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RamRack Preliminary Design Review Colorado State University Zach Glueckert Christopher Reed Timothy Schneider Brendan Sheridan Christina Watanuki Advisor:

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Presentation on theme: "RamRack Preliminary Design Review Colorado State University Zach Glueckert Christopher Reed Timothy Schneider Brendan Sheridan Christina Watanuki Advisor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 RamRack Preliminary Design Review Colorado State University Zach Glueckert Christopher Reed Timothy Schneider Brendan Sheridan Christina Watanuki Advisor: Dr. Azer Yalin November 14, 2008 RockSat 2008-2009

2 Objective : To develop a sounding rocket payload to act as a power bus, data logger, and mounting structure for future scientific payloads Overview : Power bus will be programmable to provide varying voltage supplies depending on need. Data logger will provide a broad range of low level sensor communication and will contain several redundant systems. Design will incorporate several permanent sensors that can be used to monitor conditions of this and future flights Success Criteria : On this initial flight sensor data will provide data on conditions in the immediate region of the payload Benefits : This information will be used to create constraints on future experimental payloads and help characterize the flight dynamics. Overview

3 System Design RamRack Structure PowerData Loging/Control Sensors Electronic Structural Connection Type

4 Subsystem - Structural Requirements –Must utilize the five 8-32 mounting holes available on the can –Highly adaptable mounting points for future payloads –Use as little space as possible while still providing adequate mounting points for future payloads –Non-magnetic –Will not yield under a 40-g acceleration with a 10 pound load –Conform to RocketSat flight requirements –Weigh less than 1lb Design Drivers –Adaptability –Material Strength versus Weight –Size

5 Subsystem – Power Supply Requirements –Minimum supply voltage of 5V –Maximum supply voltage of 15V –Provide 15W for 1hr –Allow for brief but large current loads <5A –Redundant –Adjustable voltage output –Thermal monitoring with shutdown capabilities Design Drivers –Future payloads will have diverse power requirements Trying to allow for a broad range in order to be adaptable –Weight –Size

6 Subsystem – Data Logger Requirements –Survive the physical characteristics of flight –Multiple ADC channels capable of 16 bit conversions –Multiple serial input channels –Easy data transfer –Redundancy in case of component failure –Sample Rates of 100Hz or better –Storage for all of the ADC channels at maximum sample rate for one hour. Design Drivers –Maximize the amount of ADC Channels for future sensors –Ease of use – no special abilities required for future use –Cost

7 Subsystem – Sensors Requirements –Measure G-forces on three axis Fine measurement for low accelerations (+/-3g) Gross measurements for large accelerations (+/-40g) –Pressure (15-151 kPa) –Temperature of Operating Components –Vibration (10-300 Hz) Design Drivers –Test out our data logging system –Characterize Rocket Flight for future missions –Cost

8 Block Diagram - Power Battery Voltage Regulator G - Switch Data Logger and Control Circuit Requirements Sensor Package

9 Block Diagram – Data Logger Power Sensor Package Data Log One Data Log Two Temperature Sensor

10 Block Diagram – Sensors Power z y x Gross G Sensor Gross G Sensor Gross G Sensor Fine G Sensor Pressure Data Logger and Control Circuit Requirements Vibration

11 Structural –Al 6061 T6 –Weight Estimate 6 oz –Integrates to holes available in can –All components attach to frame Electronic Enclosure Battery Pack In RockSat Can

12 Structural


14 Data Logger and Control

15 Top Side Bottom Side

16 Data Logger and Control

17 Sensors Beginning work on mounting and sensor circuitry –Selected the sensors –Verified they will work with data logging unit Will be mounted on top of the RamRack –Can be placed in many different areas in order to make room for other payloads

18 Command and Control In-House Software: Front-End Development planned in C++ Data parser for.txt formatted file dump Generates time-stamps for each reading based on frequency settings and internal clock Splits data into separate graph-ready files for each input channel Interface for changing input/frequency settings Intuitive graphic user interface for ease of use by future groups Will take advantage of standard C++ GUI libraries (GTK+)‏ Settings for each input channel saved in txt format and later piped to embedded systems

19 Command and Control In-House Software: Back-End Control unit programmed in a combination of tiny-BASIC and assembly Software for selecting and piping data from multiple input channels in real-time based on internal clock Must incorporate input and frequency settings from front-end software Must handle collisions appropriately

20 Command and Control Memory Budget 4 GB Micro SD Card Allows for sampling of 50kHz Stores data from all 10 16 ADC Channels

21 Test Plan Subsystem Testing - Benchtop –Test each sensor individually –Integrate and make sure they are all recording data and working Calibration Testing –May have an opportunity to use the Air Force’s vibration facility –Drop Tests for G testing Practical Testing –Car Test Drive around with unit in vehicle and see if the data is reasonable Allows for a time based test and requires the unit to be self-reliant

22 Parts List part ## needed$min Quant# to order ATMEGA2561-16AU-ND3$15.911347.73 ATMEGA8515-16AU-ND4$5.161420.64 296-9225-5-ND4$0.72142.88 296-9182-5-ND2$0.60121.2 ADS7805U-ND3$31.071393.21 576-1761-5-ND16$1.2425 31 0 490-1631-1-ND3$0.2210 2.2 399-1097-1-ND15$0.0810201.66 399-4788-1-ND18$1.04102020.8 493-2400-1-ND6$0.2010 2 0 576KXBK-ND3$0.10560.588 33.2KXBK-ND3$0.10560.6 200XBK-ND3$0.10560.6 P6.04KCCT-ND16$0.0910252.25 P1.5KDACT-ND16$0.2010255 RHM1.60KCCT-ND30$0.0310501.5 0 3361S-503GLFCT-ND6$1.02166.12 CAT5113VI-10-T3CT-ND18$1.9225 48 0 0 475-2506-1-ND10$0.131101.33 475-1408-1-ND10$0.131101.3 475-1196-1-ND10$0.131101.3 0 A26508-40-ND3$2.32136.96 929850E-01-36-ND3$3.31139.93 A26532-40-ND2$4.22128.44 929852E-01-36-ND2$6.331212.66 0 HM152-ND1$10.941110.94 0 uALFAT-TF 4$35.9514143.8 Total484.64 Part ## NeededPriceMin Quant# OrderTotal Price MMA2201D-ND315.341346.02 ADXL330KCPZ111.7111 MPX4115A-ND112.4511 MSP1006-ND52.41512 Total82.18 Sensors Data Logger

23 RockSat 2008-2009 RockSat Payload Canister User Guide Compliance –Mass: Estimated use: 2.5lbs Allotted: 2.5lbs – Volume: Estimated use: 5.75” x 5.75” x 2” (dependant on sensor mounting) Allotted: 9” x 2” – Payload activation G-switch – no voltage running prior to launch. On launch, mechanical G-switches activate powering electronic systems. – Rocket Interface Complies with no-volt shorting wire setup.

24 Logistics Unable to meet with other schools before today –Have been in contact and all schools have agreed to the standard mounting hole pattern. Latest email mentioned an additional payload

25 Team Leader Zach Glueckert Thermal Structural Systems Engineer Control Systems Electrical Engineer Tim Schneider Zach Glueckert Software Engineer Brendan Sheridan Christina Watanuki Chris Reed Management

26 Conclusions:  Concerns  Shared canister integration  How to mount three/four different payloads together  Center of mass/volume with other schools  Mass and volume constraints  Flight Dynamics  Spin Rate of Rocket

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