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SENIOR DESIGN 11/6. Lab update (time, difficulty) Writing update (interest)

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2 Lab update (time, difficulty) Writing update (interest)

3 Reading 2 linked from site. 2 questions, same as last time. due in 2 weeks (nov. 20) at beginning of class.

4 Wireless Assignment Experiment with wireless technology and networking. Learn to use integrate circuits and read datasheets. Solve higher level IO data flow software problems that use a protocol.

5 Wireless Assignment 1) Write a theme song. 2) Wire a circuit so that you interface the Arduino and Xbee. 3) When a switch is pressed on your circuit, send your theme song wirelessly to other xbee chips. 4) When a song is received from another group, play their theme song on your piezo.

6 Wireless Assignment 1 x Xbee chip 1 x 74lvc245 (5V to 3.3V buffer) 1 x 74hc245 buffer 1 x 10k resistor 1 x piezo 1 x switch 1 x 9V power supply, AC adapter or battery 1 x 3.3V voltage regulator (check to see if the one you ordered will work. If not, use the power supply in lab and ignore the voltage regulator in the schematic.) capacitors listed on schematic if you have them. (They aren’t necessary)

7 Wireless Assignment 1 x Xbee chip RS232 - wifi - RS232 OEM RF MODULES

8 Wireless Assignment 1 x 3.3V voltage regulator (check to see if the one you ordered will work. If not, use the power supply in lab and ignore the voltage regulator in the schematic.) Pinout on Datasheet does not seem to correspond to actual device! Check for ground pin and ask TA.

9 Wireless Assignment 1 x 9V power supply, AC adapter or battery Don’t power your circuit through the USB. Use USB for programming, then switch to external power for testing. FAILING TO FOLLOW THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN POSSBILE BURNING OF YOUR ZIGBEE!!

10 Wireless Assignment 1 x 9V power supply, AC adapter or battery Don’t power your circuit through the USB. Use USB for programming, then switch to external power for testing. FAILING TO FOLLOW THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN POSSBILE BURNING OF YOUR ZIGBEE!!

11 Wireless Assignment

12 Protocol: Baud rate 9600 PAN (personal area network) ID number 0x1234 (use multiple ones in lab, but for public demo, everybody needs to have the same!) DATASHEETS are linked from website. (check digikey for buffer datasheets) It is recommended to use indicator LED’s throughout the development of this assignment. It will be impossible for you to debug mistakes otherwise.

13 Wireless Assignment You must include the following code in your program (from Arduino website tutorials): byte names[] ={'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'C'}; int tones[] = {1915, 1700, 1519, 1432, 1275, 1136, 1014, 956}; write a song digitalWrite(speakerOut, LOW); for (count=0;count<=8;count++) { if (names[count] == val) { digitalWrite(speakerOut, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(tones[count]); digitalWrite(speakerOut, LOW); delayMicroseconds(tones[count]); }

14 Senior Design Project Proposal Will count as your finals. Parts: 1) Names of all team members. 2) Short 3 sentence description. (“elevator pitch”) 3) 300 word description: what, why, how, for whom? (research goals, intended usage, user profile) 4) float chart 5) Iterative steps to complete research and project: what do you not know and how are you planning to find out? BE SPECIFIC! [this should be a long and detailed list] 6) timline [weekly break-up. You have one quarter!] 7) task division. Who does what? Be specific. 8) Parts list. 9) Electronic Schematic.

15 Senior Design Project Proposal Will count as your finals. Format: Printed Document. Should be easy and accessible to read. Think of it as a grant application, you want to sell your idea and your professionalism well!

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