gave China this “right to rule”
Mandate of Heaven 200

11 Shi Huangdi practiced this philosophy.
Legalism 200

12 This religion came to China along the Silk Road
Buddhism 200

13 Confucianism emphasizes this devotion of children to their parents
Filial piety 200

14 Daoism emphasized this way of life
A simple, natural existence 200

15 When a single group controls the production of a good or service
Monopoly 200

16 The two major achievements of the Shangs
Written language and bronze metal working 300

17 The two main technological advances of the Zhou
The crossbow and us of coins 300

18 Shi Huangdi ordered the burning of all books by this famous philosopher
Confucius 300

19 People who possess these characteristics got civil service jobs in the government
Skill and knowledge 300

20 The two central ideas of Confucianism
Daily Double How much would you like to wager? The two central ideas of Confucianism Responsibility and respect 300

21 Daoists believe leaders should do this
Take little action 300

22 A set of beliefs about the world and how to best live in it
philosophy 300

23 The number of years, the Shang dynasty lasted

24 The Warring States Period
This period of brutal and destructive conflict occurred at the end of the Zhou Dynasty. The Warring States Period 400

25 The three main things Shi Huangdi standardized to unify China
Daily Double How much would you like to wager? The three main things Shi Huangdi standardized to unify China Written language, transportation and weights and measures 400

26 The three major changes Liu Bang made after defeating the Qins
Encouraged learning, lowered taxes, ended man of the Qin’s hard rules 400

27 Daoists believe that these must be balanced for a peaceful world
Yin and Yang 400

28 Shi Huangdi did this to ideas he thought were dangerous like Confucianism
Censored 400

29 The reason the Great Wall was built
To keep out northern invaders 100

30 These two landforms isolated China from other civilizations
Deserts and mountains 200

31 Their ancestors would guide and protect them
By practicing ancestor worship, the Chinese believed this Their ancestors would guide and protect them 300

32 The two main ways the Mandate of Heaven could be lost
By overthrow or a natural disaster 400

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