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Wireless RF and Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Technology Roadmap

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1 Wireless RF and Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Technology Roadmap
PIDS Wireless RF and Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Technology Roadmap RF and Analog/Mixed-Signal Technologies for Wireless Communications Working Group ITRS Public Conference Dec. 2, 2003 Hsinchu, Taiwan nr

2 Objectives Use wireless IC as new system / technology driver for ITRS
First time to have a dedicated section (in PDIS chapter) on AMS and RF technologies in ITRS First time to include III-V compound semiconductors in ITRS Address intersection of Si-based technologies with III-V compound semiconductors and other potential technologies (MEMS, BAW, Passives, ..) Present technical challenges and requirements for AMS & RF IC technologies in wireless applications for cellular phones, WLAN/WPAN, automotive radar, and phased array RF systems, frequencies GHz nr

3 Digital Signal Processor
Scope of Work Circuit functions of a typical mobile communication system GHz AA LNA AGC ADC filter VCO AMS RF Transceiver reference I,V,f clock tree N f Digital Signal Processor ref analog signal processor PA DAC PA&PM power control logic regulators nr

4 Analog/Mixed-Signal & RF Roadmap Evolution
PIDS 2001 Memory & Logic Analog/Mixed-Signal Reliability Emerging Research Devices PIDS 2003 RF & AMS IC Technologies for Wireless Communications: 0.8-10GHz Analog & Mixed Signal RF Transceivers PAs & Power Management 10-100GHz mm-Wave nr

5 Accomplishments Formed a dedicated Working Group with representives from both industry and academia Developed work scope, WG organization, and schedule Completed development of technology requirement / tables Completed development of potential solutions / tables Completed the RF/AMS section in PIDS chapter Developing multi-year strategy nr

6 Organization 24 members (20 US, 4 Europe)
Chair: Margaret Huang, Motorola Co-Chairs: Bin Zhao, Skyworks Jan-Erik Mueller, Infineon Editorial: Herbert Bennett, NIST Sub-Group (1): PAs & Power Management Julio Costa, RFMD (L) Chuck Weitzel, Motorola (L) Ding Day, Skyworks Ali Hajimiri, Caltech Dave Halchin, RFMD Rik Jos, Philips nr

7 Organization Sub-Group (2): RF Transceivers Marco Racanelli, Jazz (L)
Peter Cottrell, IBM Ali Niknejad, UC Berkeley Sam Shichijo, TI Sub-Group (3): Analog & Mixed Signal Ralf Brederlow, Infineon (L) Margaret Huang, Motorola Bin Zhao, Skyworks Sub-Group (4): Millimeter Wave (10-100GHz) Tony Immorlica, BAE Systems (L) Roger Van Art, Jazz Ronald Grundbacher, Northrop Grumman Tom Kazior, Raytheon Minh Le, Vitesse Michael Schlechtweg, Fraunhofer Institute Jeff Shealy, RFMD John Zolper, DARPA nr

WLAN 802.11b/g HomeRF Bluetooth TV 802.11a SAT TV Hyperlink UWB LMDS AUTO RADAR Contraband Detection All Weather Landing 94 GHz 77 GHz 28 GHz 10 GHz 5 GHz 2 GHz 0.8 GHz InP Si SiGe GaAs nr

9 Working Strategy Methodology:
(1) Communication protocols/standards – governing requirements (2) Circuits: performance figure of merit – trends/requirements (3) Devices: performance trend – solutions/challenges Divided into 2 frequecy bands (1) GHz (AMS, RF Transc, PA&PM) (2) GHz (mm-Wave) Generates roadmap tables in each of the 4 areas: requirements, difficult challenges, potential solutions Tables cover technologies Si CMOS, SiGe HBT, Si LDMOS, GaAs, InP, SiC, GaN and device structures MOSFET, MESFET, HEMT, HBT, LDMOS, on-chip passives Outcome: RF & AMS IC technology roadmap nr

10 Sub-Group: Analog/Mixed-Signal
Based on a split from the AMS Table in ITRS-2001 Relatively low frequency devices – AMS applications Analog MOS device scaling with relatively high V nMOS (speed); nMOS (precision) On-chip capacitors & resistors Bipolar for analog functions Precision and matching performance 1/f noise, cap nonlinearity, leakage nr

11 Sub-Group: RF Transceivers
Based on a split from the AMS Table in ITRS-2001 Focus on GHz frequency range Device applications: LNA, freq synthesis/logic; VCO; drivers/amp; filters/RF bypass; integration Bipolar (NPN); RF-MOS (NMOS); inductors, varactors; cap & res for RF; isolation Max ft, fmax, noise figure, trade-off between power / noise / linearity / etc. nr

12 Sub-Group: PAs & Power Management
New for ITRS-2003 Focus on 0.8 – 10 GHz PAs for terminals: relatively high voltage and high breakdown device (typically >10V) – III-V HBT, PHEMT, Si MOSFET, SiGe HBT Basestation PAs: high operating voltage (>10V–50V) devices – Si LDMOS, GaAs FET, SiC FET, GaN FET) Key driving force: integration & cost nr

13 Sub-Group: PAs & Power Management
Base Station Devices Technology nr

14 Sub-Group: mm-Wave New for ITRS-2003
Focus on 10 – 100 GHz Applications Dominated by compound semiconductors: GaAs, InP, GaN + SiGe Devices: MESFET, PHEMT, HEMT, MHEMT, HBT Performance: low noise, power, linearity, ultra-high speed digital Table: a variety of combinations of materials, device types, and for different performance / applications nr

15 Key Considerations Drivers for Wireless Communications
Cost (die size, part count) Power consumption Functionality Device operating frequencies, channel bandwidth, transmit power, etc. – determined by wireless communication standards and protocols Non-traditional ITRS roadmap parameters Regulations from governments determine system spectrum Standards and protocols drive frequencies and performance Cost / Performance drives integration Signal Isolation (technology, circuit/system, EDA) Analog shrink (power supply, area, novel device structures) Filters and T/R switches integration (MEMS) Multi-band Multi-mode applications SOC vs. SIP / RF modules nr

16 Difficult Challenges Signal isolation
Optimizing analog/RF CMOS devices with scaled technologies: mismatch, 1/f noise, and leakage with high-k gate dielectrics High density integrated passive element scaling and use of new materials: Q-factor value for inductors; matching and linearity for capacitors Reduced power supply voltages: degradation in SNR and signal distortion performance Reduced device breakdown voltage in scaled technologies High frequency devices with increased operating voltage for base station applications Compound semiconductor substrates with good thermal dissipation and process equipment for fabrication at low cost Difficulty and cost of integrating various analog/RF and digital functions on a chip or in a module nr

17 Key Cross-TWG Issues Assembly & Packaging Emerging Research Devices
RF module/SIP drives need for Chip & Package co-design Emerging Research Devices Analog functions and performance with novel device structures Front End Processes / Interconnect Low inductance ground connection Suppressing electrical interference / cross talk / signal isolation High Q inductors Substrate (low/high resistivity) Modeling and Simulation Modeling for SOC (device/circuit/system) Accurate, fast and predictive Analog/RF compact models Computationally efficient physical models for carrier transport Design/Test Design for reduced RF device/circuits characterization & test Co-design flow of RF, analog and digital circuits RF/analog/digital test for SoC system nr

18 Summary 2003 ITRS significantly expanded in RF & AMS IC Technologies for Wireless Communications new system / technology driver for ITRS includes compound semiconductor devices AMS/RF requirements, difficult challenges, potential solutions Cost is a major driver moving more wireless applications to SiGe and (eventually) to CMOS Multi-year strategy to engage Design, Modeling, FEP, Interconnect, Test, Assembly & Packaging, ERD, ESH, etc. Enhance WG memberships – increase geographical participation and representation (especially in Asia/Europe) nr

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